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View Full Version : To re-roll or not to re-roll

02-13-2018, 05:12 AM
Hey guys, i'm having some doubts lately about wether to re-roll or not and was hoping someone could give me some advice please.

I'm level 59 and i feel like everything is out of place, a little bit of everything but not much of something if you know what i mean, but i also feel like i've gotten so much done that re-rolling sounds almost like out of option. I do want a more expert opinion please and thanks.

Current Souls:

Siegfried and Andromeda.

Current SSR Himes:

Fire: Svarog
Dark: Amon Unleashed
Thunder: Thor

Current SR Himes:

Fire: Amon, Agni, Ragaraja
Dark: Balor, Nyarlathotep
Thunder: Baal, Hermod, Tezcatlipoca
Water: Belphegor, Nike, Nodens, Triton
Wind: Cybele, Hermes, Ithaqua, Krampus
Light: Artemis, Uzume

Current SSR Eidolons:

Fire: Crom Cruach
Dark: Apocalypse
Thunder: Girimehkala
Water: Reiki, Vrita
Wind: Kyuki, Sleipnir, Quetzalcoatl
Light: None

02-13-2018, 06:35 AM
Now that is a toughie. While you may not have the Core himes for dark/fire, you do have the second best choises at hand. If you are willing to drop some money for a miracle ticket for either dark or fire, you can build a strong team without rerolling.
If you don't want to spend any.... i am not sure. Really. :D i would not reroll cause of re-leveling, really don't like it.

But please get some more opinions, since you are imo in a delicate spot.

02-13-2018, 07:21 AM
There's nothing wrong with your account. Plenty of people reroll hoping to get accounts exactly like that. A Miracle ticket could instantly make either your Fire or Dark team competitive.

But if you're really bent on rerolling, I wouldn't settle for anything less than Belial. Otherwise you'll be looking at a sidegrade.

02-13-2018, 07:29 AM
Thank you for your input.

When does the next Miracle Ticket come out? I missed out on the first one.

02-13-2018, 07:36 AM
The second Miracle ticket came out in early April in the DMM version.

02-13-2018, 06:54 PM
You can always re-roll for a "side" account and keep most of your effort on your main unless your side account becomes significantly better.

02-13-2018, 08:08 PM
i think ur better off waiting for the next miracle ticket. ur team is almost good.