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View Full Version : [Discord - Bot] Eros - Kamihime P. Stats and Scenes Database

12-16-2017, 02:37 AM
https://i.imgur.com/cegarrO.png (http://addbot.thegzm.space)
Click the image to add Eros to your server without reading the documentation. :C
A must: Beforehand

https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/370614673122263041/embed.png (http://erosdev.thegzm.space) https://img.shields.io/badge/Eros--Stable-v0.3.3A--FINAL-red.svg (https://bitbucket.org/gazmull/eros) https://img.shields.io/badge/Kamihime%20Database-Master-green.svg (https://bitbucket.org/gazmull/kamihime-database)
https://img.shields.io/badge/Discord.JS-Master-green.svg (https://github.com/hydrabolt/discord.js) https://img.shields.io/badge/SQLite-v2.9.0-yellow.svg (https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3) https://img.shields.io/badge/Express-v4.16.2-yellow.svg (https://github.com/expressjs/express) https://img.shields.io/badge/Pug-v2.0.0--rc.4-yellow.svg (https://github.com/pugjs/pug)

This thread is under reconstruction. Please use the website for the meantime + link for source code/documentation: http://kamihimedb.thegzm.space.


I will release a public framework based on this bot, but stripped off from unnecessary functions, and retain the Kamihime DB function as built-in commands.

This is for anyone who is interested building up hosting their own KH bot with some KH functions locked and loaded.
Might take some time to be released publicly. Released now here, but still WIP (https://bitbucket.org/gazmull/eros-public)

I am currently participating in the development of Kamihime Bot (http://kamihime-project.wikia.com/wiki/Kamihime_Discord_bot).

Since there is no point of having Eros around when she has her own website version (kamihimedb.thegzm.space), and she has a counterpart (apart from having Harem Scenes) which has richer features when it comes to Kamihime-related features. [And I have no idea what to do with her anymore https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/393611710495195136.gif]
Click the link above for more information (Likely outdated, please refer to its discord server: discord.gg/FAXErB2)
Commands: https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2018/01/19/F9A.png

Eros is a Discord Bot built for Love Scenes (Harem Episodes) Database... and more! Checkout below.

Support | Bug Reports | Suggestions | Change Logs

Proceed to the Discord Button above, or support (http://support.thegzm.space) / erosdev (http://erosdev.thegzm.space)
You may also post here. Before posting, please elaborate what your post is about. (Formatting isn't that necessary)
For the latest changelog, you can also see it through @Eros changelog.


Eunicorn#5384 (http://harem-battle.club/members/eunicorn.html)
NooBreaker Union
style="background-color: #434343; border: 1px solid #9574eb; border-radius: 4px; width: 115px" | style="color: #9574eb" | • Dev Contributors (http://thegzm.space) Kamihime Project Community (http://harem-battle.club/kamihime-project/)

See more at e?help about


Bot Owner Commands
Will be documented once SRC is available for public

Guild Configuration System
Customise your guild settings! Some of them:
Moderator Prefix | default e!
Tag Prefix | default e#
Voice Manager Prefix | default e$
Kamihime DB Prefix | default e?

Simple Moderator System (SMS)
As usual with similar systems: Kick, Ban, etc
Anti Raiders/Userbots Function: nukeban
Spam Detection System (SDS)
Mod & Member Logs
Tag System
Works similarly to quote system of any forum software
Voice Manager
Set up organised voice channel for your group/cult!
Kamihime Database
Inspired by this (http://harem-battle.club/kamihime-project/3605-love-scenes-collecting-post94422.html#post94422)
Browse Harem Scenes Online (kamihimedb.thegzm.space) instead
Nutaku Version
Some DMM Version r18 contents can be found here
Character Brief Statistics and Love Scene Player (Image Only)
Includes All Rarity Kamihime | SSR Eidolons (and Diabolos) | Souls
Absolutely not including weapons. (or at least at the moment)
Why incomplete? (Q & A)
Updated every new characters release (est. within 1 week after release)

Bot Permissions Requirements:

