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02-02-2019, 02:06 PM
you asked me a question and I answered the question ... have I missed something
Yeah I know, I just pointed out it was stupid for me to ask since the answer was already there x'D
you can do what in 5 hours
Get 0.26*10^12 shares
02-02-2019, 06:18 PM
Yeah I know, I just pointed out it was stupid for me to ask since the answer was already there x'D
Get 0.26*10^12 shares
how much shares do you get from selling your company
02-02-2019, 08:37 PM
how much shares do you get from selling your company
450*10^6 / run
02-03-2019, 04:15 AM
I am stuck at lv 11000 / 15000 company level ups,
x2600 multiplier
23/23 decorations all around lv 40-50.
Any tips on how to move on from here onwards?
02-03-2019, 04:47 AM
I am stuck at lv 11000 / 15000 company level ups,
x2600 multiplier
23/23 decorations all around lv 40-50.
Any tips on how to move on from here onwards?
How about a little Fapping?
02-03-2019, 04:58 AM
Not sure if helpful xD
I'd say upgrading decorations and (mostly) the company multiplier would work somewhat better.
02-03-2019, 05:41 AM
I found this thread waaay to late. Spend a whole lot of gems on double shares and other ludicrous stuff. Welp, can’t be helped. I’m running stock right now. For a few days, actually. Right now, I’m at something e 174. 11th girl is at 2775th level. I’ve read how many levels there are, what decos are important and what aren’t, the ideal order to trade stocks, stuff like that.
I read about those fabulous macros, too. Now, I’m not capable of writing those. I got no clue how to start, how that would work. I’m playing the browser version and after reading all this, I wondered: Can someone explain how to build a macro? Or upload one somewhere?
Because running a little something in the background and avoiding tedious waiting and clicking for stocks does sound quite nice, to be honest. Probably my laziness speaking, but hey, who isn’t lazy from time to time…? ^^;
02-03-2019, 08:07 AM
Is there anyone here who Maxed all the 23 Decorations (without cheating) and how long did it take?
02-03-2019, 11:42 AM
Is there anyone here who Maxed all the 23 Decorations (without cheating) and how long did it take?
pretty sure no one maxed the neon sign without cheating (I dont think it is possible at the moment to get it above 85, maybe 90). However, read this thread, there are loads of people doing stock runs and having everything (exept the neon sign) maxed.
No cheating needed at all. Not even an auto clicker tool.
02-03-2019, 01:39 PM
Yeah I just checked, assuming the growth rate is constant (it seems to be), to get to lvl 101 from 66 (my current level) I'd need ~9.32*10^15 shares... so way more than any long stock run can give you, and the earth would be gone way before I could get that at the rate I'm going.
The only way would be having a multiplier so high that levelling up the girls to max level would be fast...
With a +4x share from the ceo item and +13.2x from neon (my current bonus) it would take 1202 runs to get that much share. Of course if it's fast it could be done with more runs with less level ups but you get the point.
02-04-2019, 04:47 AM
Can someone explain how to build a macro? Or upload one somewhere?
Because running a little something in the background and avoiding tedious waiting and clicking for stocks does sound quite nice, to be honest. Probably my laziness speaking, but hey, who isn’t lazy from time to time…? ^^;
I started using a software not too long ago and like I said in a previous post I set up it to do stock market for me. Also, what I do doesn't run in the background so you can't use your computer while its running.
TWFjcm8gUmVjb3JkZXIgaXMgdGhlIHNvZnR3YXJlIEkgdXNlLi BJdCBpcyBhIHBhaWQgc29mdHdhcmUgc28geW91J3JlIGdvbm5h IHdhbnQgdG8gY3JhY2sgaXQuIElmIHlvdSBrbm93IGhvdyB0by BkbyB0aGF0IHRoZW4gZ28gYWhlYWQgaWYgeW91IGRvbid0IHRo ZW4gbGV0IG1lIGtub3cuIE15IGFkdmljZSBpcyB0aGF0IHlvdS BkbyBsaXR0bGUgbWFjcm9zIHRoYXQgYXJlIHNpbXBsZSB0byB5 b3UgYW5kIGFzIHlvdSB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIG1vcmUgeW91IGNhbi BleHBhbmQuIElmIHlvdSBoYXZlIHF1ZXN0aW9ucyB0aGVuIGxl dCBtZSBrbm93Lg and if you're a fast learner then you won't have a problem with this. If you're struggling let me know
02-04-2019, 10:45 AM
Ok, my stock run is finished, I'm tagging out at 25.56 e12 shares.
To make the best comparison I think we need to account for several variables. My pre-sale income multiplier was 48 e6, store level 10 since before Sunday night. I've now been playing for 98 days (it clicked over since I checked it earlier today). I do not spend real money on this game. When I started this run in December, decorations for my main girl were at level 72, giving me 19.75X on all stats with upgrade cost of 18.80 e6 each. Cost reduction decos were maxed.
I reached level 12500 in the tournament on Sunday without trying very hard, I could have hit 13K with effort.
The only question now is how much this truly helps me in the tournament, by itself. The last 30 levels on those upgrades will do just a bit better than doubling my current income per second. I have gotten equal boosts from the event since Sunday night, when I finished the tournament at 12500.
How did it go ?
I couldn't see the effect of the decoration since my multiplier increased a lot at the same time, it might be the same for you too though.
02-04-2019, 12:50 PM
How did it go ?
I cleared 14K (rank 160), but not by much. I burned one 5day skip on Friday night to overcome a hurdle, and let my autoclicker take over from there since I didn't want to use ten more for the next upgrade on girl 11.
That improvement definitely wasn't solely due to deco bonuses. I picked up 4 more CEO items that I didn't have the previous weekend, which I think was the primary source of gains. Luckily(?), I didn't pick up much on my multiplier, so my result is probably a little more informative than yours.
I'm not particularly surprised by the lackluster improvement. I knew when I started my stock run that the store multiplier was far more important than decorations, though I still underestimated how insignificant the decos really are. Maxxing them out is a good goal to keep completionists occupied for a while, but I think just getting them up above level 40 will give casual players most of their benefits in tournament.
02-04-2019, 01:58 PM
I cleared 14K (rank 160), but not by much. I burned one 5day skip on Friday night to overcome a hurdle, and let my autoclicker take over from there since I didn't want to use ten more for the next upgrade on girl 11.
That improvement definitely wasn't solely due to deco bonuses. I picked up 4 more CEO items that I didn't have the previous weekend, which I think was the primary source of gains. Luckily(?), I didn't pick up much on my multiplier, so my result is probably a little more informative than yours.
I'm not particularly surprised by the lackluster improvement. I knew when I started my stock run that the store multiplier was far more important than decorations, though I still underestimated how insignificant the decos really are. Maxxing them out is a good goal to keep completionists occupied for a while, but I think just getting them up above level 40 will give casual players most of their benefits in tournament.
Yeah mine isn't informative at all, I think last tournament I had yet to get all the decorations and I had gained only a few multiplier level (I even got a rollback one hour before the end of the tournament that prevented me from getting to 13k... I was pissed).
But in between the 2 while I maxed the decorations my multiplier also went through the roof so I've got no idea on how much it helped.
02-04-2019, 02:55 PM
I burned one 5day skip on Friday night to overcome a hurdle, and let my autoclicker take over from there since I didn't want to use ten more for the next upgrade on girl 11.
What else would you use 5day skips for, if not for Tournaments?
02-04-2019, 04:18 PM
What else would you use 5day skips for, if not for Tournaments?
At present? Nothing. In the future? No clue, but I'll have some available.
I find the question a little odd, considering that skips only became useable in the tournament recently. I have them because I didn't use them to no purpose before they entered the tournament, and I continue holding onto most of them for the same reason.
Based on my levels an hour into the tournament I had doubts about making 14K, so I used a skip to gain a little confidence. I'm certain that dropping ten more would NOT have gotten me near 15K. I would have had to skip my way through at least one more upgrade after that, if not two or three. Trying to skip my way to a 15K finish probably would have used all of my 5day items, might have failed, and I'd have none of them left to influence things next week when my multiplier gain will push me higher and could make using more than 1 skip a good decision.
I don't mind spending, but I see no reason to waste and at least one to save. You never know when an item that was only useful for one purpose might suddenly be used better in a different way.
Take, for instance, recent conversation I've had with Sharon in this thread. I used to think that gems were only useful to buy multiplier upgrades, with an exception for stock doubling in select circumstances, and I still think I used to be right in that opinion. Since the addition of Gains Week, that old thinking is no longer completely true. Buying tickets for that event can yield more benefit than purchasing multiplier upgrades directly.
I'm not in a position to predict what purpose skips might have in the future, but it's not difficult to imagine them being used in an event.
02-04-2019, 09:45 PM
At present? Nothing. In the future? No clue, but I'll have some available.
I find the question a little odd, considering that skips only became useable in the tournament recently. I have them because I didn't use them to no purpose before they entered the tournament, and I continue holding onto most of them for the same reason.
Based on my levels an hour into the tournament I had doubts about making 14K, so I used a skip to gain a little confidence. I'm certain that dropping ten more would NOT have gotten me near 15K. I would have had to skip my way through at least one more upgrade after that, if not two or three. Trying to skip my way to a 15K finish probably would have used all of my 5day items, might have failed, and I'd have none of them left to influence things next week when my multiplier gain will push me higher and could make using more than 1 skip a good decision.
I don't mind spending, but I see no reason to waste and at least one to save. You never know when an item that was only useful for one purpose might suddenly be used better in a different way.
The time skips become useless pretty quickly, especially on higher levels since there's more level between each upgrade and the price increase faster than your earning.
I went from having to use less than 10 to go to the next upgrade and buy it to more than 300 just to get to the next one.
02-05-2019, 05:10 AM
At present? Nothing. In the future? No clue, but I'll have some available. I'm not in a position to predict what purpose skips might have in the future, but it's not difficult to imagine them being used in an event.
The time skips become useless pretty quickly, especially on higher levels since there's more level between each upgrade and the price increase faster than your earning.
Fair enough :)
02-05-2019, 09:51 AM
So i tried to log in and after getting an error it started my steam for some reason.
02-05-2019, 09:55 AM
I've got a fun new bug, hoping this community can verify whether it's a screwy patch.
I restarted my DL version this morning and it applied an update. After finishing, it said it was version "0.0 Dev" and I wasn't able to log in. I can log into Nutaku and run the game in browser, but not the DL version.
Getting much weirder now... I restarted the FapCEO-DL version again and it triggered STEAM. I don't even get to the login screen for DL now, it just loads a few things, exits, and fires up Steam. Terminating Steam does nothing, launching DL will reopen it. Steam quite obviously doesn't know what to do with the info DL is giving it, and displays an error.
Anybody else having the same symptom?
02-05-2019, 09:56 AM
So i tried to log in and after getting an error it started my steam for some reason.
Wow, guess I didn't finish my previous post quick enough.
Yep, definitely a jacked up patch. Again.
02-05-2019, 10:13 AM
I'm currently downloading version 0.935, it'll take a while with my crappy bandwidth...
Edit: no issue for me
02-05-2019, 11:08 AM
I'm currently downloading version 0.935, it'll take a while with my crappy bandwidth...
Edit: no issue for me
I got to see the login screen for a second and found that I missed a minor detail. It was claiming to be version "0.0sd DEV."
Much more importantly, I now believe that something went haywire during the update process.
