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03-21-2023, 10:36 PM
That's what I call a good roll. But that Formal Dress Isogiku makes me even more jealous :p

03-30-2023, 02:08 PM
Got this one out of a 5*+ Ticket from the Wheel which is rare enough.
I always liked her but my Question would be how good she is?

I am totally not sure by now cause a lot seems to be about the Ancient Knights now.


03-30-2023, 10:56 PM
She is a very average healer. Her regular form is better. But a healer can always be useful I guess.

03-31-2023, 11:29 AM
Thank you maotd. Yeah that is what i thought already. I think Heal Supports like Adlay, Cotton or or even Negate Supports like Nippleworth (Dog ear Poster Girl) etc. are way better.

I don't know i accquired a few new Knights by now but no Ancient Knight hurts definetly cause these High Level Stages are extremely difficult without them. Didn't snag Corbett cause i was frustrated and didn't play for a few weeks cause i couldn't pay for Vervain. Well i got her now on the first draw of her recent Reprint Gacha and also got Sigilaria but by her own she is not doing much.

i talk to much Off Topic.

04-07-2023, 03:55 PM
I got this one From Salt-Tickets.

Seems one of the better Units i think???


04-08-2023, 01:31 AM
I think she is not as good as her Easter version but she seems not bad. I guess she works well with any good attacker girls. And with Adlay obviously. Not game changer but easy choice to fill a team. I don't have her though.

04-10-2023, 03:15 AM
Ok i think this time i snagged some really good ones and honestly this is one of my best rolls ever :bgrin:


04-10-2023, 03:52 AM
Can you please, sir, give back some luck and don't keep it all for yourself? I will somehow need it :p

Thank you sir. May RNJesus bless you.

04-10-2023, 04:20 AM
Can you please, sir, give back some luck and don't keep it all for yourself? I will somehow need it :p

Thank you sir. May RNJesus bless you.

Nice. Hehe. This is awesome :bgrin::bgrin::rofl:
Almost exactly the same. Big GZ Dude.

I needed this honestly after my Seven 11 Rolls trying to get Blueberry (Easter) and only getting salt :sweat:

04-10-2023, 05:08 AM
7 salt roll hurts. I know this ><. GG for your double 6* too. We've done a good job here. Seems NBPEL got the girls too. This was a lucky gacha overall.

04-13-2023, 06:37 PM
Free daily cutie:bgrin:

04-17-2023, 05:45 PM
Got this one from the Roulette Danchou Ticket.
I don't know her act again buff seems interesting but i think the Competition for Intercept Girls is to damn high and i guess she will sadly take a seat on the Bench as well.


04-17-2023, 11:36 PM
She was good in the past. But she falls now like many others. Time is not sweet with flowers. Maybe that's the secret meaning behind that?

04-18-2023, 01:13 AM
Yeah as soon as i saw her i thought..."Not an Old Unit again"

It would be difficult for them to Balance the Old Units though cause new Players get like 5 for Free and i am not sure they would make them that Powerfull considering it's a Freeby. It's sadge really. I don't expect the Old Girls to be Top Tier but at least somewhat relevant. Of course there are Exceptions like Dendro, a few Solar Girls etc. but i just don't feel that excited anymore when a Pot turns Rainbow than before...

04-18-2023, 02:02 AM
Yeah. It's still better than a useless dupe I guess.

They don't have to make all old girls OP but at least, raise them to today standards. Somes are still good like Dendro or Cattleya, some have very niche abilities combo and can find a purpose but most of them are just trash combared to recent okay girls.
Sure the 5 release girls are free but they could be buffed. It's not like having one full team of given 6* is enough to beat endgame content. 5 free 6* already allow any new player to beat all the basic content easily.
In the past, getting a gold pot was a thing and rainbow pot was holy grail. Now rainbow pot is the standard and you pray for something good out of it. That's sad. Or maybe we are just old players too used to the thrill of the rainbow.

04-19-2023, 07:19 PM
Another cutie from the free daily:bgrin:


04-20-2023, 05:03 PM
GZ getting Maple-chan xD :wink:
Free Daily didn't work for me so far but i have kind of luck with Salt Tickets.

What is your Verdict about this one, guys?
Seems risky in my opinion but i see Potential maybe? Which Units would be good to pair her with? :think:
I really get a lot of Magic Rainbows :sweat:

04-20-2023, 07:04 PM
What is your Verdict about this one, guys?

