View Full Version : EXP required for your girls is now doubled

03-29-2018, 04:34 PM
Just found in another thread, and in case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, that EXP for your girls is now almost doubled from what it used to be. There was an undocumented changed added along with the "legendary days" patch that increased the exp needed by about 70%. I was already running out of books to level my girls, but this totally fubar'ed anyone saving up books to use for the contests. At least everyone that was saving is now in the same boat.

This change was totally unnecessary. Didn't they already increase exp once before with the 2.0 patch or something? Why the sudden increase yet again? All this is a bit ridiculous if you ask me and just adds fuel to the fire already stirred up by the latest patch.

Here is a link to the Hentai Heroes forum discussing the exp change.

http :// forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/4175-girls-experience-changes/

03-30-2018, 04:48 AM
Now I know why I could only level up 2 girls from a crapload of books, well shit.

03-30-2018, 07:05 AM
I think the dev. response was hilarious. Oh well, I just finished the last chapter of the story, I got the girl for the Plain of Rituals so as far as I'm concerned I pretty much finished the game. Thanks for sharing!