I was able to get DL working again by reinstalling it. The launcher looks different now, but it no longer freaks out and starts Steam.
02-05-2019, 03:11 PM
What is amber's secret lube stash for?
02-05-2019, 03:15 PM
What is amber's secret lube stash for?
Unlocking the new girl, you need 5 of them
02-05-2019, 03:42 PM
Unlocking the new girl, you need 5 of them
And how do I get the lube?
02-05-2019, 04:13 PM
And how do I get the lube?
You'll be able to get 1 a day if you complete the Daily Quest. I recommend joining the Fap CEO Discord; it always has the new information and patchnotes first.
02-05-2019, 06:14 PM
Looks like the event tokens outright replace gems on daily quests for this event rather than being added on top of them. That's a bit unfortunate since I'm quite close to another 300 gem multiplier purchase. Guess I'll just have to hope I get them from chests for now.
02-05-2019, 09:54 PM
So, I have a peculiar playstyle that leads me to upgrade things even when I know it's not optimal. That has resulted in my Booster Time deco being maxed out at +1.56K seconds. And, of course, I put all six points into the booster time skill upgrade for *6. That means my boosters last for ... a very long time. And since they don't run out while you're not in the game (as far as I can tell), it has become quite a hassle to complete the "Use 5 boosters" daily quest.
When it was just 5 gems, I didn't really care. Now it's lube. One day, I could skip and still get them all, but there's no guarantee I won't get the same quest tomorrow. It would cost me 105 gems and only net 8.94m shares to sell the decoration and another 25 gems to respec skill points. Now, 130 gems I DO care about.
Does anyone have a suggestion how I might use boosters before the timer runs properly? (In the meantime, I'm just going to run the bloody game on my PC and wake up every couple hours.)
02-05-2019, 10:05 PM
When you sell the company, your current booster will expire. Thus you can startup a new company and apply another booster. Rinse, repeat.
02-05-2019, 10:07 PM
When you sell the company, your current booster will expire. Thus you can startup a new company and apply another booster. Rinse, repeat.
Derp. And I nearly mentioned that as the only thing I've found that expires the booster. I can totally do that. Thanks for jogging the cobwebs out of my brain. XD
02-06-2019, 02:19 AM
When it was just 5 gems, I didn't really care. Now it's lube. One day, I could skip and still get them all, but there's no guarantee I won't get the same quest tomorrow. It would cost me 105 gems and only net 8.94m shares to sell the decoration and another 25 gems to respec skill points. Now, 130 gems I DO care about.
isnt it always the same quest for each weekday? You wont have to boost 5 times a day before next wednesday. However, you will have to make 7500 level ups on saurday, which is much harder for stock runners. If you dont do a long stock run, just sell your company, selling the company cancels the boost. Sell five times and boost again after each sale. easy...
(In the meantime, I'm just going to run the bloody game on my PC and wake up every couple hours.)
make sure the machine doesnt go to sleep. boosters do not count down while the game is not running (and also not during time skips)
02-06-2019, 02:46 PM
isnt it always the same quest for each weekday?
Wait... it is?
You don't want to mention which tasks come on which days, per any chance? Because that'd be awesome. ^^;
02-06-2019, 06:14 PM
I can't figure out how to use boosters on android. All I can find is the time skips. Am I being an idiot?
02-06-2019, 09:30 PM
I can't figure out how to use boosters on android. All I can find is the time skips. Am I being an idiot?
Look for the burgers.
02-07-2019, 02:31 AM
On web its working perfect but i downloaded the app on my android it works but stuck on login activity "The game is waiting for you to login in the browser page that it opened" i login but it dont work still give the option "Re-launch browser login" what should i do
Did your game get fixed in some way? cause I'm getting the same issue, it worked perfectly fine before, been playing for more than 4 months now but ever since the new update it's like this
02-07-2019, 05:08 AM
can some one please upload or give me a link for a bot or a macro that works
02-07-2019, 05:10 AM
You need If statements, choose your way of detecting that the green dot is in the position you want to buy and sell
I'm using a software that does it for me and it searches for pixel color in a specefic location.
can u give me ur bot ?
02-07-2019, 07:30 AM
can some one please upload or give me a link for a bot or a macro that works
"Pulover's Macro Creator" is my tool of choice, it's free and well documented. I still can't post links, google will find the website for you.
I've been using it for years to automate surprisingly complex mouse/keyboard scripts.
02-07-2019, 11:34 AM
On web its working perfect but i downloaded the app on my android it works but stuck on login activity "The game is waiting for you to login in the browser page that it opened" i login but it dont work still give the option "Re-launch browser login" what should i do
was working fine on my LG Stylo 3 but i just bought a Samsung Galaxy S7. downloaded the game and when i opened it it redirected me to log in to nutaku. as soon as i did it went back to the game but is now stuck at the login activity page. i successfully logged into the apps for harem heroes, pussy saga, booty call, and booty farm. anyone know a legitimate fix for this or is yalls level up totals more important than helping some of us get back to gaming
02-07-2019, 11:40 AM
was working fine on my LG Stylo 3 but i just bought a Samsung Galaxy S7. downloaded the game and when i opened it it redirected me to log in to nutaku. as soon as i did it went back to the game but is now stuck at the login activity page. i successfully logged into the apps for harem heroes, pussy saga, booty call, and booty farm. anyone know a legitimate fix for this or is yalls level up totals more important than helping some of us get back to gaming
It's not like there's a support or anything on nutaku...
02-07-2019, 12:11 PM
is yalls level up totals more important than helping some of us get back to gaming
<click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP><click><click><click><click><click><click><click><click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP><click><click><click><click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP><click><click><click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP><click><click><click>What was that?<click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP><click>WHAT?<click><click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP><click><click><click>Sorry, can't hear any petulant demands for help over the noise of my mouse, it's kickin too much ass<click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP>BOUNCE DEM BEWBIES, SLAVES!<click><click><click><click><click><click><LEVEL UP>
02-07-2019, 02:06 PM
It's not like there's a support or anything on nutaku...
Still waiting for them to reply back. Looks like im missing this event and its rewards too
02-08-2019, 05:21 AM
Amber did anal. Now i can have her on my team from time to time, i only use girls who take it in the butt. So cute!
02-08-2019, 06:56 PM
Got the last lube I needed and noticed the resume in the sex scene. Looks like we're finally going to get blonde Angela White, who had been in the loading screens and side art when the game launched.
02-10-2019, 12:34 AM
Unlocking the new girl, you need 5 of them
It just for unlocking the new girl?
Ben Shapeeno
02-10-2019, 06:41 PM
Company level 35, just reset skills. Why the fuck is that an option, does that even add perks? Only have 5 email threads left to complete and have over 1,000 items and 40 consumables.
02-11-2019, 04:32 AM
Company level 35, just reset skills. Why the fuck is that an option, does that even add perks? Only have 5 email threads left to complete and have over 1,000 items and 40 consumables.
Reseting skills is pointless
I have over 15,000 items/each, 1600 consumables, 1600 time skips .... not enough emails to use them, for now
02-11-2019, 04:42 AM
do u guys know how to get more privte shows at the same time,i'm level 5 but there are only two privte shows at the same time,can u guys help me?
02-11-2019, 04:46 AM
do u guys know how to get more privte shows at the same time.I'm level 5 but there are only two private show at the same time. (i'm suck at english)
02-11-2019, 07:05 AM
do u guys know how to get more privte shows at the same time.I'm level 5 but there are only two private show at the same time. (i'm suck at english)
Your English is fine, don't worry. There are basically two ways to get more private shows at the same time.
1. Upgrade the 2nd Skill in the Clicker section of your Skill Tree. The icon looks like a clock on a green background.
Combine that with:
2. The Plant decoration. This reduces the time needed to spawn more Private Shows.
Get that skill to max level as fast as possible, and the plant deco to around level 10, and you will basically have permanent Private Show for EVERY girl. Good luck!
02-11-2019, 09:04 AM
thanks for helping me XD
02-11-2019, 01:39 PM
Company level 35, just reset skills. Why the fuck is that an option, does that even add perks? Only have 5 email threads left to complete and have over 1,000 items and 40 consumables.
It is for people who don't have enough skill points for all skills, and want to spend them in a different way.
I actually used it once. I wrote a simple mouse macro that would play the game and farm the company levels and the shares, and the megacoin was getting in the way and breaking my macro. So I reset the skills and bought everything back except for megacoin.
I don't farm the company levels any more, and I've heard that the megacoin was redesigned to be smaller. So I guess I can buy it again now...
02-11-2019, 04:16 PM
It is for people who don't have enough skill points for all skills, and want to spend them in a different way.
I actually used it once. I wrote a simple mouse macro that would play the game and farm the company levels and the shares, and the megacoin was getting in the way and breaking my macro. So I reset the skills and bought everything back except for megacoin.
I don't farm the company levels any more, and I've heard that the megacoin was redesigned to be smaller. So I guess I can buy it again now...
I don't know how it was before but right now you can click on any girl while the megacoin is there, there is a slight chance of it hindering you when it moves but that's it.
I thought about resetting my skills to remove it too since it's not that useful imo, but in the end I decided it wasn't worth it and now I've already stopped farming levels so I'm glad I haven't done it.
02-11-2019, 04:37 PM
I don't know how it was before but right now you can click on any girl while the megacoin is there, there is a slight chance of it hindering you when it moves but that's it.
I thought about resetting my skills to remove it too since it's not that useful imo, but in the end I decided it wasn't worth it and now I've already stopped farming levels so I'm glad I haven't done it.
It was huge, right in the center, and blocking most girls/seats completely. And yea, also pretty useless. :)
02-11-2019, 06:09 PM
I'm prestige 35+ and I was getting around 2 million prestige points per prestige and now I'm only getting 70-100k after resetting skills points. I maxed my skill points again and it's still the same.... How do I fix this ahhhhh.
02-12-2019, 12:16 AM
Is there a way that i can buy a decoration, and if it is a crappy one i can exit without the game saving and try again? Anyone tried that yet? Decorations are getting mad expensive and i dont need more multipliers for my girls, i wanna try to get the plant decoration.
02-12-2019, 08:31 AM
Is there a way that i can buy a decoration, and if it is a crappy one i can exit without the game saving and try again? Anyone tried that yet? Decorations are getting mad expensive and i dont need more multipliers for my girls, i wanna try to get the plant decoration.
Yes, I talked about it a while ago in the thread.
tl;dr: wait for the auto save to finish before buying, quickly buy and check, if it's crap > close the game
02-12-2019, 10:39 AM
Yes, I talked about it a while ago in the thread.
tl;dr: wait for the auto save to finish before buying, quickly buy and check, if it's crap > close the game
this works for "nor so important stuff", like buying stocks, but som eactions (for example claim daily freebee) trigger an immediate "save", its long ago that i bought my last decoration, i would imagine that this also would trigger an immedeate "save". but you can try, i would guess better chances in browser.
02-12-2019, 10:53 AM
Hello there,
i have question. The valentinesday event is again one of these 80k events like the twin one. How many of the calms do I need? Do I really need to open the chest every hour? I didn't even reach the first stage during the twin event. I mean i have stuff to do, I can't go in the game every hour (and I need to sleep too lol). Is there a strategy?
02-12-2019, 11:06 AM
Hello there,
i have question. The valentinesday event is again one of these 80k events like the twin one. How many of the calms do I need? Do I really need to open the chest every hour? I didn't even reach the first stage during the twin event. I mean i have stuff to do, I can't go in the game every hour (and I need to sleep too lol). Is there a strategy?
