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View Full Version : Battle Skill bug with Anemone?

12-07-2017, 08:05 PM
I realized that my Anemone stopped using her Battle Skill completely. Moreover, when I tried doing her animations, nothing would happen when I clicked on Battle Skill. All other functions (cheer, move, etc.) worked fine.

None of the other Flower Knights in my collection are having this, as far as I can tell with a brief spot check. Anyone seeing this as well, whether with Anemone, or another character?

12-07-2017, 08:40 PM
Only Anemone as far as I am aware.

They are aware of it but knowing them I wouldn't count on it being fixed anytime soon. Although it could be, just don't get your hopes up
Just use a different unit for the time being, her tp is still useful for whaleship, but trust me, I know how much it sucks as I have my own Anemone that is suffering if my profile image doesn't give that away...

Trust me you are not alone. Some of the highest TP players in the game are very upset.

12-07-2017, 09:23 PM
Trust me you are not alone. Some of the highest TP players in the game are very upset.

Thanks for confirming that it's not just me, haha. It does indeed suck to be giving up that delicious 3x attack. Ah well, what can you do aside from wait for the bug fix?

12-07-2017, 11:48 PM
yes my waifu's skill has been sealed away because someone derped when they updated the skill text :(