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View Full Version : Is it just me or is Mastema easier....

David Lin
04-25-2018, 07:42 AM
So I was spamming the quest for the past 2 days but I always pass Mastema with no death and Kyuki from 1 to all death.....
But the item for the Edileon is easier to get Kyuki...is it just me or is it suppose to be like that

04-25-2018, 08:13 AM
Dunno what you're talking about, but Advents are always easier than Raid events because you are bound to play solo rather than gathering a party.

04-25-2018, 09:19 AM
Both events should drop about the same amount of rewards. Difficulty is very subjective. For me Kyuki is easier than Mastema, though i can see Kyuki being more difficult if you don't have enough damage yet or your team is just better suited for the Mastema fight.

04-25-2018, 09:41 AM
You are wind main right ?

04-25-2018, 10:16 AM
Mastema is more demanding for me tbh...
i did 3 Mastema / 3 Kyuki Ragna on two accs each, all of them with dark teams aab (just starting battle, aab and alt-tab)
so far i failed 1 Mastema on each acc, and 0 Kyuki

guess i need a bit better dark teams lol

04-25-2018, 10:34 AM
For me the same.
Mastema ragna is harder than Kyuki... :p

04-25-2018, 11:19 AM
Mastema's rougher for me in that there's more variance due to Mastema having a special attack. So, poor luck with Thunder Bolt spam can be really annoying. Kyuuki doesn't even have a special attack as far as I've seen, so results are more consistent.

04-25-2018, 07:50 PM
my wind team can go a more defense route and outlast mastema so she's cake... a few times she came close (like leaving my poor SSR cybele at 91 HP), but i can clear the mastema ragnarok w/o anyone dying...

it's more or less how prepared you are on that front...

as for drops... there's some slight variance (there should be at least 3 gold chests per ult clear but i get 4 most of the time), but ultimate is hands down the best grind spot. if you can, toss in D'art with snatch 2nd as ex skill and grind like that if you can handle it (if you got slephir or anzu, that helps further)

Kyuuki doesn't even have a special attack as far as I've seen, so results are more consistent.

raging move can nuke multiple people but causes a debuff (forgot which one). does hurt a bit, but can be resisted well enough with a good setup (needs some luck though as it's random who she hits)

as for the normal one, it's more of a threat cause it takes her high atk power and spikes it... even with 50% atk down, she still hits for 3k+ with no defenses on your team... and that's just regular attacks against a fire team (others take even more damage). might wanna end the fight fast or remove that atk buff...

04-26-2018, 06:20 AM
Did you undergo significant weapon grid and/or hime upgrade since you fought Mastema last time?

If you have, that's probably the main reason for it.

04-26-2018, 10:05 AM
I guess most has already been said about this, but the only thing I don't always like is the steep difference in difficulty between standard, expert and beyond. I can easily run standard fully automatic without using powers and I could probably even turn off bursts if I wanted to. But Expert can pretty much wipe out my whole team if I'm not careful.

Now, I'm not complaining or anything because it definitely makes sense and they're consistent with this too (the same happened with the last event). It's just that I couldn't help but notice.

What I do enjoy however is seeing how my teams are slowly but steadily getting stronger :)

04-26-2018, 10:34 AM
More of future event eidolon fights will introduce anti-Auto and anti-Abi Auto trigger skills.

Enjoy your Auto fights while you still can.

04-26-2018, 10:49 AM
Not that I auto-battle in events outside of standards in raid/union, but I'm curious. Any particular events I should look up as examples of what you're referring to?

04-26-2018, 11:53 AM
Well, seeing is believing I guess. I find it hard to believe that they'd nerf a game mechanic which they basically introduced themselves. Especially when it comes to SP fights which don't bother other players.

04-26-2018, 12:10 PM
Well, seeing is believing I guess. I find it hard to believe that they'd nerf a game mechanic which they basically introduced themselves. Especially when it comes to SP fights which don't bother other players.

