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12-11-2017, 11:58 AM
FWIW: the earrings from the last two events differ from past event earrings. They come with atk stat.

Ice Crystal Earrings have 50 atk, 350 def (89, 506 at max level)
Will-o-the-wisp Earnings have 100 akt, 300 def (139, 417 at max level)

I've been wanting event earrings that were not all defense stat and I didn't even notice that it happened until today.

12-11-2017, 04:26 PM
to be fair, the defense earrings are better imo.
Gaining 1 atk point at the cost of a def point might not be worth the trade.

12-11-2017, 04:43 PM
I generally thought atk was a better stat than def. Regardless, the total power allotted to the earring is the same as any event earring.

12-11-2017, 04:55 PM
I generally thought atk was a better stat than def.
It depends a lot what girls you equip them on and what they're fighting.
For most girls, and particularly girls with skills in the offensive segment (like trigger-rate passive and lifesteal special), ATK is the better stat, especially if you like to clear maps fast.
But, for some girls, like those with the counter passive and girls with the ATK debuff passive, DEF is a more desirable stat, especially against raid bosses these girls can perform extremely well.

12-11-2017, 05:19 PM
What about for stat boosting on girls that are whaleship filler? Any preference?

12-11-2017, 05:42 PM
When it comes to whale: I would advise always go with the higher TP equips unless the stats difference is minor. This essentially means attack-based gear should be prioritized. Fillers should go more towards defense, while deck units should focus more on the attack side of things. It has been my experience that a small increase in defense can make a big difference in survivability.

When it comes to units: You really need to think about the unit itself. With that said, if it is a debuffing team, you want to front-load as much defense as you can. Only once you can surivive what I would consider 8-12 hits without healing would I focus then on the attack side of things.