Generally: Add Reactions, Manage Messages, Send Messages, Read Text & See Voice Channels, Read Message History, Manage Channels, Manage Roles, Embed Links
If Simple Moderator System is enabled: Kick Members, Ban Members, View Audit Logs
If Voice Manager is configured: Move Members, Create Instant Invite

Every Function has built-in help prompts.

format: [prefix]help
example: @Eros help

format: [prefix][command] help
example: e?peek help

Bot Owner

default prefix: .
Not available at the moment
Guild Configuration System

default prefix: @Eros
Most commands are only for the Guild Owner to customise the Guild (e.g. command prefixes, nsfw channel, etc)
Available commands:

@everyone: changelog, config, help, invite, nsfw, ping, stats
@Guild Owner: loli, modrole, modsystem, nsfwchannel, nsfwrole, prefix, prefixkh, prefixtag, prefixvm, vmchannel
Per-command description:


Displays the latest change log from TheGzM.Space
config [alias: cfg]
Displays the Guild's configuration
Displays Bot Documentation + Invite Link
nsfw | must configure @Eros nsfwchannel
Requests access for NSFW channels (assign role).
Pong! Checks if the bot is responding.
Displays the bot's technical information

@Guild Owner

loli | toggle-able
Toggles Loli contents restriction. (Meng Huo is low-level restricted due to Discord's policy :rolleyes:)
modrole - @Eros modrole <Mention Role>
Sets the mentioned role as the moderator role.
modsystem | toggle-able
Toggles Moderator System. Spam Detection System, Member Logs depend on this condition.
nsfwchannel - @Eros nsfwchannel <Mention Channel>
Sets the mentioned channel as the NSFW channel where Eros can send harem scene links. Channel must be an NSFW type
nsfwrole - @Eros nsfwrole <Mention Role>
Sets the mentioned role as the NSFW role to assign to members requesting for NSFW channels access. NSFW Channel must be set
prefix, prefixkh, prefixtag, prefixvm - @eros prefix <Prefix Value>
Sets the command prefix for the following:
prefix - Moderator Prefix
prefixkh - Kamihime Database Prefix
prefixtag - Tag System Prefix
prefixvm - Voice Manager Prefix
vmchannel - @Eros vmchannel <Category Channel ID>
Sets the Voice Manager Category Channel to enable Voice Manager function. If you don't have any idea how to get the ID, only typing the command will prompt the bot to do it for you

Simple Moderator System

default prefix: e!
Disabled by default
Can be disabled with @Eros modsystem
Disabling SMS will also disable SDS and Logging system (mod && member)
Has records displayed at @Eros config
Moderator Role must be set. Refer to @Eros modrole
Available commands:

@Moderator Role && Guild Owner: ban, clear, commandblock, help, kick, nuke, softban
Per-command description:

@Moderator Role && Guild Owner

ban - e!ban <Mention Member> <Optional Reason>
Bans a guild member. Along the ban, Eros purges the guild member's last 99 messages.
clear - e!clear <Optional Limit> <Optional [me, bot, all]> <Optional silent>
Clears a text channel from <based on limit specified; default 99> messages. 2 weeks old and above messages cannot be cleared.
commandblock | cmdb - e!commandblock <Mention Member> <Optional Reason>
Blocks a member from using Eros' commands. You unblock member with this command too.
kick - e!kick <Mention Member> <Optional Reason>
Kicks a guild member
nukeban | nuke - e!nukeban <#m or #h | # indicates number>
Last resort for exterminating outsiders. Guild owner only. Fetches and/or bans members joined the guild within the specified time.
softban | sb - e!softban <Mention Member> <Optional Reason>
Kicks a guild member. Along the kick, Eros purges the guild member's last 99 messages.

