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07-11-2019, 09:47 PM
So about the new empowering mechanins.. i'm getting some rewards as ''new email thread'' but nothing happens with any girl.. why that?
07-12-2019, 03:30 AM
I think they just rehashed some old event rewards. You also get Dita the Model costume early on, but I already had that from an event.
07-12-2019, 07:05 AM
When are these gains weeks, usually?
I have no CEO items and with the last change to income and needing to reach level 10k to sell, I'm in a bad way since I don't have all the skill trees maxed out, or all the decorations at high enough levels (missing 3 as well, sadly one of them is the base cost one). I was just spamming sells at 7k~ to get shares to try and finish getting all the decos, but now I'm stuck at level 83 and I think my skill points are allocated poorly too.
07-12-2019, 05:55 PM
Level up chairs as much as you can, they will give you a large boost, and if you're well along, all they really cost is time.
07-12-2019, 08:02 PM
Well with the tournament up it looks like 30k is indeed the new threshold for the best reward...which gives fewer gems than the old best reward. On the bright side empowered chairs seem to improve exponentially as you level them, so that 30k might not be as impossible as it sounds.
07-12-2019, 11:07 PM
Does anyone know the max total levels that each chair can gain now?
I was upgrading chair 11 and at some point it turned from bronze to silver, but I really wasn't paying attention at which point it changed.
07-13-2019, 02:35 AM
Game become more and more like p2w. If 30k tournament gives only 250 gems, so at 15k it will gives 125, its twice less then before. Chairs nerfed and shares too.
All progress i did before now get pushed back by this changes. We must progress to stay at one point with such updates.
And events becomes much harder. Etc etc. Looks like game will be dead for me soon with some similar patches.
They say they re-balanced the chair multiplier but no.#11 chair gives almost 90% income still now......just the leveling #11 became harder it gives less level for higher money upgrade needed. They made it easy for other chairs to level up so it somewhat balance out each other but the income reduced significantly .[before with in 2 mins 18500 was like child's play but now 17000+ takes like 5 mins and to level up 18000 takes around 2 to 3 hrs play or 1 day of offline time]
Shares decreased but not much after upgrading chairs it may reach higher than expected in few days so do the total level up .
But one thing that concerns that is the scraps that recycled is limited now i'm at lvl 22 chair but scraps needed is in 1000s so in long run everyone will stuck if they don't farm the keys ...
Keys drop rate increased but not much almost similar droppings after upgrading may be little faster but not much still takes few hours to get max. keys.
It was expected to get Nerfed after some time but it nerfed too much in tournaments for 1 or 2 weeks after that everyone will get more levels after upgrading chairs so some will lose few rubies for few tournaments .
You're all FIRED.
07-13-2019, 03:15 AM
This is awful!
Before the update I could get 14K levels in a tournament fairly easily, netting 200 rubies a week. Now I can't even get half that.
This seems like it's getting out of hand. Making good progress after months of grinding and finally getting near the top level rewards only to be pushed back. Absolute dog s**t.
07-13-2019, 04:15 AM
Sigh, 30K for fewer rewards it is. That's busted. Spending 50 boosters, I could just barely push to 20K. The chair multiplier helps, I've pushed to chairs to lv27 so far, but 30K in tournament is very, very far off.
07-13-2019, 05:15 AM
Don't forget that keys = gems and the tournament rewards give a lot more keys now ;)
Just level up the chair for a little while and you'll get better numbers than before
07-13-2019, 08:24 AM
This is awful!
Before the update I could get 14K levels in a tournament fairly easily, netting 200 rubies a week. Now I can't even get half that.
This seems like it's getting out of hand. Making good progress after months of grinding and finally getting near the top level rewards only to be pushed back. Absolute dog s**t.
understand that feeling ..... grind for months to get top reward but all of sudden UPDATE happens and messes up whole equation .
Seeing how the top tourny ranks have over 40,000 levels when the best rewards is 30,000 makes me know for sure they didn't think this out.