Easiest solution: use an autoclicker, for the collecting of the tokens as well as for the use of the tokens.
I dont like it, but the game more and more incentivises the use of autoclickers (especially the thing where it is better to not use clickpower). If you ask me, they should implement something like that right into the game (as a deco or whatever) so people dont have to download stuff from shady search results etc.
02-12-2019, 11:11 AM
Easiest solution: use an autoclicker, for the collecting of the tokens as well as for the use of the tokens.
I dont like it, but the game more and more incentivises the use of autoclickers (especially the thing where it is better to not use clickpower). If you ask me, they should implement something like that right into the game (as a deco or whatever) so people dont have to download stuff from shady search results etc.
How does this work? Can I use any autoclicker? At which speed? I mean it won't solve the clam problem for me. I still can't log in every hour :(
02-12-2019, 11:23 AM
How does this work? Can I use any autoclicker? At which speed? I mean it won't solve the clam problem for me. I still can't log in every hour :(
start your laptop / pc, install an autoclicker, launch the game, configure your autoclicker to click on the box, let it sit there, and the next day you did not miss a single hour collecting the tokens.
when using the tokens, click quite fast, if not sure, test the autoclicker before with private shows.
official discord always says 25clicks per second autoclicker is fine (equals 40ms), faster and you get kicked. however, when i tested last time in browser 30 clicks per second also worked (its a pretty fast machine, average laptop/pc browser wont handle that speed, the downloadable app probably actually has some limited implemented).
02-12-2019, 11:35 AM
How does this work? Can I use any autoclicker? At which speed? I mean it won't solve the clam problem for me. I still can't log in every hour :(
set autoclicker 1 c/sec and leave your PC running over night with mouse pointer on the red chest ... if you can
when you use seashells set autoclicker 25 c/sec and let it rip ...
I just don't know if it's better to use multiple shells at the same time or 1 by 1... in previous events clicking power was linear to the tickets used (1 ticket = 1 point/click; 2 ticket = 2 points/click etc.), now there is Click power indicators saying 1 shell = 1 but 10 shells = 9
according to the Discord it's better to use 1 by 1
02-12-2019, 11:52 AM
I won't let my pc on during the night. Gonna pay these energy bills lol. I liked the halloween and christmas events way more. They weren't as try hard as these kind of events. But thanks for the answers. Perhaps I will manage to get one or two costumes.
02-12-2019, 02:19 PM
I won't let my pc on during the night. Gonna pay these energy bills lol. I liked the halloween and christmas events way more. They weren't as try hard as these kind of events. But thanks for the answers. Perhaps I will manage to get one or two costumes.
you either have some space ship of a computer burning electricity or very expensive electricity because normal PC uses 100-150 W/h when idling what would basically be happening
they fixed Click power indicators, now it's saying 1 shell = 1, 2 shells = 2 etc.
02-12-2019, 02:41 PM
you either have some space ship of a computer burning electricity or very expensive electricity because normal PC uses 100-150 W/h when idling what would basically be happening
they fixed Click power indicators, now it's saying 1 shell = 1, 2 shells = 2 etc.
id say decent machine when its not doing much should be more like 10 or 20 watt, not 100 :D
(but 100 of course is not unrealistic with a bad setup)
02-12-2019, 02:53 PM
this works for "nor so important stuff", like buying stocks, but some actions (for example claim daily freebee) trigger an immediate "save", its long ago that i bought my last decoration, i would imagine that this also would trigger an immediate "save". but you can try, i would guess better chances in browser.
Unless they changed that in the last few patches it works. And idk if it depends on the bandwidth but for me the save take some time so even when it has begun it's possible to quit and nothing is saved.
And it can work for some important stuff but not all, it's not consistent.
Seeing this/how it was possible to win easily during the gains week event and some bugs the dev(s) don't seem to be too experienced imho.
02-12-2019, 06:58 PM
Easiest solution: use an autoclicker, for the collecting of the tokens as well as for the use of the tokens.
I dont like it, but the game more and more incentivises the use of autoclickers (especially the thing where it is better to not use clickpower). If you ask me, they should implement something like that right into the game (as a deco or whatever) so people dont have to download stuff from shady search results etc.
Im 99% sure that the Game earns money buy using the players PC for some sort of farming, so it makes sense that they "encourage" the use of autoclicker, with events like this one. Having the page open for 24h with an autoclicker on the box earns them a lot
02-13-2019, 12:33 AM
Im 99% sure that the Game earns money buy using the players PC for some sort of farming, so it makes sense that they "encourage" the use of autoclicker, with events like this one. Having the page open for 24h with an autoclicker on the box earns them a lot
Simple solution: Disconnect your computer from the internet.
02-13-2019, 02:20 AM
id say decent machine when its not doing much should be more like 10 or 20 watt, not 100 :D
(but 100 of course is not unrealistic with a bad setup)
simple google search will tell you 100 W is realistic idle electricity use
02-13-2019, 06:27 AM
simple google search will tell you 100 W is realistic idle electricity use
exactly as i said, 100W is NOT UNrealistic. However, its very bad. Proper PC should not eat more than 10 to 20W while idling. Of course, laptops even less.
02-13-2019, 06:40 AM
Im 99% sure that the Game earns money buy using the players PC for some sort of farming, so it makes sense that they "encourage" the use of autoclicker, with events like this one. Having the page open for 24h with an autoclicker on the box earns them a lot
and those quote: "99% sure" end quote, are backed by what? I mean, anything else besides made up thin air?
I would love to see a proof, or whatever, just something.
Dont get me wrong, I can hardly imagine this beeing a viable product living just from a few whales who might buy some expensive rubies, since the game is giving them away like crazy. However, I can not see any substantial CPU load while running the game in the browser, therefore it is either not mining at all, or at a very low rate, which would make them also no money...
Maybe its only mining on mobile, I can not tell anything about that, but on mobile it is not running all the time, right?
This just seem to make no sense to me...
on the other hand I have had heard about ready to use plugins/SDKs to monetize mobile apps via mining, actually quite sophisicated, only mine while charging, only while not used, just plugin the code, get % revenue, etc...)
02-13-2019, 08:09 AM
9 days and a few minutes short of 10 hours left for the event and I'm at 73.233/80.000... kinda hilarious. What to do with those remaining days, what to do...
I got this far without spending a dime, even without actually trying. xD
I'm just a little annoyed that I can't test the new outfits just yet. Stock run in progress...
02-13-2019, 09:36 AM
set autoclicker 1 c/sec and leave your PC running over night with mouse pointer on the red chest ... if you can
when you use seashells set autoclicker 25 c/sec and let it rip ...
I just don't know if it's better to use multiple shells at the same time or 1 by 1... in previous events clicking power was linear to the tickets used (1 ticket = 1 point/click; 2 ticket = 2 points/click etc.), now there is Click power indicators saying 1 shell = 1 but 10 shells = 9
according to the Discord it's better to use 1 by 1
what autoclicker you would reccommend?? never used one so don´t know wich is good or safe lol
02-13-2019, 11:39 AM
Yeah, if anyone has any free Mac autoclick recommendations, let me know. I've used all the free trials from ones that worked. I don't know if I'll be able to finish this event without one.
02-13-2019, 11:44 AM
9 days and a few minutes short of 10 hours left for the event and I'm at 73.233/80.000... kinda hilarious. What to do with those remaining days, what to do...
I got this far without spending a dime, even without actually trying. xD
I'm just a little annoyed that I can't test the new outfits just yet. Stock run in progress...
You'll be able to try them at the next tournament, on Friday.
02-13-2019, 01:16 PM
I may have missed it, but I'm looking for the total amount after a stock run I'd need to max all 11 girls before selling. I'm at a lower level and committed to the run probably earlier than I should have. But whatever. I thought I read that someone got into the e170 range? I'm up into the e69 range currently.
02-13-2019, 01:43 PM
I may have missed it, but I'm looking for the total amount after a stock run I'd need to max all 11 girls before selling. I'm at a lower level and committed to the run probably earlier than I should have. But whatever. I thought I read that someone got into the e170 range? I'm up into the e69 range currently.
I believe it was around e300, taking you about 2-3 months, depending on how active you are.
02-13-2019, 03:09 PM
what autoclicker you would reccommend?? never used one so don´t know wich is good or safe lol
I recently broke down and tried the Non-Intrusive Autoclicker that was linked much earlier in the thread:
It doesn't work while not focused how it is supposed to with this game, but it is good enough for the thirty seconds of event clicking and leaving the mouse on the chest over night. I've never used one before but it is simple for me to use.
Lord Fapper
02-13-2019, 07:00 PM
I believe it was around e300, taking you about 2-3 months, depending on how active you are.
2 to 3 months is just too long. I maxed out all the 11 girls in a month without spending a dime
I'm currently at level 18460 company level and 2597802 income multiplier
02-13-2019, 09:42 PM
Possible fix... I had a problem where it would go to login through browser... However browser would not boot. What fixed it for me was setting a default browser... Go to settings app and find your browser and scroll down to default and select to make it your default browser... Try it again... Good luck.
02-14-2019, 05:52 AM
Oh. It's Aphrodite. How did I not see that one coming. At least her stats align with my max modifier, medium, large, medium.
02-14-2019, 06:39 AM
2 to 3 months is just too long. I maxed out all the 11 girls in a month without spending a dime
I'm currently at level 18460 company level and 2597802 income multiplier
Just echoing the experiences from other users. If it took you 1 month, good for you.
02-14-2019, 11:11 AM
Road to 20000 Company Level after 1 month of Fapping without spending a single centavo
02-14-2019, 01:10 PM
And I thought my company level was high x'D
But I've max all my decoration except the neon though ^^
02-14-2019, 06:44 PM
what is your neon lvl now?
02-15-2019, 01:19 AM
what is your neon lvl now?
68, I haven't really tried to upgrade it more but I'll probably stop at the next level :D
02-15-2019, 03:27 AM
Why i cant get more than 9 shells ?
02-15-2019, 11:55 PM
When will the game be available in the US
Well I would suggest using a certain VPN browser while playing this in the US, an easy and convenient VPN is setupVPN on the play store, maybe even on the app store. Helped me bypass my VPN and many times download torrents which maybe banned here.
02-16-2019, 02:03 AM
2 to 3 months is just too long. I maxed out all the 11 girls in a month without spending a dime
I'm currently at level 18460 company level and 2597802 income multiplier
Apparently you gained some good events and cheated your way out with autoclicker, recordings, afk/bots etc
Has anyone successfully automated a stock run with an auto clicker macro or something like that? I've read tons of pages of this thread, but I've seen no mention of something like that so far. My plan was originally to automate selling the company, but it seems like a manual stock run is a lot better over a timespan of 2+ weeks,
02-16-2019, 04:46 AM
Did they change the maximum level of the girls?
Because my stock run is coming to an end soon, apparently, because I'm maxing out the last girls.
Right now, I'm at:
44.625 (levels combined) = 4.300 (1st) + 4.300 (2nd) + 4.250 (3rd) + 4.175* (4th) + 4.100* (5th) + 4.000** (6th) + 3.950*** (7th) + 3.925**** (8th) + 3.900* (9th) + 3.825* (10th) + 3.900 (11th)
* = one upgrade left (75 levels)
** = one upgrade left (100 levels)
*** = two upgrades left (75+X)
**** = one upgrade left (125 levels)
I thought the maxed level sum should be somewhere around 56k+ levels?
