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View Full Version : Advice for 3rd legendary Soul

Alvin Ramos
01-29-2018, 05:34 PM
I'm looking to save for my 3rd legendary soul and I just wanna ask you guys for your opinion in which legendary soul should I get.

I already have Arthur and Mordred.

My choices are: D'art, Hercules, or Siegfried.

which of these are worth it especially for events and such?

01-29-2018, 05:39 PM
Mordred > D'art > Joan. Order priority can change depending on what himes you have but these 3 are the most important to have.

Alvin Ramos
01-29-2018, 05:49 PM
Mordred > D'art > Joan. Order priority can change depending on what himes you have but these 3 are the most important to have.
my only problem with D'art is that I don't have any strong gun weapons. I guess you only get her for sniper shot?

01-29-2018, 05:58 PM
my only problem with D'art is that I don't have any strong gun weapons. I guess you only get her for sniper shot?

Basically yes. In the future, souls will get special weapons they can use for additional effects but until then, the only reason to get D'art is for Sniper Shot to use as a EX skill. The skill is just that important.

But as I said, depending on your himes and what teams you play, the priority order may change.

Alvin Ramos
01-29-2018, 06:09 PM
That is good IMO because I like D'art's other skills it'd be a shame not to use her because of weapon limitations.

BTW my kamis are not really that good.

Michael, Ea, Thor

Thunder: Krishna, Hermod
Wind: Cronus, Krampus, Ithaqua
Water: Belphegor
Fire: Ragaraja
Dark: Eligos
Light: Uzume, Diana, Artemis

so yeah lot's of offensive type kamis and lacking on the buffs/debuffs department.

01-29-2018, 06:33 PM
That is good IMO because I like D'art's other skills it'd be a shame not to use her because of weapon limitations.

BTW my kamis are not really that good.

Michael, Ea, Thor

Thunder: Krishna, Hermod
Wind: Cronus, Krampus, Ithaqua
Water: Belphegor
Fire: Ragaraja
Dark: Eligos
Light: Uzume, Diana, Artemis

so yeah lot's of offensive type kamis and lacking on the buffs/debuffs department.

D'art's special weapon in the future just makes Sniper Shot stronger, so you'd basically still be only using her for Sniper Shot. Lol.

If your main teams are either Wind or Water, you can hold off on D'art. Cybele provides a similar but weaker debuff and Belphegor does the same for water. Their debuffs are not as strong as Sniper Shot but it can be good enough if your weapon/eidolon grids are leveled and gives your soul other options than just always having Sniper Shot.

01-29-2018, 08:36 PM
Weapon isn't as important as new players tend to think. An SR is generally "good enough". Also, much of the time you're just picking up the Soul for the EX ability, so the primary weapon doesn't matter at all.

01-30-2018, 07:48 AM
Dart unless you -really- have no use for sniper shot, then probably joan

01-31-2018, 06:44 AM
D'art or joan

02-07-2018, 12:47 PM
Andromeda is an interesting choice, especially when you are missing healers...

02-07-2018, 12:55 PM
The problem with Andromeda is that if your debuffs miss, the extra healing won't matter. You're going to die to concentrated fire. Mordred is indispensable for most teams in solo content right now.

02-08-2018, 11:54 AM
The problem with Andromeda is that if your debuffs miss, the extra healing won't matter. You're going to die to concentrated fire. Mordred is indispensable for most teams in solo content right now.

I guess You missed something important...

I already have Arthur and Mordred...

And don't forget that there are also Union Events. If someone is using Mordred, someone else may use Andromeda...

02-08-2018, 12:26 PM
Union event's aren't solo content, you can use whomever you want and it wouldn't make much difference, you'd still be clearing in the end with the help of others. With solo content, you can't rely on others to carry you and Mordred is the most important because her skills are essential. So she is top priority. Even if you don't use Mordred herself, getting Black Propaganda takes far more priority than Andromeda's ex skills, even Vivian and Cassiopeia provide better skills that they'd be worth using over Andromeda in many cases despite weaker heals, which you'll unlock both getting D'art, another top priority,

02-08-2018, 12:43 PM
My priorities go:
Mordred > Joan/Andromeda > D'Artagnan
But that's just personal, you need to make up for what your team lacks with your Soul and EX Skill, plus if you're a low level player and unlock Mordred, I don't feel there's a need for Sniper Shot yet since you aren't doing Ragnarok or R4 Quests anytime soon...

