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View Full Version : Looking for new and active players for a CuntWars Guild and as Friends!

06-24-2018, 04:28 PM
Hi Everyone,

I have been playing CuntWars for about a week now and I like this game. So I'm starting with a fresh new account to get a better start because I did some things wrong. And I got a bit fed up with all the inactive players I see in the guilds I joined. So I'm setting up my own guild and I'm looking for players who would like to join an active guild that works together to get nice rewards and boosters.......

So feel free to join my guild! If you search for 'Dutch Geuzen' you will find it easily.

Also feel free to use my invite if you are looking to start playing this game copy this as the URL and start playing, that will give me some nice bonuses eventually when you reach League 15: cuntwars.com/?redeem=UVGJNC

If you want you can invite me as a friend in the game in case I still have free slots. My Friend ID is UVGJNC.

With kind regards,


05-20-2020, 07:51 AM
Here to help new players. Recently they changed the disciple system. After you have started playing the game and leveled up a few cards cards you will quickly reach rank 3. At that time you will be able to add a Teacher. Go your friends tab then disciples tab and you will see an option to add a Teacher. Add my ID VHMAJT where it says add a teacher. Then go to your inbox and you will claim your new epic chest. By adding me as a teacher you will be able to message me and get help from a top veteran player. There are a lot crucial tips the game won't tell you about but I can after you add me as a teacher. After adding my 6 letter ID VHMAJT you will see my in game name (Spade) pop up in your teacher tab.You can only add a teacher one time and the faster you do it the faster you can benefit from it. You start out at league 30 and work your way up to league 1 then GM league. You will want to reach league 15 as quickly for extra benefits