About the same playability as anything a year old:sad: Seems like KMS likes to obsolete most girls in 3 months lately. But at least you get some free flower gems off the upgrades and quests. Maybe some waifu value.
Speaking of which, i got yet another new cutie off the free daily today! Pussy Willow


04-20-2023, 10:55 PM
Not very good but she can be used (almost) with Knotweed Valentine, RG Dragon Tree or Wolfberry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) in a low HP team. Let them die to empower Knotweed Valentine. I don't know if it's effective but at least, it should be fun.

04-26-2023, 01:10 PM
Today free roll:
Guess it's good. Viola is okay for turn 1 teams and is from Blossom Hill. Nice for Bloss stuff.

04-26-2023, 01:46 PM
Looks like you got Thistle matching all the Units i got lately with Low HP Strategies xD. Want to trade xd???

GZ. Double Rainbow is always a nice sight to see :grin:

04-27-2023, 07:10 AM
Finally after the fourth roll i got her. I wanted her mainly for Waifu Reasons but i want to know what your opinion about her is. Surely not as OP as Corbett and she is a weaker Honeysuckle (Easter) i guess but i like her. How would you guys build a Team around her??? Zinnia seems to work well with her and Sigilaria. Basically anything with Miss Debuff but which units do you think would go well with her???


04-28-2023, 03:16 PM
Finally after the fourth roll i got her. I wanted her mainly for Waifu Reasons but i want to know what your opinion about her is. Surely not as OP as Corbett and she is a weaker Honeysuckle (Easter) i guess but i like her. How would you guys build a Team around her??? Zinnia seems to work well with her and Sigilaria. Basically anything with Miss Debuff but which units do you think would go well with her???


Somewhat unrelated, but if you have all bronze and silver girls at 5/4, you can turn on auto-sell for them.

05-10-2023, 02:55 AM
I yoloed one 11 draw yesterday cause i think the new unit has an interesting Ability Set and swore to me i only do one Roll cause i need the Gems for other Units down the line...
I was not disappointed :bgrin:

I kinda want to build a Team around her :think:


05-22-2023, 02:53 AM
Rolled for Zinnia took me fucking 9 Rolls!!! getting her but the Game needed to troll me with the first roll really giving me two dupes of Lollis...Yeah Great day.
Never ever will i roll shortly after Banner Release again cause i think the more people roll at the same time the worse your results are. Yeah Hopefully with Adlay it will go better. This was a Disaster :cursing:


I am mad :angry:

05-22-2023, 06:15 AM
Got'em my Texas girl, costed 55 rolls not bad I guess :cool:

> Never ever will i roll shortly after Banner Release again cause i think the more people roll at the same time the worse your results are. Yeah Hopefully with Adlay it will go better. This was a Disaster

This one I can confirm, luck is always on the bad side to roll shortly after release, I see the pattern very clearly in this game.


05-22-2023, 06:56 AM
GZ. Certainly better than mine. I have 50 Flowergems left. I guess Adlay will be next week judging by how aggressively the Devs pump out the Units now all of a sudden. Guess i will pay for Adlay with money. They could have at least give people two weeks time rolling for Zinnia but i guess they are in a hurry for some reason.....

05-22-2023, 09:22 AM
Congrats for your Zinnias. I guess.

Wutan> It somehow reminds me my own Zinnia. I had to go all over the 10 roll. and I was rewarded with two Zinnias at the end. Plus the guaranteed one.
I hate when you get an early rainbow pot but only filled with dupe trash (or even worse, new trash).

Speaking of trash, I got 1 Stock on the 1 day 100 rolls gacha. Seems it don't gives R-medals though...

05-22-2023, 02:15 PM
Thank you :frown:

Yeah and of course Soapworth didn't even get her Skill Up when i merged them. Wolfberry i don't care at all about.
At least i beat Castle Floor 200 now with Momiji Suzakuin, Zinnia, the new Event 6* (not that bad because of her HP Shield and Act again), Cotton and Sigilaria.

I never had good Luck rolling for Pierce or Slash Girls.....

I got also trash from the 100 Rolls Gacha. One New Gold from 2022 but i could get this one from the 22 Stone i got from rolling this Zinnia Gacha till there was no tomorrow. Besides Pincushion all other 2022 Golds are kinda Meh or dare i say shitty...I would like to get my hands on a 21 Stone^^

05-23-2023, 09:20 AM
And I got a dupe Kerria on today's 1 day 100 rolls gacha. That's... okay I guess. But I confirm that this gacha gives R-medals. It just seems to crash the game and don't show them. Good. Very good.

05-23-2023, 08:06 PM
Daily 100
Double Rainbow:grin:
Not real useful, but I will take it!

