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View Full Version : SSR Kamihime Advice

03-04-2018, 02:53 AM
Hi, I'm looking to get the SSR guaranteed Gacha but can't decided whether I Should get Dark Amon/Susanoo or go for a different element.

Currently my Dark team has Satan, Hades, Osiris and Dark Amaterasu. Is it worth getting Dark Amon/Susanoo when I have these 4 SSRs already? I also have Beelzebub as part of my Dark team.

Other SSRs I currently have are Tyr, Ea, Snow Raphael and Sol. Since I have 2 Water SSR, I was thinking of maybe getting a Water Kamihimi, Cthulhu or Ryu-Oh?

03-04-2018, 03:02 AM
Do you mean miracle tickets? Because I don't believe the SSR gachas will let you pick out specific himes. It's just RNG.

03-04-2018, 03:04 AM
Yup, sorry, meant the miracle ticket.

03-04-2018, 05:17 AM
Until Thanatos and Pluto, your Dark team doesn't really need any upgrades. While SSR Amon is stronger than Satan, Awakened Satan will be stronger than SSR Amon down the line.

We don't know if Thanatos will be available in the next Miracle Ticket or not. She's around the cutting point, so this is an open question and will depend on how Nutaku feels like handling it. As such, your thread is premature. Come back once Miracle Ticket is actually out.

03-04-2018, 07:57 AM
Get Cthulhu and just run Vine in your Dark team until you get Thanatos or Awakened Satan. If Thanatos is available with the next Miracle (probably not), you could get her instead for a temporary damage boost.