02-16-2019, 05:45 AM
My office is black out!
what is this?
everyone go out.
no desk, no person, no box...
please help me
02-16-2019, 08:21 AM
Apparently you gained some good events and cheated your way out with autoclicker, recordings, afk/bots etc
Autoclickers allowed xD (as long as they don't move the mouse apparently, but they don't check for that... idk if it's possible tbh)
As for the event... it was predictable that people would try to see the shuffle order, the devs can only blame themselves for that. And it made the event much more enjoyable imo, as much as I was happy when I found stuff just by luck (and I found quite a bit tbh) it was nothing compared to the thrill of trying to guess the correct order of the tiles.
I checked the discord a few days ago... at first the discord mods were like "it's really nice that it's 100% rng, it's more fun this way"... oh boy were they disappointed afterward x)
02-16-2019, 02:28 PM
I finished the event but Dita's mails haven't been unlocked, I just have the animated ones. Has this happened to anyone else?
02-16-2019, 02:33 PM
Because of the animated scenes a lot of people forget that you need to hire a girl to get the email chain started x)
02-16-2019, 04:03 PM
Did they change the maximum level of the girls?
Because my stock run is coming to an end soon, apparently, because I'm maxing out the last girls.
Right now, I'm at:
44.625 (levels combined) = 4.300 (1st) + 4.300 (2nd) + 4.250 (3rd) + 4.175* (4th) + 4.100* (5th) + 4.000** (6th) + 3.950*** (7th) + 3.925**** (8th) + 3.900* (9th) + 3.825* (10th) + 3.900 (11th)
* = one upgrade left (75 levels)
** = one upgrade left (100 levels)
*** = two upgrades left (75+X)
**** = one upgrade left (125 levels)
I thought the maxed level sum should be somewhere around 56k+ levels?
Looks correct. There are no more upgrades, but you can still level up the girls for quite a while longer.
02-17-2019, 02:22 AM
Because of the animated scenes a lot of people forget that you need to hire a girl to get the email chain started x)
Whoops! You're right. Thanks!
02-17-2019, 09:07 AM
Just started playing the game, and is there a point to the event after you get all four shown tiers or is it just the non-event item from the chest that you want there
02-17-2019, 07:21 PM
Just started playing the game, and is there a point to the event after you get all four shown tiers or is it just the non-event item from the chest that you want there
There is not much point in keeping on clicking once you reached 80,000 clicks. You might get a few keys out of it - that's all.
02-17-2019, 08:51 PM
For the people asking for auto clickers... Stay away from anything that has an executable lol.
It's trivial to code your own using AHK or Python.
This is what I use, google AHK, set it up, won't take more than a few minutes and it's 100% safe because you know what it's doing:
while GetKeyState("m")
Sleep, 100
alt+m starts clicking while I hold it. Sleep, 100 is the delay between clicks in micro seconds, so it clicks 10 times a second. I've tried faster speeds but that seems to kick me out. Might be possible to make it a bit faster, can't be bothered to test.
02-18-2019, 09:22 AM
So today I log on and all I have is a black screen. All the menus/folders/etc work, but the room and girls are all black. Only on desktop, too. Mobile works, even the player. But browser just shows a black screen. Anyone have any intel/experience with this?
02-19-2019, 02:41 AM
So today I log on and all I have is a black screen. All the menus/folders/etc work, but the room and girls are all black. Only on desktop, too. Mobile works, even the player. But browser just shows a black screen. Anyone have any intel/experience with this?
Try closing the browser and loading it again.
If that doesn't work, try closing the browser, then wiping cookies and other stored files before logging back in.
02-19-2019, 11:25 AM
Is there a limit to the keys you can get? I'm using an Autoclicker on the standalone game with the key drop Item leveled to 19% key drop rate. and the keys just stopped dropping.
02-19-2019, 11:32 AM
Is there a limit to the keys you can get? I'm using an Autoclicker on the standalone game with the key drop Item leveled to 19% key drop rate. and the keys just stopped dropping.
Yes there is.
Hover over your keys in the upper left and it will tell you the limit.
02-19-2019, 12:20 PM
So today I log on and all I have is a black screen. All the menus/folders/etc work, but the room and girls are all black. Only on desktop, too. Mobile works, even the player. But browser just shows a black screen. Anyone have any intel/experience with this?
I had this problem yesterday when leveling up to 3. I sent in a ticket about it.
Today I messed around enough and got it to work.
Go back to your office.
Use the switch button on the right of the screen to choose a background.
Choose the 1st or 2nd. For whatever reason, the 3rd doesn't load.
Still waiting for a reply from Nutaku, but this has fixed the issue for now.
02-19-2019, 03:38 PM
Yes there is.
Hover over your keys in the upper left and it will tell you the limit.
Thanks, Anyone know what's up with Fox Ayumi? She won't get naked when clicking on her.
02-19-2019, 05:50 PM
This clicker is safe. Been using it for a while now. It's one of the simplest to use. No need to make your own program or worry about translating milliseconds to clicks. You put in 20 clicks per second, and you get 20 clicks per second. There's an option to set it to run when activated, or hold the key down.
If you start it up and it complains that you're missing a DLL, you need to install Visual Studio 2015, direct from Microsoft.
I keep the clicks around 19 or 20 clicks per second for the FAP CEO downloaded app.
Just change the two hyphens to periods and swap the backslashes for forward slashes, in the link.
02-20-2019, 07:50 AM
This clicker is safe. Been using it for a while now. It's one of the simplest to use. No need to make your own program or worry about translating milliseconds to clicks. You put in 20 clicks per second, and you get 20 clicks per second. There's an option to set it to run when activated, or hold the key down.
If you start it up and it complains that you're missing a DLL, you need to install Visual Studio 2015, direct from Microsoft.
I keep the clicks around 19 or 20 clicks per second for the FAP CEO downloaded app.
Just change the two hyphens to periods and swap the backslashes for forward slashes, in the link.
you can run 25 click/s without problem
02-20-2019, 11:21 PM
you can run 25 click/s without problem
I keep it around 20 just to be safe. Running at 25 will sometime get me kicked off the program, and 25 clicks isn't THAT much more beneficial than 20. I'll hit the beneficial clicking limit almost as fast with 25 as 20. About the only time I leave the auto clicker running over night is for keys now, anyway.
02-21-2019, 09:16 AM
I had this problem yesterday when leveling up to 3. I sent in a ticket about it.
Today I messed around enough and got it to work.
Go back to your office.
Use the switch button on the right of the screen to choose a background.
Choose the 1st or 2nd. For whatever reason, the 3rd doesn't load.
Still waiting for a reply from Nutaku, but this has fixed the issue for now.
Bless you, anon. this worked.
02-22-2019, 02:31 PM
Guys after getting 220 keys in row I can't get a single key for one day and i can't find one till now any idea ?
02-22-2019, 02:48 PM
Guys after getting 220 keys in row I can't get a single key for one day and i can't find one till now any idea ?
dazlz limit, hover the counter...
02-22-2019, 05:33 PM
dazlz limit, hover the counter...
How can I figure out the limit ?
02-22-2019, 05:42 PM
How can I figure out the limit ?
FYI , I tried to hover around the counter but nothing showed 😖
02-23-2019, 06:03 PM
FYI , I tried to hover around the counter but nothing showed 😖
in the browser version you move your mouse on the figure that shows how many keys you have (top left), then a baloon tip comes up which shows you how many keys you earned today and how much the limit is
02-23-2019, 10:21 PM
Hello all. I was just wondering what the best order to hire girls is for maximum profit before I move on to upgrade to company level 7.
02-23-2019, 10:53 PM
HIre the girl with the highest level last and you will be fine
02-24-2019, 07:56 AM
Hello all. I was just wondering what the best order to hire girls is for maximum profit before I move on to upgrade to company level 7.
at that low company levels there is only one thing that counts: the girl in seat 11.
Thats the one you hired last. You should put the girl there, that earns the most. That means, if you have decorations that give multipliers for girls, for example foot or boob size, look for the girl with the highest multiplier, and hire that one last in seat #11.
Thats all :-)
02-24-2019, 08:33 AM
gains week is back! :)
Is there an order to the cards when shuffled? Or is it random?
02-24-2019, 10:34 AM
Looks like Random :( So sad Gains week
02-24-2019, 10:44 AM
They fixed the Abuse last Gains week :(
cubefragmentToday at 12:38 AM
the exloit wa sfixed
02-24-2019, 11:45 AM
They fixed the Abuse last Gains week :(
cubefragmentToday at 12:38 AM
the exloit wa sfixed
why do you call it "Abuse"?
02-24-2019, 11:55 AM
Devs never intended those things and players just Gained a lot from the 1st week Gain
It is fixed now according to them and it is all random but there is a Bad Luck Protection --- We cant have consecutive nonsense Cards
I just got 4 new CEO Items and hopefully the rest of the 4
02-24-2019, 11:55 AM
at that low company levels there is only one thing that counts: the girl in seat 11.
Thats the one you hired last. You should put the girl there, that earns the most. That means, if you have decorations that give multipliers for girls, for example foot or boob size, look for the girl with the highest multiplier, and hire that one last in seat #11.
Thats all :-)
Thanks! Just to make sure, if I use the sorting feature to sort them by multipliers, it's the last girl from the bottom that would have the highest multiplier?
02-24-2019, 11:58 AM
When you turn 50 cards, is the email thread you receive a free one or a completely new one for a new girl?
02-24-2019, 12:09 PM
There is no Email when turning 50 but you would have Tier 3
Every Gains Tier will give you a nice prize (players who already played Gains Week 1 are defaulted to tier 2). Max tier is currently 3. More tiers next time!
02-24-2019, 02:09 PM
Devs never intended those things and players just Gained a lot from the 1st week Gain
It is fixed now according to them and it is all random but there is a Bad Luck Protection --- We cant have consecutive nonsense Cards
I just got 4 new CEO Items and hopefully the rest of the 4
How did you get 4 items? How many tickets? How did you get so many tickets so fast?
02-24-2019, 02:14 PM
There is no Email when turning 50 but you would have Tier 3
Every Gains Tier will give you a nice prize (players who already played Gains Week 1 are defaulted to tier 2). Max tier is currently 3. More tiers next time!
I was referring to this. Just wanted to make sure
02-24-2019, 02:24 PM
Devs never intended those things and players just Gained a lot from the 1st week Gain
It is fixed now according to them and it is all random but there is a Bad Luck Protection --- We cant have consecutive nonsense Cards
I just got 4 new CEO Items and hopefully the rest of the 4
how is "Bad Luck Protection" better than what we had ...
if you get good card after x amount of bad cards then that is complete BS, because if they slip you good card regardless of what card you turn and that is cheating
same as the way they "deal" card now, by sleight of hand and that is cheating
02-24-2019, 06:30 PM
If they did not fix the Previous Gains week then I we all have Finished and Maxed MultiPlier early making the game boring
02-24-2019, 08:18 PM
How did you get 4 items? How many tickets? How did you get so many tickets so fast?
Already got 6/8 CEO items for this 2nd Event.
14 Total CEO items and I just need 2
02-25-2019, 02:11 AM
When you turn 50 cards, is the email thread you receive a free one or a completely new one for a new girl?
There is an e-mail thread, provided you HIRE the girl once you claim the reward.