Tag System

default prefix: e#
Tag names must not start with tag to prevent conflicts
Tags are guild-wide only.
Available commands:

calling an existing tag to the guild: e#[tag name]
example: e#quickmaths -> prompts Eros to say archived message, '2+2 is 4 - 1 that's 3 quick mafs'

@everyone: help, tag-add, tag-info, tag-leaderboard, tag-source, tags
@Tag Owner / Moderator Role / Guild Owner: tag-delete, tag-edit

note: tag-delete, tag-edit can be overridden by Bot Owner/Guild Owner/Moderator Role for moderation— hurr-durr
Per-command description:


tag-add - e#tag-add <Tag Name | 1 Word> <Tag Content> | No arguments will prompt Eros to provide you sequential questions for input.
Adds a tag for the current guild.
tag-info - e#tag-info <Tag Name>
Displays specified tag name's information.
Displays top tags, categorised by times used.
Displays specified tag's source (formatting code).
Displays tags available in the guild.

@Tag Owner / Moderator Role / Guild Owner

tag-delete - e#tag-delete<Tag Name>
Deletes a tag from the current guild.
tag-edit - e#tag-edit <Tag Name>
Modifies specified tag's content.

Voice Manager

default prefix: e$
Not Configured by default
This function will only work if the Guild Owner has configured @Eros vmchannel
Commands will only work inside #lobby
Restriction: Only 1 voice channel per host.
Using e$abandon if your hosted channel was deleted is useful so you can create a new existing channel (can be used to any guild's lobby with VM function configured).
Available commands:

@everyone: create, help
@hosts: abandon, generate, invite, remove, reset, transfer
Per-command description:


create - e$create <Optional Member Limit | Default: 5> <Channel Name>
Creates a voice channel in the guild. Users who are already hosting a voice channel cannot create another one until the created channel is destroyed.


Destroys your hosted channel.
generate | once
Sets the voice channel as public, and generates an invite code.
invite | cannot invite bots - e$invite <Mention Members>
Sets the voice channel as visible to mentioned guild members. Invited members can use e$join to connect to the voice channel, only if they are connected to a voice channel (#voice-lobby e.g.). Generates an invite code for invited users.
remove | cannot remove self; use e$abandon instead - e$remove <Mention Members>
Revokes voice channel permissions from the mentioned members. If they are connected to the channel, they will be moved to #voice-lobby.
reset - e$reset <Optional Member Limit | Default: 5> <Channel Name>
Re-sets the hosted channel's member limit and/or channel's name.
transfer - e$transfer <Mention Member>
Transfers host rights of the host's channel to a fellow member of the hosted channel.

Kamihime Database

default prefix: e?
Not Configured by default
e?peek webserver version is now online [under phase 1]: http://kamihimedb.thegzm.space
R-18 contents/commands cannot be used if no NSFW channel was set.
Make sure the Guild Owner has configured @Eros nsfwchannel
Available commands:

@everyone: add, help, hinfo, info, leaderboard, latest, list, peek, search
@Dev Contributors (TheGzM.Space): upd
@Bot Owner: app, del, flag
Per-command description:


add | advanced command - e?add <ID> <is Soul> <is Eidolon> <is SSR> <is Rare> <Name> | Boolean arguments are specified by 1 or 0
Requests character addition to the database.
hinfo | hi - e?hinfo <Character ID / Character Name>
Displays Harem Episodes Information of the character specified.
info | i - e?info <Character ID / Character Name>
Displays Brief Statistics of the character specified.
leaderboard | toppeek
Displays top characters being peeked on (?hinfo / Harem Episodes Web Browser)
Displays latest addition in the database (Category: Harem Episodes)
list | l - e?list <Filter Variable A> <Filter Variable B>
Displays a paginated record of characters in the database, sorted by ID - Ascending. See e?help fv for a list of filter variables
peek | p - e?peek <Character ID> <Optional Episode: 2 or 3> | Depends on NSFW Channel's existence
Prompts Eros to provide preview of <list of available episodes | the episode specified>.
search | getid - e?search <Character Name>
Displays result matching the character name provided.

DMM Contents
Thanks to MrTouchdown (http://harem-battle.club/kamihime-project/3605-love-scenes-collecting-post98778.html#post98778), we can see some future contents :D
->Ep2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/83/show
->Ep3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/84/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/85/show
->3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/86/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/88/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/89/show
->3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/90/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/80/show
->3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/79/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/81/show
->3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/82/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/91/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/92/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/93/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/94/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/95/show
->3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/96/show

Thunder Storm Nyarlathotep:
->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/97/show
->3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/98/show

Princess of Pure Light Amaterasu:
->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/99/show
->3: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/100/show

->2: https://jsfiddle.net/gazmull/jh5o88cs/101/show

Changes without Prior Notice.