05-24-2023, 01:11 PM
First two days of the daily 100 didn't give me much aside from the game locking up but today's roll made up for it with two new rainbows:

05-24-2023, 01:49 PM
Cool. Halloween Peach is good.

I got my thir rainbow today with new Halloween Daisy. Not really useful but a rainbow is a rainbow.

05-27-2023, 03:45 AM


06-03-2023, 05:27 AM

It's rare enough so i thought i post it.

The actual roll was like in most cases Garbage and not worth capturing.
5*Epidendrum. i just sold her despite still missing two Skill Levels. You get 5*Skill Blooms thrown at you anyway.

I think i will refrain from Rolling for a bit as much as i can and stock up. Traditionally my luck turns to shit in June.

You guys have months you think the Gacha is more kind to you than in other months?? I definetly have cause i observed it over the years.

06-03-2023, 11:24 AM
I got exactly the same on gogo roulette today. I always wait for 10 D-tickets to roll them.
For month luck, I don't know. I don't really do gacha regularly outside of monthly free gacha.

06-03-2023, 02:37 PM
i will do that from now on as well. I have really a hate relationship with 5*+ tickets. In all this years playing (on and off) since 2016, i got two 6* from these i think.
2018 Tall Stewartia Christmas and now this year Meconopsis (Swimsuit).

I always roll my Salt Tickets right away but maybe i should stock up on them and roll them at the End of the Year like you do. I wanted to do a pact at the End of this Year anyway.

I have really looked through this Thread and searched through all Screenshots i did over the cause of many years and it turned out most luck i have is in late Autumn, Winter and Spring till April. After that and for most if not all of the Summer my Luck takes a deep Nose Dive.

Sometimes i just want to roll Salt Tickets if i can't roll the Regular Gachas to save up for specific Units.

These dry phases only doing dailys are a bit monotone...That's one of the reasons these Special Occasion Gachas like former Golden Weeks the last couple of years are nice. To get a bit more Action going :)

06-03-2023, 11:52 PM
10 D-ticket rolls still give salt but the burst of R-medals is satisfying. Spending 2k+ salt tickets at the end is a good thing I guess. I somehow manage to get my missing 5* with that. I guess it's better to try your luck with all the year 5* availables.

I like special gachas too. Like that 100 daily roll. Even if it end in the salt, it's refreshing. It's good to break the monotony. Same goes for the missions. Actual new stuff make the game spicier.

06-05-2023, 08:16 AM
Thank god, got her in 33:


Not it's time to plan ahead a team for her. :silly:

06-05-2023, 09:10 AM
Congrats! enjoy your Adlay.

06-06-2023, 03:12 AM
So i got Adlay as well. Not pretty and nice and easy but at least it's done...i need her two times (that's were the difficulty comes from) so i paid 20000 DMM Points and rolled the Gacha...

First the Paid Gacha:

2000 DMM Points: 5 Gold Dupes. Not worth to capture (5 Roll)
3000 DMM Points: Forgot it. Uninteresting Roll as well.
5000 DMM Points: 2 Gold Dupes. Not worth to capture (10+1 Roll) 3% Chance Rainbow
10000 DMM Points: Guaranteed Adlay, Guaranteed 5* (10+1 Roll) 4% Chance Rainbow...All Golds were Dupes and that's it.

Second Adlay i need i had to bite in the sour apple and Roll the Normal Gacha. Luckily she was nicer to me than Zinnia here and popped up after i rolled the Gacha two times.

Am i happy with the results of the Paid Gacha??? Not really. Would have been really nice the improved Rates of 3% or 4% come in clutch to save me and spare me to roll the Normal Gacha. Also i hoped at least to get one New Gold but well Luck is definetly not on my side lately and Zinnia screwed my FG Stock badly.

And i choose *her* now with my 100-6* Ticket.

At least Mission Adlay is done now. I hope Corbett will be quick and easy.





06-06-2023, 07:29 PM
Thankfully I only needed three rolls to pick up Adlay, and as a bonus I ended up getting her twice on that third roll:


06-06-2023, 08:12 PM
Thankfully I only needed three rolls to pick up Adlay, and as a bonus I ended up getting her twice on that third roll:

Thats one hell of a roll:grin:

06-07-2023, 01:45 AM

GZ for your Roll. Seems Adlay was nice to all of us in her Normal Gacha.

I had a bit of DMM Points left over so i rolled the Gacha for 2000 DMM Points where you get a random 6* not in your collection yet.
...And i got https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Elder_Flower_(Christmas)?so=search

A little bit redundant with Adlay around in my opinion so i am not that thrilled about her. 5% Skill Drain is also very little...At least she has the same Heal every 3 turns like Soapworth.