02-25-2019, 05:05 AM
Already got 6/8 CEO items for this 2nd Event.
14 Total CEO items and I just need 2
Did you buy tickets with gems???
02-25-2019, 05:15 AM
100 Tickets but I already have the 8 CEO items in the 1st week Gain event
I’ve seen mentions of macros for automating the stock market on earlier pages on previous pages in this thread. However there is no mention on what software that they used. They only mention that the software detects when the price is at the desired level and then clicks on buy/sell. I’ve tried using Google without any luck. Do anyone know what kind of software is needed or where I can look for a tutorial?
02-25-2019, 08:50 AM
Anyone else feel like 938 lowered the key rate? Been on for about 2 hours now and only found 5 keys.
02-25-2019, 09:49 AM
What was the reward for tier 1, I didn't notice anything new in my game
02-25-2019, 01:20 PM
What was the reward for tier 1, I didn't notice anything new in my game
I believe it was an email from Amber, saying that she got contacted by Tasha. It also included a picture of a naked Tasha standing on the beach.
02-25-2019, 03:52 PM
I have unlocked all 4 of dita's videos but the emails just say I need to unlock the previous threads first.
02-25-2019, 04:13 PM
Have you actually hired her yet? Normal email chains don't appear until a girl has been given a seat.
02-25-2019, 06:33 PM
What was the scene in the amber email thread obtained by the lube?
02-25-2019, 06:43 PM
Anal on a table with Dita's resume on it.
02-26-2019, 12:33 AM
yeah i can confirm it is all random for the gains week now, i tried to find the pattern with 6 tickets all for the first and second card, and it is different every time, my result(just in case you are curiouss) is:
1 _ 2
1/2 1 _
1 _ _
02-26-2019, 12:44 AM
yeah i can confirm it is all random for the gains week now, i tried to find the pattern with 6 tickets all for the first and second card, and it is different every time, my result(just in case you are curiouss) is:
1 _ 2
1/2 1 _
1 _ _
also i spend on a average of 22 tickets to get 5 letters--->one ceo item
02-26-2019, 08:03 AM
Someone made quite an impression on the discord :D
02-26-2019, 12:44 PM
Has anyone yet posted a FULL list of all 23 decorations? A guy months ago posted a JPG of the 18 or so that he had already collected, but only one of those is one I haven't seen yet.
Generosity (19, plus 3....which is the one I am missing here?)
- Booster Time
- Tapping Power
- Offline Revenue
- Private Show Spawn
- Base Cost
- Key Drop Rate
- Level Cost Reduction
- Stock Market
- Prestige Power
- Company Multiplier
- Shares
- Girls with D+ Cup
- Girls with >8 Foot Size
- Girls with 7-8 Foot Size
- Girls with >5.6 ft (tall)
- Girls with C Cup
- Girls with 5.3 - 5.5 ft (tall)
- Girls with <5.2 ft (tall)
- Girls with AA-B Cup
(- <7 foot Size)
(- Starting Money)
(- Upgrade Cost Reduction)
02-26-2019, 02:27 PM
Reply time reduction.
02-26-2019, 05:51 PM
all 23 decorations
02-26-2019, 07:45 PM
Thanks! . . . . . .
02-26-2019, 08:01 PM
Hey yall, can anyone tell me what Boosters exactly do? I've gotten a whole bunch of them from the gains week event, and I'm not sure if I should use them or not.
02-26-2019, 09:30 PM
all 23 decorations
45 days with no Stock run.
02-26-2019, 09:40 PM
I got this in 45 days with no Stock run. All maxed except Neon near lvl 65
Here's your award.
02-26-2019, 09:41 PM
The 16 CEO Items are IMBA / OP at the moment
02-27-2019, 03:03 AM
The 16 CEO Items are IMBA / OP at the moment
Egh I still have only 1 letter "P" and nothing else.
02-27-2019, 03:15 AM
Some of us stockpiled gems to buy tickets for this event :p
02-27-2019, 05:34 AM
Hey yall, can anyone tell me what Boosters exactly do? I've gotten a whole bunch of them from the gains week event, and I'm not sure if I should use them or not.
The Booster is a consumable item that doubles your total income per second for the time that Booster is active. This applies after everything else, like company multiplier and girl multiplier. For example, if your current total income/s is something like 100e12/s, activating a booster will bump it up to 200e12/s. It's great to have activated when you're running an autoclicker.
02-27-2019, 02:56 PM
Yeah, so I finished my stock run yesterday and maxed out everything except the neon sign. (And after maxing everything out, who cares about that anyway...) And suddenly, I realized: With that done, most ingame currencies became kinda... meaningless.
Actual 'money' - yeah, uh... I would need that to level up the girls, sure. Buuut...
Shares - ... leveling up girls only nets you more shares, which you use to upgrade your decos, which... I... just maxed... huh.
Multiplier - Even that has waaay less value than it did before. Sure, I'll get better placement in tournaments, which nets more rubies. But... it's not THAT important. It affects the money income, but as I said above... who cares about money. (Weirdest thought ever. 'Who cares about money'...)
Rubies - The way I see it, those are the only meaningful resource remaining. Because with those, I can buy other skins for the girls. Horribly overpriced skins, but with only one 'goal' remaining - to collect them all xD -, who cares?
Even with events and CEO items and stuff - you'll get it, in time. Gains week returns every now and then, progress carries over, everything's fine, just be patient. Only thing where I could 'miss out' are events now.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. It's just... I finished my stock run yesterday. And suddenly, I feel like staring into the abyss, where most things are deprived of their value. Feels weird. xD
I DO intend to collect all costumes now. And I'm wondering when the next event will come around. Oh, yeah - what I actually wanted to ask you folks: What are you 'playing for'? ^^
02-27-2019, 03:36 PM
Yeah, so I finished my stock run yesterday and maxed out everything except the neon sign. (And after maxing everything out, who cares about that anyway...) And suddenly, I realized: With that done, most ingame currencies became kinda... meaningless.
Actual 'money' - yeah, uh... I would need that to level up the girls, sure. Buuut...
Shares - ... leveling up girls only nets you more shares, which you use to upgrade your decos, which... I... just maxed... huh.
Multiplier - Even that has waaay less value than it did before. Sure, I'll get better placement in tournaments, which nets more rubies. But... it's not THAT important. It affects the money income, but as I said above... who cares about money. (Weirdest thought ever. 'Who cares about money'...)
Rubies - The way I see it, those are the only meaningful resource remaining. Because with those, I can buy other skins for the girls. Horribly overpriced skins, but with only one 'goal' remaining - to collect them all xD -, who cares?
Even with events and CEO items and stuff - you'll get it, in time. Gains week returns every now and then, progress carries over, everything's fine, just be patient. Only thing where I could 'miss out' are events now.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. It's just... I finished my stock run yesterday. And suddenly, I feel like staring into the abyss, where most things are deprived of their value. Feels weird. xD
I DO intend to collect all costumes now. And I'm wondering when the next event will come around. Oh, yeah - what I actually wanted to ask you folks: What are you 'playing for'? ^^
Congrats, you arrived to the point where you realize isn't that great and there isn't much to do ! But to be fair it happens even in big games when you finish the story and after that the world feel empty and you can't really get into it anymore (see: Dissociation).
I'll be honest... I haven't really "played" for some time, after a while I mostly let my program play. And since maxing the decos I just do the daily things/tournament/event if there is (I played a lot during the first gains week :D)
Other than that, I want to see if it's possible to hit the max value for the store multiplier and what happen then and get the best place possible in the tournament for the lolz (I don't know how some can do almost 27k level up though)
02-27-2019, 08:22 PM
So the FapCEO wikia page was closed down, anyone know why?
02-27-2019, 10:10 PM
anyone know how to fix this?
Change the background from your office
02-28-2019, 04:33 AM
I know that gain week progress/item/tickets carry between one run of the event and the next, but since I didn't partake on the last one I was wondering, are the items bonus always active or only during the event/reruns?
02-28-2019, 06:29 AM
They are always active
02-28-2019, 07:27 AM
are the items bonus always active or only during the event/reruns?
Always active. You can see your CEOItems in your Inventory even when GainsWeek is inactive.
02-28-2019, 10:21 AM
Can somebody send me the Amber picture acquired by the lube. I wasn't able to unlock it because of internet issues.
02-28-2019, 12:56 PM
What decoration are to upgrade? And what's their order in doing it?
02-28-2019, 06:39 PM
Were you curious too on how they would have aproached the problem on how mermaids would have been having sex? (Ikd if this gramma was right but it is thought!)
02-28-2019, 10:00 PM
What's this lube I keep hearing about in regards to Amber?
03-01-2019, 04:53 AM
What's this lube I keep hearing about in regards to Amber?
there was an email thread for amber, where the tokens you needed for the last response, had been bottles of lube. the response was an animation. in order to get those bottles, you had to complete daily quests, which for a week or so gave each one bottle, instead of the usual 5 rubies.
its not available anymore. maybe it will come back at a later time
03-01-2019, 07:05 AM
45 days with no Stock run.
you have macro that made 27k company sells for you...
03-02-2019, 08:13 AM
Would someone please give me a complete list of those girls who do anal at any point?
03-02-2019, 05:13 PM
Would someone please give me a complete list of those girls who do anal at any point?
go 50-60 pages back
03-03-2019, 01:14 AM
After buzing 100 tickets, i got onlz 3 CEO items, this event is fucked up!
03-03-2019, 05:19 AM
out of curiosity, do you get to keep your gains week tickets and save them for next time or do they disappear?
03-03-2019, 05:27 AM
out of curiosity, do you get to keep your gains week tickets and save them for next time or do they disappear?
you keep them for next event
03-03-2019, 09:44 AM
So i got the message from amber about tasha, but if you complete tier 2 of gains week you unlock Tasha for hire. Which im assuming means you unlock her nessage thread. Does anyone have pictures of it, and do you know if she will be availiable in the next gains week if i dont unlock her?
03-03-2019, 02:48 PM
She only has her introduction now, it seems like all her email chains are unlocked by gains week tiers. Progress will be saved for next month, more tiers will be added and the ones already here probably won't change.
03-03-2019, 06:02 PM
She only has her introduction now, it seems like all her email chains are unlocked by gains week tiers. Progress will be saved for next month, more tiers will be added and the ones already here probably won't change.
Okay great, whew. I really want her and i was afraid i would miss out, but if shes part of every gains week then its all good
03-03-2019, 07:58 PM
So the FapCEO wikia page was closed down, anyone know why?
Was wondering the same thing. Was trying to find that chart that shows the level caps for the decorations only to get 404'd.
03-04-2019, 01:56 AM
After buzing 100 tickets, i got onlz 3 CEO items, this event is fucked up!
Randomizing things went too far this time .... It's basically luck now .... who ever has great luck can unlock whole 8 ceo items this time ...otherwise use rubies (i.e a lot to gain like more than 300 + tickets to get all as I got mine every 30 - 40 tickets only unlocked 5/8 now for this gain week. FYI in a single day you can get only 24 tickets max).... I think they will optimize things in the next gain week though.