You may omit some permissions that was automatically ticked in the add bot page, lest you feel insecure about ticking dat admin perm

If you have no idea about permissions, you can skip this (safe; re-enforced with public SRC later). You can modify the permissions later once you understand discord server management.
Minimum requirement for the bot to work normally:

Generally: Add Reactions, Manage Messages, Send Messages, Read Text & See Voice Channels, Read Message History, Manage Channels, Manage Roles, Embed Links
If Simple Moderator System is enabled: Kick Members, Ban Members, View Audit Logs
If Voice Manager is configured: Move Members, Create Instant Invite

If you are about to customise Eros role, make sure @Eros is mentionable as member, not as role. Image (https://i.imgur.com/SYJjQD8.png)
You are to agree to cooperate, as the guild owner, when emergencies are requested by the bot owner.

This means when you are requested for actions due to API violations such as:

Improper tags (such as spammy tags, repeated tags) on Tag System (solved with command-blocking the user)
Abusing API via e?add, e$create (solved with command-blocking the user)
This condition only refers to improper voice channels (spammy/repeated records).

Please do cooperate. Once found ignoring advises, and kept violating the API, the bot owner may either do the job without prior notice, or for the worse, block your guild (unlikely to happen I suppose).

Upon Maintenance Mode, the bot owner will likely to post regarding such action. In my case, refer to #announcements (http://thegzm.space). plz no ragecri y mainte mode
Moderator Actions which was audited with the bot's name, was not meant to be executed by the bot [for no reason], refer to #mod-log, if you have one.
This also means the bot is not held responsible for any destructive moderator actions (such as nukeban, ban, kick, you name it...)

Queueueueueueueue and Ayy

Q: Why Eros?
Supposed to be Mars, but I decided that I'll name it after a character which is highly involved with Love, because I made this bot with love :o
She was supposed to be a lovely bot too, but due to some major flaws, I had to convert her as a skeleton for a bot. Hopefully along the rebuild, I'll restore her lovely messages. :D
Q: Why do I even need this bot?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ as for me, I just made this for [fun] storing information, can be accessed easily [when discussing about stats], and share the contents archived to the public.
Q: Why is the database incomplete?
Good question. This was supposed to be only storing H-Scenes, but I decided to quickly add their own statistics somehow.
If you want a better statistics database, there is a Great Discord Bot solely for KH Stats: discord.gg/FAXErB2
Sorry for disappointing you regarding the incomplete database [atm].
Q: Where do you find the R18 Files?
People at the credits is where. Anyway, most of them came from this thread Love scenes collection by Eliont (http://harem-battle.club/kamihime-project/3605-love-scenes-collecting.html)
Q: I found e?peek horrible, because I have to jump back and forth between Discord/Browser. Any plans for integrating the function as a true web-browser based?
Indeed I do plan it, what's the sense if I don't? However right now, it's not my priority, since Eros is supposedly to be only a bot in the first place, not a web server (if it weren't for the limitations on Discord), and I have more things to do with her bot version. [Hopefully I can find some collaborators once I published the SRC for open-source]
Q: How do I support this project?
Thank you very much! Either by morale boosting, or donating funds to keep Eros alive because she has amnesia via PayPal.Me (paypal.me/gazmull/0usd). Donors will have the role style="background-color: #434343; border: 1px solid #0090ff; border-radius: 4px; width: 50px" | style="color: #0090ff" | • Donor when they are a member at my guild (thegzm.space)
If you want to help with documentations/improving Eros, feel free to contact me. (Min. Req: Basic Knowledge of Node.JS)

Project Progress

[failed]Simpler commands / Reconstruction of e?info Redesign e?info | Polish up information gathered
[failed]e?peek independence (browsing scenes through web browser without going through the discord bot) | Downloadable [and fixed] Raw Images
[failed]Open Source Project

Opened: Kamihime Database (Webserver) (https://bitbucket.org/gazmull/kamihime-database) | gazmull/snek.js (Assets Downloader) (https://bitbucket.org/gazmull/snek)
Closed/WIP: Eros Bot (https://bitbucket.org/gazmull/eros)

[failed]Burst time configuration per guild.
[failed]Unification of all commands under one prefix
[failed]Disable functions (generally, not specifically)

12-16-2017, 10:19 AM
Tbh i dont understand how to use it. How to make bot showing kh or eidos stats or image.
So many permission within the bot as newbie using bot is that safe to bot to have it?