Paid Gachas not that nice lately.

On a more happier note:

I needed only 3 Rolls for her. It was well worth it and when i saw the Pot turn Rainbow my mood ligthened up. This was a good deal.

Ivy was always nice to me and i like this little Cosplayer a lot :kiss:

Cattleya will be pleased...


06-14-2023, 04:48 PM
Part 1:

So i rolled the current Event Gacha in the hopes i would get one of the two Brides at least without spending to many Gems. In total my pain threshold is 3 rolls for Units which would be nice to have but not mandatory for the Top 20...

I rolled 3 Times and only got salt...I was upset cause i wasted a bunch of gems. Then i rolled a 4th time at another time cause i desperatly didn't want to stand there Empty Handed...The 4th Roll paid off and i still consider 4 rolls a good deal for a decent Unit :)

I would have prefered Anemone i think but i am happy with this.

Part 2:

Then and this is the Awesome Part for me about this little Gacha Story i tried the 5000 DMM Point Deal which gives you a Random 6* from a specific timeline. If i remember correctly it's December 21 till March of this year??? I can't remember for certain.

Anyway i knew my chances to get a Unit i needed from my list where slim but then this Goddess and her angelic Companion greeted me :love:
Not only did i get a 6* from my list but i also FINALLY got Jack in the pulpit and now i can save up Medals and don't have to spend them for Heart Tree :angel:

This was by far the best Random 6* Deal ever for me and i finally didn't get an outdated Unit!!!



06-14-2023, 05:11 PM
Nice Job:bgrin:
I remember rolling for Cardamine Halloween for my Cattleya team last fall and I got Curcuma Yukata instead to do the job.

06-14-2023, 11:55 PM
I did a 10 D-ticket roll.
Typical dupe feast but I ended with two usefull dupes and 374 nice R-medals. It would have been cool to get at least one new usefull 6* but I'm used to this.

06-15-2023, 06:53 AM
Thank you Guys :)

Curcuma Yukata is nice. Especially the Insane Skill Act i like quite a bit. I unfortunately only got her horrible severly underpowered Vanilla Version a few months ago.

I think my final Cattleya Team will be Ivy (Bride), Cardamine Halloween, Cattleya, Vervain and Bluet (Alt). I still miss Bluet though.
Only Weakness i found so far is if Enemies have to much Guts or Negate. For now i use Vanilla Ivy as a Placeholder for Bluet.

I wish i would have another Adlay. Then i would just put her in the Team.

GZ to the huge Medal Rain but yeah i know that feeling with D-Tickets only giving Dupes :/
Maybe you decide now to get White Dead Nettle like you mentioned in the other Thread or did you decide against it???

06-16-2023, 04:00 AM
Thanks. I don't know if I'll go for White Dead Nettle. I have a big stock of R-medals anyway but I mainly use them for Centies (even if I stack them waiting for a good opportunity) or FM/6* FM flower. There is some really good R-medals FM.

06-20-2023, 06:27 PM
I rolled 10 Salt Tickets and the pot turned Rainbow.


Like it is very often the case it's an old Unit again. I will probably never field her (she is really bad even for Old Unit Standards) but i mean at least it's a new Rainbow for the Collection. I could put her in my Halloween Themed Garden hehe. Also what is it with me and Rolling Magic Types :joy:
They are drawn to me i guess.

Her Swimsuit Version seems decent.

07-11-2023, 06:56 PM
Free gacha was good to me today:bgrin:
Asian Hazel may actually see some use.

07-16-2023, 10:49 PM
Yesterday free gacha:
Meh. Dupe again. 50 R-medals is cool though.

2nd try on Geranium+ChocoLily swimsuit gacha:
That's nice. I wanted both of them. Choco Lily have good potential for a future Lily Wood team.

07-18-2023, 07:37 PM
What a great summon sess, got almost all swimsuit units and got Nidhogg 1st try:


07-18-2023, 10:41 PM
How did you got all thoses swimsuit? Really lucky five rolls? gacha tryhard? Did you got some of them earlier?
Anyway, congrats for your harem growth.

07-18-2023, 10:44 PM
How did you got all thoses swimsuit? Really lucky five rolls? gacha tryhard? Did you got some of them earlier?
Anyway, congrats for your harem growth.

The total cost is 20.000 for both Nid + swimsuit girls.

So yeah I got them from 5 11x rolls.