I read that people say most players used cheat in the previous gain week but i think that's not it ... as I read previous threads they say that something like 1 2 3 position you will gain the letter for sure so instead of too much randomizing they should have made the letter to pop in position like 4 5 6 7 8 9 more than 123 before shuffle to balance out things and ticket usage .
calculation : 8 days worth play gain week = 24 * 8 = 192 total tickets(Max earned through clicking the purple box )
You complete 'PRIZE' like every 30 - 40 tickets
Total tickets needed for 8 ceo items = 8 * 30 = 240 tickets (min)
so its literally like you got 6 ceo items to get if your luck is not that good or even less provided you play the whole day the game
(I got only 5 ceo items this time using total over 250 tickets without counting the tickets gained during the shuffles. I used rubies to buy tickets twice already)
03-04-2019, 02:16 AM
Randomizing things went too far this time .... It's basically luck now .... who ever has great luck can unlock whole 8 ceo items this time ...otherwise use rubies (i.e a lot to gain like more than 300 + tickets to get all as I got mine every 30 - 40 tickets only unlocked 5/8 now for this gain week. FYI in a single day you can get only 24 tickets max).... I think they will optimize things in the next gain week though.
I read that people say most players used cheat in the previous gain week but i think that's not it ... as I read previous threads they say that something like 1 2 3 position you will gain the letter for sure so instead of too much randomizing they should have made the letter to pop in position like 4 5 6 7 8 9 more than 123 before shuffle to balance out things and ticket usage .
calculation : 8 days worth play gain week = 24 * 8 = 192 total tickets(Max earned through clicking the purple box )
You complete 'PRIZE' like every 30 - 40 tickets
Total tickets needed for 8 ceo items = 8 * 30 = 240 tickets (min)
so its literally like you got 6 ceo items to get if your luck is not that good or even less provided you play the whole day the game
(I got only 5 ceo items this time using total over 250 tickets without counting the tickets gained during the shuffles. I used rubies to buy tickets twice already)
Bought gems, Bought 100 tickets, in 70 tickets got 2 items. In the rest 50 tickets I had stacked, I gained 4 letters.
yeah fucking event is retarded.
03-04-2019, 03:59 AM
I'm a week into the game and hit a wall. I played legitimately first 6 days and managed to get to company level 80, got the green haired girl from event and got to 4 replies. Last night I worked on a little clicker macro to grind shares and I'm at company level 488. What am I supposed to do now? I only have a few girls to reply to but that's going to be covered in less than a week, even less if I use time skips. Other than that I have around 200 rubys that I don't know where to spend, keys are pretty much useless because I have enough stuff to unlock all pics. Am I missing something?
03-04-2019, 04:01 AM
Could anyone tell me about the multiplier tiers? I'm curently at 6,2k multiplier and tier 4, just about to hit tier 5. Is there any cap for this? If yes, which tier is the cap and are there any rules how your multiplier increases every tier?
03-04-2019, 05:02 AM
I'm a week into the game and hit a wall. I played legitimately first 6 days and managed to get to company level 80, got the green haired girl from event and got to 4 replies. Last night I worked on a little clicker macro to grind shares and I'm at company level 488. What am I supposed to do now? I only have a few girls to reply to but that's going to be covered in less than a week, even less if I use time skips. Other than that I have around 200 rubys that I don't know where to spend, keys are pretty much useless because I have enough stuff to unlock all pics. Am I missing something?
Get high ranks in the tournament :-)
Until recently all your rubies belonged into the shop buying multipliers. Seems like this has changed now, I guess tickets during gainsweek is the new ruby sink.
Keys are kinda more rubies by the way.
If that is not your thing, well, then you are not interested in the late game that game has to offer :-)
03-04-2019, 05:04 AM
Could anyone tell me about the multiplier tiers? I'm curently at 6,2k multiplier and tier 4, just about to hit tier 5. Is there any cap for this? If yes, which tier is the cap and are there any rules how your multiplier increases every tier?
I have had heard people chatting about a max "Shop level" (What you called "multiplier tier"). But i have no idea where. Considering the level in the tournament, it has to be at least 50 or so. But I dont know
03-04-2019, 05:28 AM
Until recently all your rubies belonged into the shop buying multipliers. Seems like this has changed now, I guess tickets during gainsweek is the new ruby sink.
From the beginning until the first GainsWeek event, the shop multiplier was the strongest way to spend 99% of your gems.
During the 1st GW, Sharon and I realized that buying tickets was actually better. You could get a ludicrous number of wins by recording the shuffle, playing it back in slow-mo, and figuring out where at least one good tile went during the "shuffle." It was easy to get more multiplier increases from 700 gems put into tickets than you would buying upgrades directly.
Due to the new, random nature of GW it is no longer the best way to burn all of your gems. I would still recommend buying tickets today, the last day of the 2nd GW event, until you get all of the CEO items.
The difference now is that once you have all of the CEO items, it no longer makes sense to continue using tickets. I think you're better off saving them for the next GW, which will have more items to earn.
03-04-2019, 05:44 AM
I have had heard people chatting about a max "Shop level" (What you called "multiplier tier"). But i have no idea where. Considering the level in the tournament, it has to be at least 50 or so. But I dont know
To the best of my knowledge, there is NO LIMIT on the shop multiplier. It also happens to be the only upgrade that's not crippled by diminishing returns, where you keep spending bigger chunks of your resources to receive less relative benefit.
The shop multiplier is the #1 factor that determines how far you'll get in tournaments (much more important than upgrading decorations).
There isn't much more to know about it. Every time you hit a new level, the multiplier rewards from everything increase by a factor of 5.
03-04-2019, 07:36 AM
Will the tickets carry over to the next gains week or should I spend them all today?
03-04-2019, 07:45 AM
Tickets will carry over. Don't worry:)
03-04-2019, 09:50 AM
Would someone please give me a complete list of those girls who do anal at any point?
THE most important question in this forum. To the best of my knowledge, its as follow:
Lisa (buttplug)
Charlotte (analbeads)
Ingrid (gets tickled with a small thing in the ass, guess it counts...)
Takes it in the butt.
There was also 3 halloween special girls that i never got. Out of the three, Demon-girl and Witch-girl did anal.
03-04-2019, 10:09 AM
Hello everyone..
I'm new to the game and I read through the thread a bit..
I wanted to know what's the difference between the upgrade cost and the level-up cost for each character?!! I got the music decoration which reduces upgrade cost but I don't know what's it for?!! and when I level it up with shares I see nothing's changed!!
Enlighten me please.. thanks in advance
03-04-2019, 10:26 AM
Hello everyone..
what's the difference between the upgrade cost and the level-up cost for each character?!!
The toybox deco reduces the cost of clicking "Level Up" on a girl.
The music deco reduces the cost of the special items you have to buy a girl after increasing her level enough times.
The button to buy a required item is in the same spot on the screen, but you're technically not leveling up when you buy an upgrade for a girl.
03-04-2019, 01:57 PM
Hello everyone..
I'm new to the game and I read through the thread a bit..
I wanted to know what's the difference between the upgrade cost and the level-up cost for each character?!! I got the music decoration which reduces upgrade cost but I don't know what's it for?!! and when I level it up with shares I see nothing's changed!!
Enlighten me please.. thanks in advance
Adding to what Wolf told you; Level Up is when the block in the bottom right corner is green, and Upgrade is when the block is purple (which happens at pre-determined intervals, usually every 25 or 50 levels).
03-04-2019, 03:19 PM
Trying to figure out if I'm misremembering, or misclicking, or what.
What I recall from the 1st gains week, and when I started the second, is that when I got a PRIZE I could choose my reward. The first reward I got, that worked, but the next 2 I got during the 2nd gains week have been random rewards from those not yet obtained. Am I missing something?
03-04-2019, 03:52 PM
I had this problem yesterday when leveling up to 3. I sent in a ticket about it.
Today I messed around enough and got it to work.
Go back to your office.
Use the switch button on the right of the screen to choose a background.
Choose the 1st or 2nd. For whatever reason, the 3rd doesn't load.
Still waiting for a reply from Nutaku, but this has fixed the issue for now.
Good!!! (y)
03-04-2019, 04:18 PM
What I recall from the 1st gains week, and when I started the second, is that when I got a PRIZE I could choose my reward.
I think wistful thinking is messing with you. I have all the prizes from both GW events, but I did not get to select any of them.
03-04-2019, 07:02 PM
You can save an offline copy from right before it got closed. it should have that in it. If not message me and I will get it for you.
03-05-2019, 06:55 AM
The toybox deco reduces the cost of clicking "Level Up" on a girl.
The music deco reduces the cost of the special items you have to buy a girl after increasing her level enough times.
The button to buy a required item is in the same spot on the screen, but you're technically not leveling up when you buy an upgrade for a girl.
Adding to what Wolf told you; Level Up is when the block in the bottom right corner is green, and Upgrade is when the block is purple (which happens at pre-determined intervals, usually every 25 or 50 levels).
Thanks guys for explaining it to me..
Got one more question if you guys don't mind..
Is buying these outfits with gems affect the multipliers or speed or anything, or it just the looks?!
03-05-2019, 07:22 AM
Thanks guys for explaining it to me..
Got one more question if you guys don't mind..
Is buying these outfits with gems affect the multipliers or speed or anything, or it just the looks?!
We don't mind questions, it's all for the betterment of the Fap Community! ;) It's just the looks of the girls. Although it can be exciting to spend your rubies (gems) on those outfits, it's generally advised to spend them primarily on the Multiplier from the Shop (specifically the 300 Ruby deal), OR to buy tickets for Gains Week, which is a monthly recurring Event.
03-05-2019, 08:17 AM
.939 just dropped. New event is Private Show with Alexis. Unsure how it works so far though.
03-05-2019, 09:19 AM
Although it can be exciting to spend your rubies (gems) on those outfits, it's generally advised to spend them primarily on the Multiplier from the Shop (specifically the 300 Ruby deal), OR to buy tickets for Gains Week, which is a monthly recurring Event.
Mostly agreed. Now that I can reach level 15 in tournaments there's little reason to continue focusing hard on my multiplier. The prizes for level 15 and 30 are the same, increasing it more won't really gain me anything except bragging rights that nobody cares about.
My plan now is to keep at least 700 gems in the bank for GW tickets, and use any excess for outfits. I'll go back to multiplier upgrades when I've got all the outfits I care to unlock.
Helpful hint about multiplier upgrades: I agree that while working towards tournament level 15 it is usually best to save for the biggest multiplier upgrade (300 gems). The exception is when you can reach the next shop level with a smaller upgrade (100 or 200). To get the most bang for your buck you don't want to overshoot by more than you have to, because every gem you spend in a level is worth 5x more than it was in the previous level.
The shop level upgrade applies to new gains, not the one that pushed you into the higher level. If you're super impatient, spending 100 gems to get to the next level and then immediately buying a 200 gem upgrade is much better than spending all 300 in one shot.
Is a stock run really worth it? If my math checks out you almost have to go to the point were you max all the girls(56k) for it to be more effective than selling the company at 5k every time.
03-05-2019, 10:09 AM
Roughly how many shares is needed to max everything besides the neon sign?
Is a stock run really worth it? If my math checks out you almost have to go to the point were you max all the girls(56k) for it to be more effective than selling the company at 5k every time.
Quickly realized my math was way off. A stock run is definitley worth it, lol
Unreg Brian
03-05-2019, 10:25 AM
Anyone else figure out what may be the time required to reach the max prize on the new event without rubies? I figured about 14.6 days at it stands, but am only at level 2 right now and need to see how more things change. Hope it ain't 14.6 days, but that's what I figure based on levels and per use pleasure hits.
03-05-2019, 10:55 AM
Is a stock run really worth it? If my math checks out you almost have to go to the point were you max all the girls(56k) for it to be more effective than selling the company at 5k every time.