Who said they are nerfing it? they are introducing non aab friendly content, thats all, thats not a nerf, up to you if you wanna stick to aab and fail everytime (on that content) or actually manual and clear the content like normal people will do, you can still aab in daily chores like 25 sp dailies and disasters.

04-26-2018, 12:42 PM
Not that I auto-battle in events outside of standards in raid/union, but I'm curious. Any particular events I should look up as examples of what you're referring to?

Example is Tartarus(Thunder Raid) normal AoE puke you with 3 turns blind + self buff dodge chance. Your party can hit zero dmg with the two effects.

Her rage ougi gives your party 1k+ regen and zombie.

Medjed(latest Thunder advent) buffs herself with specific buffs and self cleanses every turn before her nuke. The nuke can one shot pretty much any party without 90% cut. Tho not a problem for those who finish her before she got the chance to nuke.

Monoceros(valentine raid) has AoE dispel and atk down OR charm OR berserk if you use any buffs on your team.

Fluerety(anniversary raid) just has a crap ton of hp for event standard. Her normal nuke give DOTs(Damage Over Time like poison, drown, etc.) of 1.8k decay dmg and 3k poison dmg.

Nandi, while pretty easy also spams self buff + cleanse frequently on fixed turns. Unlike Typhon who just randomly cleanse.

I don't think Iwanagahime is anti auto but I sure as hell don't wanna auto her. Vigor buff(the opposite of pride buff) at the beginning, AoE Doom on 7th turn and nasty pride buff on 10(?) hits rage nuke for BOOM dmg on your team.

Water Ragnarok and Dark Ragnarok daily raids, oh boy. Let's just say there will be raids with corpses everywhere when they get released. AAB Water Rag = death for many players in the raid. And Dark Rag has complicated mechanics that you need to watch out for. When there is even a full detailed data on Dark Rag's moveset in every turn, that is when you know Dark Rag is shit for public like Water Rag.

And example for how Dark Rag is a pain. In her first turn, she will cast overheat buff on your party that lasts for 20 turns and you can't cleanse it since it is a "buff" on your part. So you have to wait until she dispels it for you. It will be VERY wise to NOT buff your team(at least 2turns buff should be reliable enough) in first turn because of the overheated buff. If you stack your buffs on you, she will dispel only the first two of your buffs and the overheat will stay until its turn runs out or you let her dispel. And you want to remove overheat fast so that you have one LESS DOT to worry about(It's Dark Rag so it will have lots of affliction debuffs).

04-26-2018, 02:17 PM
Most of the event ones don't sound like too much of an issue autoing, especially not the raid ones. Mechanics like that aren't going to encourage players to stop joining in and just turning on auto battle while others clean up, if needed.

The only ones people really need to worry about are advents.

04-26-2018, 05:30 PM
The only ones people really need to worry about are advents.

And catastrophes (future ones), personally i dont share my catastrophes outside union/friends because of that, i hate auto leechers on my raids, they are most of the time useless.

04-26-2018, 05:38 PM
Well when Water Catastrophe comes around, there will be a ton of dead Rags because not everyone will have the optimal teams for it and those who do won't want to carry people who AAB with not so great damage just to leech.

People will eventually have to get off their lazy butts I suppose. Just a prediction based on future content.

Personally I won't be sharing my Rags outside of Union or Friends either as well.

04-26-2018, 05:45 PM
eh, i always liked manual anyway cause auto isn't smart enough to toss your buffs and debuffs on first, then use your damaging skills... nor does it save heals and cleanses... or save certain skills for when they'd do the damage you should be getting....

personally, it's fine if you can just auto through content or do it when you're AFK, but you really are missing out when you don't do manual and you are looking at your screen cause it's actually faster to control things yourself...

it's how i made a lot of progress against barong cause set up right, Nepthys was nuking her for 600k... usually enough to finish the job by then... (and it easily let me one-turn leyak without hitting the attack command since it lops off almost all her HP).

in my case it's preference, but the so-called meta is to be able to just auto everything without abilities used anyway

04-26-2018, 05:48 PM
worst case, just share with union or friends and exclude randoms from your raids, if aab almost kills you and random people do the same or even worsen everything.