I guess they blessed me after such a hard time I've had a few weeks ago :cool:

07-22-2023, 07:18 AM
Got her on my second roll, I don't know if I should aim for the dupe.


07-22-2023, 07:31 AM
Got her on my second roll, I don't know if I should aim for the dupe.


Congrats. I got her when I was at roll 99/110, so I kept rolling for the dupe.

07-22-2023, 11:45 PM
3rd try on Garden Phlox gacha after 5 failure on Nidhogg (including 3 silver pots). That's sad for Nidhogg but at least Garden Phlox is here. I'll be low on FG soon if the evil centipede refuse to show herself.

07-23-2023, 12:27 AM
3rd try on Garden Phlox gacha after 5 failure on Nidhogg (including 3 silver pots). That's sad for Nidhogg but at least Garden Phlox is here. I'll be low on FG soon if the evil centipede refuse to show herself.

Congrats, is Garden Phlox a good unit (attacker/soft-support) ? Might consider about summoning for her but I don't want to push my luck too hard. And I need to build Corbett a team because she's current a homeless girl. :frown:

From my tests, the performance of Nidhogg is nearly the same as Corbett, both did 2.5B-2.6B vs 200 Hard Castle but Nidhogg is easier to use and has 5-turn, but she rarely uses more than 1 because she hits really hard and demolishes everything.

07-23-2023, 10:25 AM
Actually, I saw her a lot in japanese team and it seems she is considered as a good one. I put her on my wish list but I'm not 100% sure how I'll use her.

07-26-2023, 11:37 AM
4th roll on the event gacha:
And 5th for the waifu:
Somehow, it ended well. Now, I only got 400 FG to do the reroll gacha and go over the whole Nidhogg gacha. Then, I'll be broke as I never was since day one.

07-27-2023, 04:01 AM
They really know how to tease us players, I got a bunch of Turniprape:


07-27-2023, 09:28 AM
How did you got all of them??

07-27-2023, 08:54 PM
How did you got all of them??

I got them all from 11x.

07-29-2023, 03:57 AM
Let me guess, 4 Canola and a St Paulia on 10th roll?

I stole one evil centipede:
I somehow tricked the gacha by gathering salt on reroll gacha before moving on the actual one (well, I already tried 5 times for nothing last week...).
Coincidence or not, i don't want to know. I got her and that's all.

07-29-2023, 07:55 AM
Well, the last polls have been forgiving for me, I got nidhogg on my second roll, and now I got this on my first roll.


PD: After this I wasted 100 salt tickets and got nothing, but I have the event girls and I'm happy with it.

11-28-2023, 02:44 AM
Luckily, I got her first try. It will let me some gems for Blue Lotus and School girls come back.

12-10-2023, 09:14 AM
First try again. Lucky Christmas season for me.

12-30-2023, 01:14 PM
It took three tries but I rolled Serket. I didn't have any luck with Khepri or Riko when they were available so it was nice getting someone from outside of Spring Garden at last.


12-30-2023, 03:07 PM
Nice! I'd like to try her but I don't have good counter or Khepri to go with her.

01-29-2024, 02:19 PM
First roll of the second event gacha and I'm already set:


I rolled Stock as well but Di Yu was definitely the main prize.

01-29-2024, 04:10 PM
Congrats! :grin:
I wasnt as lucky. At least not a pity. Took 7 rolls and pulled a double:bgrin:
The magic support team is ready. Now just need a new attacker.

I also got a good pierce support unit from the free gacha that will see some use. Castor Bean (Athletic Meet)

02-13-2024, 02:16 AM
Got her after 5 11 pulls!

Didnt think I'd roll for any world flower type knights till I saw her really high defense and counter oriented abilities. From the team I use for hard difficulty I can get up to flower seed lvl3. her non flower seed abilities seemed not that bad too. Time to pair her up with serket. (weird that the flower eyepatch she has is on the left for her portrait but on the right in her sd)

02-16-2024, 09:47 AM
Got zinnia Christmas after 6 11 pulls in total. Decided to pull her after rereading her abilities and since I already started. Also got another 6 star luckily and shes just what I wanted a healer with skill drain(though its only 5%) and defense and activation rate up

04-30-2024, 09:03 PM
Got her in 1 11 pull. GW has been kind

05-01-2024, 04:13 AM
Great :bgrin: She is fun to use.
Finally, after all this time, solar is usable.

06-24-2024, 02:39 PM
I may not have had any luck with swimsuit Sigillaria during the current event so far but today's batch of salt tickets gave me three consolation prizes, Blackberry (Easter), Tampala (X-mas) and Lady's Sorrel (Swimsuit):