If anything top 3 places should get some other bonus besides the Level Up 30,000 times bonus as competition, first place taking a bigger prize and all.
And as for event items - if you play regularly, getting 60 of them now is.. rather stupid. At least let excess event items (the Uncle Sam hat in this one) turn into something, or "going overboard" on the clicking game of the event (past the 80,000 clicks) reward in some way.
Instead we get a "rebalance" a broken tournament where those with crazy high levels - still max out - but with less reward for doing so, and an overall 'harder' game play experience... on a game originally designed to idle....
Seems... complete garbage.
Might just finish the achievements out and quit this crap, better games to play both Sexual and Normal.
07-13-2019, 08:10 PM
They claimed seat 11 is still supposed to contribute 90% after the nerf...mine is regularly only contributing about 32%. Not that I have a problem with leveling all the chairs as I go, but along with the severely reduced overall income it suggests to me that they may have nerfed seat 11 way too much.
07-14-2019, 08:38 AM
They claimed seat 11 is still supposed to contribute 90% after the nerf...mine is regularly only contributing about 32%. Not that I have a problem with leveling all the chairs as I go, but along with the severely reduced overall income it suggests to me that they may have nerfed seat 11 way too much.
It should still contribute about 90%, and does in my game. Are you sure you didn't put a girl in the chair that had a much lower multiplier than the others?
07-14-2019, 09:01 PM
It should still contribute about 90%, and does in my game. Are you sure you didn't put a girl in the chair that had a much lower multiplier than the others?
Yes, I keep the same hiring order all the time, and seat 11 has the highest multiplier. I haven't totally ignored the other multiplier decorations (got them to 26 to unlock the last evolution of the decorations), but the three that apply to my highest multiplier girls are 49 levels higher than all the others.
Since posting my other comment, seat 11 has reached 40% of total income once I purchased all available levels and upgrades (prioritizing seat 11 first, as usual). Maybe it's an effect of my relatively low overall stats since I still consider myself new to the game (54 days), but I still don't think it should be that much of a difference, just a matter of scale.
07-15-2019, 08:52 AM
Did anyone calculated how much scrap it costs to upgrade all chairs?
07-15-2019, 11:37 AM
Did anyone calculated how much scrap it costs to upgrade all chairs?
Saw this on another forum:
for One chair:
lvl.25: 12.850
lvl.50: 75.350
lvl.75: 270.550
lvl.99: 978.550
for All chairs:
lvl.25: 141.350
lvl.50: 828.850
lvl.75: 2.976.050
lvl.99: 10.764.050
07-15-2019, 02:01 PM
Looks like the strong chairs are now #1, #3, #9, #10 and #11.
And #5 later on
07-15-2019, 05:25 PM
Does chair bonuses affect tournament?
07-16-2019, 10:01 AM
New gains week is up, get some CEO items while you can. Remember, if you get them all, you can save tickets for the next gains week. (I already got 3 of the 4 new items from tickets I saved.)
Does chair bonuses affect tournament?
Yes, they do.
07-16-2019, 01:57 PM
Can someone explain the drop rate details of the keys to rubies conversion process? It seems like I was getting more rubies before the nerf patch...sometimes now I burn a full day's worth of keys and I get no rubies at all. Was the conversion rate nerfed? Is it random and have I just hit a patch of bad luck? Also, it seems unlikely, but devs in other games have been known to do weird there an advantage to using keys all at once or individually?
Unrelated, but is 99 the max chair level?
07-17-2019, 04:11 PM
It happened to me too - a day's worth of keys and no rubies. I don't really know if rubies drop rate is computed honestly for each key spent, or if there is any funny business going on. The changes in the number of rubies I get can be quite significant, so I would nto be surprised if it's not just random probability.
I avoid using all keys at once, just in case. Usually, for 100 keys spent I get 0 or 10 rubies with roughly equal chances, and rarely 20 or 30 (or even 40).
Don't know yet about the highest chair level.
07-18-2019, 01:51 PM
I just spent 100x11 keys and got 110 rubies, seems pretty normal.
