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View Full Version : Waifu Translation Project!

12-02-2017, 09:51 AM
Let's get to the point: I want to help you translate your waifus from Japanese to English. Not just their introductions, and gift/scouting/hidden stage quotes; no, I want to translate ALL of it. The problem is that I can't do it alone. For one, I'm not fluent in Japanese, and the Google's translation ranges from passable to literally claiming that Lily Rubellum, the Purity flower knight, has a child (I wish I was joking, but I am not). For two, I know that I will get bored and quit before it's done if I'm the only one working on it. Thus, I'm coming here in an attempt to crowd-source this fairly large project.

So how can you help? Right now I'm just looking for advice, as I honestly don't know the best way to do this. The current idea is to have some sort of Google Doc or Pastebin that's viewable by anyone with a link but only editable by approved users. The document would be formatted similar to this: https://pastebin.com/01gtRSnZ

(side note: why does this forum give users a tool to add links to a post, only to tell them that they can't add links to their posts?)

Does this sound like a workable plan? Any recommendations for a collaborative editing tool to host the document? Is there a better way to format the document? Is anyone even interested in helping with this project? Let me know below!

12-02-2017, 12:36 PM
Did you check if http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Flower_Knight_Girl_Wikia has some sort of active translation work? I'm sure someone has asked over there before.

It's a big job. IMO it's not even about translating the meaning of the lines correctly, it's more about translating the personality of the character. Having tried doing this before, I can say it's fucking hard

12-05-2017, 04:17 PM
Admittedly, no, I did not look. I guessed that there wasn't based on the fact that none of the wikis that I've seen have full translations for character voice lines (with the exception of one time where I saw Onci had a full translation, but I've never been able to find it again).

Don't get me wrong, I know this project is massive and complicated. I was just trying to gauge volunteer interest before sinking too much time and energy into it.

A Time to Screw
12-05-2017, 04:56 PM
Anyone who would put that much effort in full translations might as well try to get hired by Nutaku/SuperHipsters at that point.