02-08-2018, 01:35 PM
My priorities go:
Mordred > Joan/Andromeda > D'Artagnan
But that's just personal, you need to make up for what your team lacks with your Soul and EX Skill, plus if you're a low level player and unlock Mordred, I don't feel there's a need for Sniper Shot yet since you aren't doing Ragnarok or R4 Quests anytime soon...

Sniper Shot isn't needed for just Ragnarok or Accessories quest, it's helpful at any stages of progression. Sniper Shot itself could be the difference between being able to clear Ultimate or being stuck farming Expert. But like I said in my original post 1 week ago, your order changes depending on who you got. You had Amaterasu and main'd fire IIRC, from your old huge image in your sig, so obviously you didn't need to prioritize D'art.

02-08-2018, 03:13 PM
My priorities go:
Mordred > Joan/Andromeda > D'Artagnan--You should almost never recommend Andromeda for newer players. She's a waste of 500 SP until you have Gawain, Cass, Mordred, Dartagnan and Joan. Possibly in that order.

02-08-2018, 04:41 PM
You had Amaterasu and main'd fire IIRC, from your old huge image in your sig, so obviously you didn't need to prioritize D'art.

No need to be salty, buddy.
And yeah pretty much I used to run Ama on everything that lacked B Frames before unlocking D'Art (Except Thunder)

You should almost never recommend Andromeda for newer players.
Alright let me make things clear with a little quote:

My priorities go:
Mordred > Joan/Andromeda > D'Artagnan
But that's just personal, you need to make up for what your team lacks with your Soul and EX Skill

Did I ever recommended something on him? All I said was that you have to know what your team lacks and make up for it.
He didn't disclosed his main team but he's lacking Heals in thunder (Pretty standard I'd say) and B Frames in Water and Light; he could really use Sniper Shot on his Mordred to make up for this but I never went out of my way to even suggest a Soul on him, it isn't very difficult, is it?

02-08-2018, 06:35 PM
I guess You missed something important...
I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to the previous comment that Andromeda is useful in teams without heals. While true, that's already a sub-optimal scenario. If your debuffs miss and the boss is winding up a 15k damage attack, you're in serious trouble. Mordred makes that much less likely to happen. There's a few compositions that avoid this issue (Dark teams with Balor, Fire or Light teams with the rare elemental resistance down skill, teams that will always have elemental advantage), but they're the exceptions rather than the rule.

In other words: plan to have a healer kamihime. That's one reason a lot of people start with Sol. She's not necessarily an optimal long-term pick, but she fills an essential role in early to mid-game, regardless of what your primary element ends up being, and she also brings utility skills that are situationally useful even in late-game.

02-08-2018, 06:52 PM
No need to be salty, buddy.
And yeah pretty much I used to run Ama on everything that lacked B Frames before unlocking D'Art (Except Thunder)

Alright let me make things clear with a little quote:

Did I ever recommended something on him? All I said was that you have to know what your team lacks and make up for it.
He didn't disclosed his main team but he's lacking Heals in thunder (Pretty standard I'd say) and B Frames in Water and Light; he could really use Sniper Shot on his Mordred to make up for this but I never went out of my way to even suggest a Soul on him, it isn't very difficult, is it?

There was no salt so I have no idea why you're assuming that. And yes, you did recommend him something, your 'personal' order. Please don't try to pretend it isn't. If it wasn't a recommendation, then there was absolutely no reason for you to post it, but you did, because it was a suggestion; a recommendation.

Definitely taking this out of proportion.

02-08-2018, 07:21 PM
There was no salt so I have no idea why you're assuming that. And yes, you did recommend him something, your 'personal' order. Please don't try to pretend it isn't. If it wasn't a recommendation, then there was absolutely no reason for you to post it, but you did, because it was a suggestion; a recommendation.

Definitely taking this out of proportion.

Perhaps there wasn't there but there definitely is now.
¿We don't know how to read here, do we?
Ahem What I DID recommend was for him to cover his personal weakness' with his Soul, the line you quoted from me is out of context without the full sentence but then again, we could do with Elementary English lessons over here...
Regardless, what am I doing with my life? Explaining a fully grown adult a simple reply in a game forum.

02-08-2018, 07:40 PM
if you're a low level player and unlock Mordred, I don't feel there's a need for Sniper Shot yet since you aren't doing Ragnarok or R4 Quests anytime soon...
The problem with the statement is here, which is what Aidoru was responding to. That's not good general advice, for exactly the reasons Aidoru outlined.