0.960 was the shit. Huge nerf. Thanks and bye.
07-23-2019, 08:37 AM
Now that we've had a chance to poke the new buttons for a while, I don't see any reason to complain about nerfs. I haven't even found a real nerf, just some shifting of numbers related to a new game mechanic.
Yes, my first tournament after the chair upgrades got enabled was roughly 1K levels lower than usual. Now that I've had time to get my chairs halfway upgraded (they're working on lvl 44 at the moment) I finished 2K higher than before.
Personally, I think it's a feature that #11 is no longer the only girl you need to worry about. I never found it logical that one girl is carrying the entire company, always making 99% of your total profit regardless of how high you level the other girls. Even up above 20K levels there are now periods where other seats earn more than #11 can dream of, making it worthwhile to upgrade them throughout the tournament instead of just at the end.
07-24-2019, 03:28 AM
I think there were two real nerfs.
The first was the adjustment to minimum level required to sell your company, which made it near impossible for people in the lower ranks to progress. This one was fixed, I believe, by raising the cap where this adjustment took effect.
The second was the lowered ruby payout for placement in tournaments. Even could I place at the top (which I absolutely cannot, and I'm upgrading my chairs to 50 right now), I would receive less than I did pre-patch. I didn't jot down the numbers, but I feel that I'm getting more keys instead, which COULD translate to the same amount of rubies, depending on luck. I'm guessing the idea is that more keys translate to more scrap for chairs, which could be good if you haven't been playing since the start. I don't know, first thing I did was convert 6M scrap.
07-24-2019, 05:31 AM
I think there were two real nerfs.
The first was the adjustment to minimum level required to sell your company...
...The second was the lowered ruby payout for placement in tournaments.
The company level thing didn't really hit my screen since I can reach 10K levels in seconds, but it sounds like a slip that they corrected for new players. Mistakes happens, I wouldn't call that a nerf.
I see your point on rubies, but I can't work up any irritation about it. Most of the Nutaku games have a premium resource tied to real-world money, rubies in the case of this game. Even with the reduction of rubies for mid-level players, FapCEO still gives out a lot more of it's paid resource than any other game I've dinked around with.
I think we should also consider how much faster it is to make progress, now. When I started playing there was no such thing as gains week, which introduced big new bonuses but didn't reduce payouts. A couple months ago they reworked the skills, giving you greater potential for bonuses there without reducing payouts. Now they've added another big new bonus with chair upgrades, and reduced your tournament gem haul while giving you more keys (which fuel chair upgrades).
Is that a nerf? Is it a rebalancing? I dunno which word is most appropriate in this case, but either way the change doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
07-25-2019, 04:44 AM
Personally, I think it's a feature that #11 is no longer the only girl you need to worry about. I never found it logical that one girl is carrying the entire company, always making 99% of your total profit regardless of how high you level the other girls. Even up above 20K levels there are now periods where other seats earn more than #11 can dream of, making it worthwhile to upgrade them throughout the tournament instead of just at the end.
Then they need to 'feature' a cutback on how much it costs to level up the girls in the higher number seats. If seat 11 isn't carrying 99% of the weight anymore, how is it logical that leveling the girl in it still costs as much as it used to?
07-25-2019, 04:53 PM
Then they need to 'feature' a cutback on how much it costs to level up the girls in the higher number seats. If seat 11 isn't carrying 99% of the weight anymore, how is it logical that leveling the girl in it still costs as much as it used to?
I see no need for that. I got significantly farther last weekend than I have in any previous tournament, largely because seats 1-10 were able to contribute meaningfully from time to time. I didn't get get stuck on Saturday with #11 being completely unable to earn enough for her next upgrade before tournament end, and nobody else able to earn enough to matter in comparison to 11. Even on Sunday night when I used to empty out the bank leveling all girls up, nobody earned anything close to what 11 did.
