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View Full Version : Miracle Ticket Time. Who to choose?

03-25-2018, 11:37 PM
I got so many opening for this and need a concrete choice....

To note, these are the SSR I DO have:

Fire- Svarog (awakened), Ares, Acala

Water- Aphrodite, Sarasvati

Wind- Gaia (awakened and nearly max lv), Cu Chulainn

Thunder- Tyr, Thor (awakened)

Dark- Amon, Susanoo

Light- Sol, Raphael, Tsukiyomi

not sure if it helps, but i have NO 100% eidolons... some to note is that i got thunderbird, lv 100 huanglong (i know char atk is valued less, but 60% atk and 20% hp is nothing to sneeze at), fafnir, lv85 echidna, jabberwock lv55, slepnir lv55, fenrir lv55, ifrit lv55, and lv100 jack frost

Now I do main a light comp but still, i'm working on wind (current secondary) and possibly the others (i'll get to all 6 eventually when my main team gets strong enough).

in fact, some choices I thought of were michael (light atk boost), metatron (insane burst), amaterasu (obvious), mars (debuffing), cthulu (debuffing) nike (better healer and support than aphrodite), dakki (rampaging and wind res, plus i love foxes), osiris (dark DESPARATELY NEEDS HEALERS), any thunder healer (same reason for osiris)... too many choices!

plus another major thing is that i do plan on whaling for SSR Cybele if need be. I love her and my wind comp would benefit greatly with her debuff and the fact that she double/triple attacks every turn (not sure if this is confirmed to spread to the rest of the team).

so i need some help. who to pick and why? remember that i main light but can be open to wind. if any of the other elements, then i'll need some reasoning why.

and no pressure cause there's a month on this thing

03-25-2018, 11:46 PM
just seen the mega thread... my bad...

if need be, do whatever with this thread...

03-26-2018, 12:53 AM
-- lv 100 huanglong (i know char atk is valued less, but 60% atk and 20% hp is nothing to sneeze at),--You should play around in a calc to see how that works out. With elemental advantage, absolutely. Without...
For the record, without elemental advantage I'd need 40% Elemental for more damage output. And that still leaves 20% HP to triumph over it.
Now I do main a light comp but still, i'm working on wind (current secondary) and possibly the others (i'll get to all 6 eventually when my main team gets strong enough).It's really tough to give any suggestions if you don't know yourself which way you want to go towards. If you like the playstyle of Light, then pick something for that team. You have the biggest cornerstones Sol and SSR Tsukuyomi already, so that's good.

For Wind, either Hastur or Titania, depending on your playstyle preference (Hastur is universal, Titania is suited for Burst Builds... and is hard to use without Hastur's debuff). Sadly, the cornerstone of Wind - SSR Cybele - just barely didn't make the cut into this Miracle Ticket.
-- any thunder healer --There is none.
Not even in DMM, so none for the next year at least.

Well, okay. There's one Limited Edition SSR and a raid pity-SR one. I'm not sure do those count...
plus another major thing is that i do plan on whaling for SSR Cybele if need be. I love her and my wind comp would benefit greatly with her debuff and the fact that she double/triple attacks every turn (not sure if this is confirmed to spread to the rest of the team).Just remember to not use the Miracle Ticket until you've done your whaling~
It'd be sad to take Hastur from Miracle Ticket only to whale Hastur later.

And SSR Cybele doesn't buff party members. Like everyone else (except the +5% HP passive SR Himes) her passive only works on herself. Still, she's really damn powerful.

03-26-2018, 05:40 AM
Your Light team is "good enough" and doesn't necessarily need a Miracle ticket right now (especially if you have Diana). You're missing SSR Artemis and Michael. Michael would synergize with a Burst build with Hercules. With SSR Artemis instead of Raphael you could run Shingen and Sniper Shot for better damage output. Michael gets a very useful Awakening later. Until then there's no desperate need for her, and you could wait and see if you pull her from Gatcha.

03-26-2018, 07:25 AM
Sorry, but there's a pinned thread for this already.