02-08-2018, 07:47 PM
Then I don't get why quoting the other stuff in his latter part, it is an actually okay argument disregarding the fact that I still, didn't recommend him any Soul per say; I just gave my opinion in something I felt(as said initially) wasn't so important since the 5% difference between Outrage and Sniper Shot isn't for me as strong of a difference as another EX may be.

02-08-2018, 07:53 PM
To close this off, as he assumed before "it must be a recommendation, since you commented and it wouldn't make sense otherwise, it must be!

A non-factual opinion doesn't equal a recommendation, nonetheless, if Aidoru is so black and white about things (it must be exactly what they asked or it shouldn't be posted-esque mindset) then why not just ignore it whilst thy gray was closer to black than white?

02-08-2018, 08:10 PM
since the 5% difference between Outrage and Sniper Shot isn't for me as strong of a difference as another EX may be.
It's not 5%. It's 10%. And the difference between -40% ATK/DEF and -50% ATK/DEF is huge: ~20% survivability AND damage.

I get where Aidoru is coming from. While this particular user had no need for advice about D'art or Sniper Shot, when a user comes and asks a very basic question that has a consensus answer, it's not helpful for him to get a bunch of seemingly contradictory responses from regular posters. You might know exactly what you're talking about, but new players won't, and they won't necessarily have the knowledge base to sort out the best answers.

02-08-2018, 09:27 PM
To close this off, as he assumed before "it must be a recommendation, since you commented and it wouldn't make sense otherwise, it must be!

A non-factual opinion doesn't equal a recommendation, nonetheless, if Aidoru is so black and white about things (it must be exactly what they asked or it shouldn't be posted-esque mindset) then why not just ignore it whilst thy gray was closer to black than white?

Yes it can equal a recommendation. A recommendation can easily be an opinion and doesn't need to be factual. It'd be like me recommending you a game I thought was enjoyable, which has nothing to do with facts, it's my opinion on it being enjoyable.

Me quoting you had nothing to do with your 'personal' order, I quoted you because of your Sniper Shot remark saying it's only suited for Ragnarok and Rank4 accessory quests. You brought up the 'I'm not recommending him anything" bit yourself because it seems you took me quoting you as some kind of attack, based on your post of calling 'salty' for some reason. There is no black and white, stop trying to escalate this into something it isn't.

02-09-2018, 12:05 AM
He didn't disclosed his main team but he's lacking Heals in thunder (Pretty standard I'd say) -- he could really use Sniper Shot on his Mordred to make up for this but I never went out of my way to even suggest a Soul on him, it isn't very difficult, is it?Thunder teams can't afford to run Sniper Shot on Mordred, or a healer really. They need to have both Ambush AND a B-type Def Down - this means either Mordred with Ambush, Gawain with Sniper Shot or Dartagnan with Ambush. With the exception of Accessory quests - where the player needs to be old enough to make their own calls - Thunder teams need to run a "kill it before it kills you" build.

There's only two exceptions to this, really. One, Tyr. Literally the only Thunder Hime with a Def debuff, allowing you more freedom with your Soul. Two, Sol. Other healers probably won't cut it, as the damage decrease just isn't worth the heals. Sol however, allows you to reach higher survival ability due to cutting damage while also healing it.

In other words, I do find your "not recommendation opinion" horrendously misguided. Please don't point new players towards Andromeda until they cover the basic Soul bases. There are exceptions to this such as somebody rerolling (Dark/Fire) Amaterasu+Ryu-Oh, but even when this happens you should properly explain it so that later, some other newbie wouldn't get the idea of "oh going for Andromeda early is a good idea!11"

But hey man, that's just my opinion. It's not like I'm recommending anything to you. :smirk:

02-09-2018, 06:57 AM
I used to run Andromeda in my first few months of play. But I had all my debuffs covered with Water SRs and a lot of bosses seemed to have negligible debuff resistance back then (and the game was just easier in general--I don't think I even lost a battle until Ixion Ragnarok). Also, literally anything was an improvement over Siegfried, my first tier 3 Soul. I picked up Mordred to do Ixion, and have rarely used other Souls since.

02-09-2018, 09:19 AM
I love how Slashey takes himself seriously after constantly displaying such a childish behavior nor the BakaHentai fiasco.

02-09-2018, 09:23 AM
The internet is serious business, after all.