Tough question, it depends on your goals and playstyle. I did a full stock run, which let me max out everything but my neon sign, but it didn't make that much of a difference in my tournament performance. I had all my decos between level 40-60 when I started my run, after completing their upgrades I estimated that I gained around 500 more levels in tournament. Not much benefit, considering that it took me two months and I couldn't sell my company for daily quests.
I was able to keep an eye on my stocks for about 60 hours per week. If you don't have that kind of availability and all you care about is getting maxed, you can probably get there faster by setting up a macro to play for you.
Yes, if you start a stock run, you absolutely should max out every girl before you sell. You pick up TRILLIONS of stock from the last few hundred levels, the numbers get ridiculous at the very end.
Quickly realized my math was way off. A stock run is definitley worth it, lol
That isn't cut 'n dried. Sharon macroed through in about the same amount of time I took with stocks, but didn't have to give the game attention nearly as frequently. On the other hand, I used my computer for work and playing other games throughout my stock run since it wasn't being monopolized by a macro.
I did get to upgrade my neon higher than Sharon's due to my stock run, but who cares? The tiny bit of additional prestige it gives me amounts to nothing, and I no longer care about getting more stocks.
...Yes, if you start a stock run, you absolutely should max out every girl before you sell. You pick up TRILLIONS of stock from the last few hundred levels, the numbers get ridiculous at the very end. ...
I’m about 30%(~140 cycles of D,C,G,C) into my stock run, so I guess I’ll see it through. This assumes that I need ~1E300 to max every girl.
Thanks for your thorough response!
03-05-2019, 12:17 PM
Is there any actual point to clicking while an action is active in the new event? It seems like your progress comes entirely from starting one of the actions and clicking on Alexis is pointless.
03-05-2019, 12:23 PM
Is there any actual point to clicking while an action is active in the new event? It seems like your progress comes entirely from starting one of the actions and clicking on Alexis is pointless.
You just need to click once yes.
03-05-2019, 12:46 PM
I’m about 30%(~140 cycles of D,C,G,C) into my stock run, so I guess I’ll see it through. This assumes that I need ~1E300 to max every girl.
Thanks for your thorough response!
You'll need more than 1e300, but not by a lot. Point is, don't get too eager to spend yourself out of e300 territory and accidentally set yourself back days of effort (or more) to get back up there.
The wiki is down and it's been a while since I did my run, but as I recall you'll need about 4e300 when all is said and done. There are a few decos that have a noticeable impact on that bottom line because it's so huge. You might need a little more or less than I did. I don't think there's any possibility that you'd need more than 15e300, even without anything other than computer deco (to enable stocks).
To protect me from myself in the final minutes of my run, I built up past 4e300 and then sank 25% of my funds into the coffee market before I started maxing out the girls. A couple of extra hours trading after committing 500 hours to it is a small insurance premium. :bgrin:
03-05-2019, 01:27 PM
So unlike Kelly or Ditas Events, it's pointless to click on Alexis, right?
Also, there are 3 animations mentioned in the patch notes...does anyone know about them?
And there are these odd green things you get every level as well...what is their exaxt use?
Lastly, there are only 2 dialogues available if I'm not mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Tnx in advance...this event really doesn't seem to be too great at first. Atleast not for me :/
03-05-2019, 01:33 PM
Does energy only refill if you're online during this event?
03-05-2019, 01:46 PM
Does buying you the Femdom Alexis Outfit give you ANY advantage in the Event?
03-05-2019, 02:31 PM
Anyone else figure out what may be the time required to reach the max prize on the new event without rubies? I figured about 14.6 days at it stands, but am only at level 2 right now and need to see how more things change. Hope it ain't 14.6 days, but that's what I figure based on levels and per use pleasure hits.
I expect that you can easily complete the event without spending gems on it, if you play often enough not to miss out on any of the event's free fuel (the fuel is "energy" in the Alexis event). That's been my experience with every other event, aside from GW#2.
That said, I have the same question since I had to drop 700 on the last GW to get all the prizes.
I'll show my work, lemme know if you see a flaw in my logic...
It looks like every level in the Alexis event requires Level*10 pleasure points to move up. Ten pleasure for level 1, twenty for level 2, and so forth.
The five "actions" are identical from a practical viewpoint, you spend 10 energy to gain 1 point of pleasure.
You gain 1 energy per minute for free, if you have the capacity to hold it.
Every minute spent with your battery full is free energy that you lost, you can't go back in time to claim it.
The reward for a majority of the levels includes an upgrade to your battery capacity, so you can go longer between check-ins without missing out on free energy.
To my thinking, the last significant level is 14 because it's the final one that shows a thread for Alexis in its rewards. Everything after that is multiplier upgrades (nice, but not big deal if you miss them) and nearly useless resources.
So, assuming level 14 as the important target, let's figure out how much pleasure we need to get there.
10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90+100+110+120+130+140 = 1050
Now we translate that to energy.
1050 * 10 = 10500
We can think of 1 energy as 1 minute, so dividing by 60 gives us the minimum number of hours to hit level 14.
10500 / 60 = 175
That's still a big number, so let's figure it in days.
175 / 24 = 7.3
There we go. Just over one week minimum to hit level 14, and the event lasts for two weeks. You will not have to spend gems to get the unique rewards from the event, if you play often enough.
The energy for levels 15-20 also totals up to 10500. With what I've seen thus far you won't get to level 20 without spending some gems, but the weekly tournament might have a prize that helps.
03-05-2019, 07:23 PM
Nice work, Wolf! Good info and very clear :)
03-05-2019, 07:32 PM
Does buying you the Femdom Alexis Outfit give you ANY advantage in the Event?
No it doesn't, the outfits are just for aesthetics
03-05-2019, 08:01 PM
[B]The wiki is down
Does anyone know why?? There are plenty of other nutaku games with wikia/fandom pages that are still up
03-05-2019, 08:23 PM
So Wolf did the math and came out with 7.3 days, or 175 total hours, to reach level 14 and get all of Alexis' messages and animations.
To not waste energy you must spend it before it caps, which varies by level.
Level: Time: (to fill battery) Hours to Reach Level (from previous level)
0 1hr 40min n/a
1 1hr 50min 1hr 40min
2 2hr 3hr 20min
3,4 2hr 10min 5hr (Level 3) 6hr 40min (Level 4)
5 2hr 30min 8hr 20min
6 2hr 50min 10hr
7 3hr 10min 11hr 40min
8,9 3hr 30min 13hr 20min (Level 8) 15hr (Level 9)
10 3hr 50min 16hr 40min
11,12 4hr 10min 18hr 20min (Level 11) 20hr (Level 12)
13 4hr 30min 21hr 40min
14 Irrelevant 23hr 20min
Total Time: 175hr ~ 7.3 Days if spending energy ASAP
You get the same amount of pleasure points no matter what level, 1 every 10 minutes (albeit you need 20 for kissing). The difference is that you can go longer without having to log in to spend energy.
The issue I see is that this means that if you aren't spending energy as soon as you can (ex. go to sleep) then you are in danger of not reaching level 14.
-Complete as many levels as possible in the first few days while they can be done multiple times a day.
-Weekend Tournaments might have event rewards of some sort. There will be 2 tournaments during this event. If no event items, no big deal, keep
grinding and leveling up. Save rubies if you feel you might need to spend them for energy, because energy refills are 1 ruby per energy, but it only lets
you fill the battery, no partial assists.
-By the 7 day mark (halfway through event) you should be on Pleasure Level 9, and past halfway through PL 10. Otherwise you're falling behind.
-REGARDING RUBIES: If you think you might need to spend rubies on energy, save up for the last day. One ruby will get you one energy, but you can only spend it to fill battery completely. This means if your battery is empty, and you're on PL 13, then it is 270 rubies to fill it completely, not 100!
03-06-2019, 04:37 AM
So thanks for the math. But if you miss a lot of those logins due to school or sleep, is it still possible to complete stage 14 (by then, you will have everything important, right?)
And how many hours per day do you need to login to get to 14? I could only reach like 12 Hours per day maximum
03-06-2019, 05:00 AM
Does anyone know why?? There are plenty of other nutaku games with wikia/fandom pages that are still up
Since it was hosted on wikia, my guess is possible someone put content that broke their rules. For example, explicit images. I don't see any other reason it would be closed.
03-06-2019, 06:12 AM
The issue I see is that this means that if you aren't spending energy as soon as you can (ex. go to sleep) then you are in danger of not reaching level 14.
That seems a bit alarmist, to me. Your math confirmed mine, one week minimum to reach level 14. It's a 2 week event, twice as much time as the minimum. People CAN sleep and still hit L14, they can almost sleep for 12 hours a day and still get the last thread before the event ends.
-REGARDING RUBIES: If you think you might need to spend rubies on energy, save up for the last day. One ruby will get you one energy, but you can only spend it to fill battery completely. This means if your battery is empty, and you're on PL 13, then it is 270 rubies to fill it completely, not 100!
Minor point of disagreement: I don't see how it matters what day or event level you're at when you spend gems on energy, 1 gem always buys 1 energy. You don't get a better rate for waiting.
If there was a fixed price to fill the battery I would agree with you.
03-06-2019, 07:04 AM
I have a max of 120 energy and it only takes 100 rubies to refill my energy, so the 1 ruby = 1 energy doesnt seem to be right.
that being said, the best time to use rubies would still be on the last day since this is the case.
03-06-2019, 07:15 AM
It's 1 ruby/energy but the price is capped at 100 rubies, so waiting for the end is the smart move as you'll get more energy back with 100 rubies.
Maybe buying refill during the event is worth it to increase your cap faster if you cant log in too often and for the night. But I don't know if that's the case and I really don't want to do the maths.
03-06-2019, 07:48 AM
So thanks for the math. But if you miss a lot of those logins due to school or sleep, is it still possible to complete stage 14 (by then, you will have everything important, right?)
And how many hours per day do you need to login to get to 14? I could only reach like 12 Hours per day maximum
You will be able to get lvl 14 anyway in the event more than 12 days playing 12 hours a day on week-days and more on week-ends .... and again you don't need to be online always just get online after the energy refills to 90-100% of your maximum . As your parameter level up you get more energy and more time to refill so it won't matter much once you touch lvl 5 or beyond..
So yes you will get there and again you will face two tournaments so you will have rubies in case you don't get to lvl 14 by that time and use them to refill to get there.
assuming you play 12 hrs on week days and 16 hrs on week ends your total play hour = 12 * 9 + 16 * 4 =108 + 64 = 172 hrs
Use rubies to refill once at the end you will hit lvl 14 as to hit lvl 14 you need 175 hrs of event.
03-06-2019, 08:46 AM
Cool! Glad you caught my bad assumption, I hadn't really examined the recharge closely. Anonymous's claim about 1to1 fit with what was on my screen at the time, so I bought into it without...
03-06-2019, 10:18 AM
We don't mind questions, it's all for the betterment of the Fap Community! ;) It's just the looks of the girls. Although it can be exciting to spend your rubies (gems) on those outfits, it's generally advised to spend them primarily on the Multiplier from the Shop (specifically the 300 Ruby deal), OR to buy tickets for Gains Week, which is a monthly recurring Event.
Mostly agreed. Now that I can reach level 15 in tournaments there's little reason to continue focusing hard on my multiplier. The prizes for level 15 and 30 are the same, increasing it more won't really gain me anything except bragging rights that nobody cares about.