12-16-2017, 05:38 PM
Hi Eunicorn, im sharing you the files you asked for research

12-16-2017, 08:32 PM
Tbh i dont understand how to use it. How to make bot showing kh or eidos stats or image.
So many permission within the bot as newbie using bot is that safe to bot to have it?
Thanks for the feedback, the future revisions for the documentation should at least clear up the core function of each command listed. As for now, Eros can provide you descriptions for each [prefix][command] help edit: Yes it is safe to leave it. Only modify the permissions if you are not comfortable with it, such as the "Administrator" Permission.

Hi Eunicorn, im sharing you the files you asked for research

12-17-2017, 05:14 AM
This database is amazing, Shows even the frames of the debuffs.

01-10-2018, 02:27 PM
Final Version v0.3.3A; Eros bot will no longer be maintained/improved.

All progresses has been set to [failed]

For the meantime of no updates (or rather bumps) in this thread, there might have been huge changes from the last time you visited this thread. For a summary, please see erosdev.thegzm.space


01-10-2018, 03:11 PM
So no new database then?

What a fucking shame, it is a really useful bot to be quite honest.

01-10-2018, 04:49 PM
So no new database then?

What a fucking shame, it is a really useful bot to be quite honest.

I will still update the database and the website as much as possible. I only stopped the development to the bot itself since I have no idea what to work on it anymore plus the tight schedules I have this new year. https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/396521263247654912.gif

01-10-2018, 09:38 PM
I will still update the database and the website as much as possible. I only stopped the development to the bot itself since I have no idea what to work on it anymore plus the tight schedules I have this new year. https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/396521263247654912.gif

It's okay, Eunicorn.

I love the work and dedication your poured into this project and I very much appreciate the info it gives me when I'm look for it. Also, I'm really glad you will keep updating its database.

Cheers! <3.

Pd: Wish you luck in your future endeavors, since you say you will be very busy with them this year.

01-18-2018, 07:32 PM
Thanks Laventale :bgrin:

There are two things I'd like to share:

I will release a public framework based on this bot, but stripped off from unnecessary functions, and retain the Kamihime DB function as built-in commands.

This is for anyone who is interested building up hosting their own KH bot with some KH functions locked and loaded.
Might take some time to be released publicly.

I am currently participating in the development of Kamihime Bot (http://kamihime-project.wikia.com/wiki/Kamihime_Discord_bot).

Since there is no point of having Eros around when she has her own website version (kamihimedb.thegzm.space), and she has a counterpart (apart from having Harem Scenes) which has richer features when it comes to Kamihime-related features. [And I have no idea what to do with her anymore https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/393611710495195136.gif]
Click the link above for more information (Likely outdated, please refer to its discord server: discord.gg/FAXErB2)
Commands: https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2018/01/19/F9A.png

01-18-2018, 10:07 PM
I just want your bot to have JP wiki function so it will be better. We just need the link no need harem scene kamihime bot has no JP link sites it will actually very helpful

01-19-2018, 08:04 AM
I'll consider that for the public framework built-ins. Also I may escalate that suggestion to the Kamihime Bot.

03-10-2018, 04:00 PM
Eunicorn, are you ze big binary object on discord?
I demand help from you.

03-10-2018, 08:26 PM
Now that this thread is alive again, the bot hasn't been working for weeks as of now.

03-10-2018, 08:49 PM
Now that this thread is alive again

Oh dear, I've unleashed hell for a mere meme haven't I?

03-11-2018, 08:01 AM
Oh dear, I've unleashed hell for a mere meme haven't I?

Just curious, why name the bot Eros?