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View Full Version : [Event 82] Hit it! Kick it! The Great Sports Meet (3/19/2018 to 4/2/2018)

03-19-2018, 04:44 PM




Other Stuf from FKG W if it helps


03-20-2018, 03:48 AM
That girl wit the veil/cape looks pretty nice, I like the theme she has going on.
Kinda reminds me of that 4* girl, who is like an oracle or something (has the same color scheme as this one as well)
The 6* this time is kinda ....meh ? Not the worst, but not the best either.

03-20-2018, 11:26 PM
Been lurking around lately, busy and all...

Any idea who to bet on for first race? Can I trust Nazuna? I went with #2 (green) and #4 (yellow) for 40 / 60 respectively. Too late over here for me to actually figure it out.

Also yeah, me too I kinda like the girl w/ veil. Others are okay-ish.

03-23-2018, 01:59 AM
tis the year for underboob


03-23-2018, 05:11 AM
tis the year for underboob


Halibel aint got such dark skin bruh. She has a darker tone to her, but its more like a tan.

Why I know such a thing ?
Strangely enough, from all the possible shows, games, etc I ever played, she is what I would consider the most a Waifu~fufu (or a Waifu candidate, though not the only one granted.)
Plus I got a small PVC figurine of her on my shelf.... yeah I suppose waifu confirmed mofu ! :3
Even I find it funny since she had a very little screen time and her role was not that important all things considered, but as far as Bleach is concerned she is my fav. character :)

03-26-2018, 01:45 AM
Didn't think I run into someone who watches Bleach

Yeah, I pick that fan art coz I prefer Haribel a bit darker :)

She and Yoruichi, Nel, and Rukia (yeah she's not big boobed but I like Kon's relationship with her) are my fave

03-26-2018, 02:14 AM
Watched the show up until they defeated Aizen.

After that I dropped it, because personally to me he was the main Villain and anything that came after was just a weak sauce :)
Its like "Oh you killed the Demon Lord ? Ok, now please go murder that Orc over there" something like that pff

Never really liked Yoruichi, she just felt to arrogant and full of herself. As much as they pushed her as the ultimate babe, it didn't work for me.
Did like Soifon, or what was her name. Could do without the lesbo vibes on her, plus her Bankai Missile Launcher was completely retarded when compared to her basic weapon form. :D
Cant really remember all the female chars, but Halibel and Soifon were my two favorites. Talk about the "non-mainstream" ones haha :3