My plan now is to keep at least 700 gems in the bank for GW tickets, and use any excess for outfits. I'll go back to multiplier upgrades when I've got all the outfits I care to unlock.
Helpful hint about multiplier upgrades: I agree that while working towards tournament level 15 it is usually best to save for the biggest multiplier upgrade (300 gems). The exception is when you can reach the next shop level with a smaller upgrade (100 or 200). To get the most bang for your buck you don't want to overshoot by more than you have to, because every gem you spend in a level is worth 5x more than it was in the previous level.
The shop level upgrade applies to new gains, not the one that pushed you into the higher level. If you're super impatient, spending 100 gems to get to the next level and then immediately buying a 200 gem upgrade is much better than spending all 300 in one shot.
Thanks guys for these advices, Didn't give much attention to the multiplier thing. Really helpful tips, will keep them in mind. Thanks a lot.
03-06-2019, 12:00 PM
Mobile just downloaded. 940 and the event now requires continous tapping, smaller effects per tap.
03-06-2019, 12:12 PM
Mobile just downloaded. 940 and the event now requires continous tapping, smaller effects per tap.
Dunno if I was just unlucky with mouse position while using the autoclicker, but after the update I automatically lost 60 ruby for the energy refill after I hit 0 energy without seeing any notice.
03-06-2019, 01:18 PM
.940 now one energy = 0.1 pleasure after being one = one in .939
sucks big time actually!
03-06-2019, 01:42 PM
.940 now one energy = 0.1 pleasure after being one = one in .939
sucks big time actually!
No, it was 10=1. The rate is the exact same as it was before, except crits make it objectively better. It just now takes a lot more clicks.
03-06-2019, 02:10 PM
No, it was 10=1. The rate is the exact same as it was before, except crits make it objectively better. It just now takes a lot more clicks.
Yup 20 = 2 .. remembered it now.. Sorry about that
03-06-2019, 02:10 PM
basically it is now autoclicker friendly, position the pointer at a place where you hit CANCEL AND CLAIM (be carefull, not to position on the button to buy rubies^^)
03-06-2019, 02:38 PM
basically it is now autoclicker friendly, position the pointer at a place where you hit CANCEL AND CLAIM (be carefull, not to position on the button to buy rubies^^)
If the goal is to farm the event while away, just set it to click once per minute and you will never have this issue
03-06-2019, 05:22 PM
If you click the arrow and see all the rewards for each pleasure level, there are 2 message threads (accurate) but I only see 2 animated scenes but I think there are 3? Can anyone confirm this? Or are there only 2 or something...
Plz help, leave tips too (no autoclicker tips tho I don't use one), this event going to be a toughy although ruby cost to refill energy was cut to 50
03-06-2019, 05:58 PM
If the goal is to farm the event while away, just set it to click once per minute and you will never have this issue
well, then the machine is blocked for a week... instead the goal is to have enery at zero when you want to use the machine :-)
And even if you go for 1 click per minute, you still have to take care you hit the "claim" as well, otherwise it will stop at levelup
03-06-2019, 06:52 PM
About middle of her left thigh is the sweetspot for hitting cancel and claim.
Edit: Middle of the exposed part. I just realized I ignored a large part of her legs because of how they are folded.
03-06-2019, 06:56 PM
well, then the machine is blocked for a week... instead the goal is to have enery at zero when you want to use the machine :-)
I did say "while away" meaning you don't care if the pc is used or not and the energy left can be used quickly once you're back... you can even start with 1 energy and it'll stay like that.
And even if you go for 1 click per minute, you still have to take care you hit the "claim" as well, otherwise it will stop at levelup
Guess where you'll put the autoclicker...
03-07-2019, 12:54 AM
It seems like there's a pattern to crits, I got 3 crits in a row, I can't exactly remember how but it was something like going from her left nip to lips to bellybutton and these 3 crited, then I clicked around until her clit crited. And at some point her right nip crited too. I'm still trying to figure out the pattern and if it all wasn't just a coinsidence
03-07-2019, 01:17 AM
Hey everyone,
I could use some advice from some players with more knowledge than me. I'm currently kinda stuck and don't know how to progress the best...
I'm at company Level 133. I have various decorations, the highest girl multiplier ones are at Level 51 (x 14.5), the company multiplier is at Level 48 (x9.6) and the overall multiplier at Level 4 (x4.0 e3).
Now when I start a run I get to around 250 e3 Shares in about 2 minutes. By playing active I can get to around 500 Shares in 10 minutes (which is already only half than when I would have restarted 4-5 times). I can push on to reach a "soft cap" at around 650 e3 Shares, even after letting it run overnight (although my offline bonus is not really high (Level 15, x3.75).
How can I progress faster now? To upgrade the decos (or find new ones) I need to save up to around 1800 Shares (3 decos from level 51 to 52), but the effect is only minor. Do I just have to hope on multipliers in events or the wheel of fortune? Or is the only thing I can do to grind with 2 minute runs and upgrade the decos?
I'm not complaining btw. I just wonder if there is a strategy I don't see atm, because for me it makes no sense to make runs longer than 2 minutes...
Any advice or tips?
03-07-2019, 01:35 AM
Any advice or tips?
Wait until next gains week, were you can obtain items that increase your share gain noticeably. Also, very important not to spend your rubies on shares or anything else except multipliers in shop or tickets from gains week.
03-07-2019, 03:21 AM
Any advice or tips?
... make a stock run?
03-07-2019, 03:35 AM
Once you reach that level, you can either farm a few hundred more company levels (either manually or with a mouse micro), or go for an arduous stock run that will give you a LOT of shares. But either will have little effect, since your decorations should already be pretty high and their effect per level keeps diminishing.
The further progress comes from the store level/store multiplier - so spend all your rubies on it, and try to get all the multipliers you can from special events.
Not that this progress is important for anything. The last reward is being able to reach 15000 in weekly tournaments (this is the last prize level).
03-07-2019, 04:24 AM
It seems like there's a pattern to crits, I got 3 crits in a row, I can't exactly remember how but it was something like going from her left nip to lips to bellybutton and these 3 crited, then I clicked around until her clit crited. And at some point her right nip crited too. I'm still trying to figure out the pattern and if it all wasn't just a coinsidence
Crit- chances are are purely some % base calculation like every hit you had like 10 % chance of crit like that..
My observations till now - every 100 kiss (.1 / 1 energy) gives like minimum 4 crits or 8-9 crits at best
Every 100 feather (.2 / 2 energy) gives like minimum 4 crits or 7-8 crits at best
So you can say that there is around 5 % chance of crit at least .
I think there is no pattern as i already tried that too (For first 50 energy use for .2 / 2 energy I got '0' crits but later 70 energy use I got 6 crits)
Best of Luck finding some clue to pattern
03-07-2019, 05:31 AM
How do you perform a stock run to get like "trilions of shares" ?
I think some advan ed player advice is required here...but I could be wrong.
Currently I'm lvl 70, 23/23 deco and all maxed 26 times.
Thank you in advance.
03-07-2019, 06:51 AM
How do you perform a stock run to get like "trilions of shares" ?
I think some advan ed player advice is required here...but I could be wrong.
Currently I'm lvl 70, 23/23 deco and all maxed 26 times.
Thank you in advance.
You use the stock market to buy and sell diamonds, gold and coffee to reach 10 e 300 money, than upgrade all your girls to the maximum (yes, there is one) of 56.750 levels (that's the sum of all girls combined) and then you sell for double shares, which should net you... well, 'trillions of shares'. ^^ This would take several weeks of playing the stock market, though, depending on how much time you invest into the game per day. (Might even be as much as two months.)
So... those are the basics of stock market runs. Any questions? xD
03-07-2019, 08:30 AM
Hey everyone,
I could use some advice from some players with more knowledge than me. I'm currently kinda stuck and don't know how to progress the best...
How can I progress faster now? To upgrade the decos (or find new ones) I need to save up to around 1800 Shares (3 decos from level 51 to 52), but the effect is only minor. Do I just have to hope on multipliers in events or the wheel of fortune? Or is the only thing I can do to grind with 2 minute runs and upgrade the decos?
You use the stock market to buy and sell diamonds, gold and coffee to reach 10 e 300 money, than upgrade all your girls to the maximum (yes, there is one) of 56.750 levels (that's the sum of all girls combined) and then you sell for double shares, which should net you... well, 'trillions of shares'. ^^ This would take several weeks of playing the stock market, though, depending on how much time you invest into the game per day. (Might even be as much as two months.)
So... those are the basics of stock market runs. Any questions? xD
Based on my experience I'd say two months is near the minimum time, assuming that you're executing trades manually. I was able to monitor my game a lot while doing my stock run, 12-18 hours on workdays and 6-12 on weekends. I wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but if you can only put in half as many hours per day it would probably take you close to 4 months.
If you're knowledgeable enough to set up tools to do trades for you automatically, I think you could get to the finish line in 5-6 weeks. I'm sure it's possible, though I can't really offer any advice on doing it.
The fastest method for most people is probably what Sharon did: set up a macro to automatically hire girls, level them, sell the company, and repeat. That will tie up your computer while the macro is running, but if you can let it grind for 18+ hours a day it takes about as long to max your decos as playing the hell out of the stock market manually.
I agree that the time it takes to upgrade all decos is NOT worth it, from a tournament perspective. You'll barely notice the difference in tournament between having all decos around level 50 and having all of them maxxed. That's exactly what I did, and it gained me about 500 girl levels. I was unimpressed.
Deco upgrades are almost pointless past level 50.
The shop multiplier is the #1 factor determining how high you get in tournaments, by far. My advice is to focus on that if you want to advance.
03-07-2019, 01:22 PM
One thing to note is to max out all decos except the neon you don't need to go to the end of the stock run to have enough shares.
The duration of the run also depends on your starting point so it's better to wait for a while before starting.
But stock runs are long, boring and not being able to sell for weeks/months isn't worth it imo.
Also, there's monthly gains week event, with all the current ceo items you get a +10x in share and the effect multiplies with the neon so it's really helpful for the speed run (it give more shares for stock runs too but it's not as useful). It's not possible to abuse it like the first one to get a lot of multiplier but it's worth saving rubies to buy tickets if you don't have the ceo items.
And upgrading the "useless" decorations helps a bit with the prestige bonus, but yes shop multiplier is the biggest factor and it's slow to upgrade. I think to get to 15k in the tournament you need to have it around level 15 (it might be less depending on your ceo items).
Getting keys is helpful too since opening the epic/legendary chest give some rubies (around 10 per 100 key used it seems), again, ceo items allow you to increase the cap from 200 to 400.
For the speed runs: the idea is to sell as soon as you don't get level as fast to maximize the share you get per time spent so yes it will never be more than a couple of minutes.
I had a lot of fun automating that task and a run for me last ~20-25sec including the auto save. Note that it's against the rules (not sure where those are listed to be honest :p) but you won't get banned for it if you do say anything.
Just play the way you enjoy, it gets a bit boring once you've maxed all the decorations, I guess that's why they do a lot of events.
For the speed runs: the idea is to sell as soon as you don't get level as fast to maximize the share you get per time spent so yes it will never be more than a couple of minutes.
I had a lot of fun automating that task and a run for me last ~20-25sec including the auto save. Note that it's against the rules (not sure where those are listed to be honest :p) but you won't get banned for it if you do say anything.
Would you mind shedding some light on how you automated the process of selling the company?
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