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View Full Version : [Event 80] The Thousand-Footed Nidhogg (2/19/2017 - 3/5/2017)

02-19-2018, 03:22 PM




Something New
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This event showcases the 1st half of the decisive fight with Nidhogg, the Personification of Sweltering Heat and Twilight / 炎熱と宵闇の化身. Players fight against the Descendants of Twilight / 宵闇の眷属. Players are rewarded for the number of defeated pests and the number of times they've fought.
Wave BattlesEdit

Spend raid points to fight the horde descendants. Using more raid points will multiply your rewards, but not raise your attack power. Party 1 will do most of the fighting, whereas parties 2 - 4 will act as support. The overall force of parties 2 - 4 will be added to party 1's max HP.

Battles are limited to 5 turns. They have 3 waves of enemies which get progressively stronger at each wave. Every turn follows this sequence.

The support party will act.
Party 1 will act.
Enemies will act.

Even if one wave of enemies have been defeated, this sequence will continue onwards. For example, if (action 2) party 1 defeats all enemies, the next wave will come out and (action 3) enemies will act.

For party 1, abilities that rely on the turn count will use the turn counter shown at the upper-right of the battle screen. For parties 2-4, abilities always act as though it is turn 1.

If you run out of turns, the battle ends in a Draw. Irregardless of how the battle ends, the rewards you get do not change.

The type (Slash, Blunt, etc.) of enemies that appear will change at 00:00 each day.

Swanship heal

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Before party 1 acts, one of three types of support will occur.

One of party 2, 3, or 4 will attack. They have 100% skill activation.

A Comrade in Arms will attack. This can be from a friend or a random user's party. They have 100% skill activation.

Nazuna will help you using the Swanboat. She will help you in one of three ways.

She will attack all enemies.
She will heal all members of party 1.
She will reduce party 1's damage taken by 50% for 1 turn.


You can see the activity of your friends in the ranking. Up to 30 people are shown.

The result of this ranking does not affect anyone's rewards.
The ranking is shown until 2/26/2018.
The ranking updates every 10 minutes.

Participation RewardsEdit

Everytime you participate in a fight against the descendants, you will get one of these rewards at random. If you use more raid points, the rewards will be multiplied.

02-19-2018, 03:49 PM
I hope this thing not going to be a new meme...

02-19-2018, 04:55 PM
What meme?
PS: Blunt type is my bane...

02-20-2018, 05:19 PM
it cool seeing your allies being carried by Nazuna LOL


02-26-2018, 03:36 PM
I haven't been working on dis event, been farming other medals


03-07-2018, 09:53 PM
Looks like Im gonna have do her reissue
I must have forgot or something LOL

Starting to lost track of gurls I haven't done. Don't get me started on equipment. I stopped caring about event equipment