Every girl gets expensive once you upgrade her to your current earning power, exactly like seat 11 does. Your first girl gets to the highest level for the least money invested in her, but she will never/rarely be your top earner. Girl 11 costs the most to level, but she will frequently be the top money-generating tool in your company. I'm fine with that logic.
The massive change I see is that all girls are still expensive to level up, but 1-10 can now push your earnings into a new tier instead of being completely useless for anything other than final tournament score.
The devs made it easier for everyone, new players and old, to get more levels in a weekend if they choose to play. Are you complaining that they didn't push you even higher?
07-25-2019, 06:58 PM
Yeah, before these recent changes went through the other ten seats were by and large useless for anything aside from giving you access to #11 (i.e., The Seat of the Gods), tournaments and certain daily quests. Now, the last seat is still one of the biggest earners but the other ten seats actually DO something when it comes to earnings per second.
08-07-2019, 05:42 AM
What i need to have to get 30k lvs at tournamet without clicking?
08-07-2019, 10:29 AM
What i need to have to get 30k lvs at tournamet without clicking?
Since you're asking about getting to 30K levels in tournament as an idle player, I assume that you also want to level up without clicking. That's a tough goal, by my extremely rough estimate I'd say that you're facing at least a couple years of very slow gains.
I've been playing actively for almost a full year (I started last October), I have every decoration maxed out (aside from the neon sign), I have every CEO item, my Shop level is 34 (income multiplier = 5.3 e24), and my current company level is 11709. I got 23.5K in the last tournament.
I expect to gain about 500 levels in tournament from a Shop upgrade, so I currently expect to up around Shop 47 before I'll be able to clear 30K in tournament. The introduction of new bonuses (like CEO items) will change that projection. That's with clicking, and upgrading all girls as often as I can.
Idle play is not equal to clicking, so you'd probably need a much higher Shop level (in addition to all the other bonuses I mentioned) to reach your goal.
Knowing how little I've missed out on, I seriously doubt that anybody is reaching 30K+ levels in tournament as an idle player unless they bought (or hacked) a ton of gems for Shop upgrades.
08-07-2019, 02:32 PM
You will need a bit more than that - I am at shop level 48, and around 27K in tournament. The chair upgrades helped a bit, but not nearly enough to get to 30K.
08-08-2019, 02:27 AM
Sounds tougt. So best value for gems - spending them for shop lvl? Gems are problems now, prev. I get a lot from events and tournaments, but now nothing from events and a little from tournaments. And events like "chest every 2h" and "adventure with 4 slots" req. Spending gems for me. So just a little left after it...
08-08-2019, 02:29 AM
And which lvl is maxed for decorations that incrise income for feet size, height and breast size?
08-08-2019, 05:02 AM
And which lvl is maxed for decorations that incrise income for feet size, height and breast size?
101, IIRC...
08-08-2019, 05:39 AM
Sounds tougt. So best value for gems - spending them for shop lvl?
Mostly correct. I recommend that you hold at least 700 gems for "emergency" use during GainsWeek events, but other than that investing in your Shop is the best use of gems for tournament gains.
I don't remember the max deco level, it's not on my screen, definitely right there near 100. You'll need a few trillion shares in total to max them all out (except neon, which goes much higher in cost than the others).
08-08-2019, 09:16 AM
This game basically requires an auto-clicker. I resisted it for a while, but I eventually realized that you can't get anywhere with even manual clicking (at which I'm more patient than most...I cleared every achievement in Crush Crush totally manually), let alone idle.
It's poor design philosophy to make a game require third party software not just to dominate, but to even compete...but here we are. And while I'm not dominating since using the auto-clicker, playing the game has lost a lot of the engagement factor for me. Ayumi's sub-event was completed after the first tournament, so I just had to wait for the next phase to begin...and even now that we're into it we're still collecting yarn balls. Events have gone from 'set alarms for every two hours so I don't miss a chest collection' to 'meh, I just auto-click to my key limit and turn it off for the rest of the day.' Both extremes are annoying.
08-08-2019, 12:18 PM
This game basically requires an auto-clicker. I resisted it for a while, but I eventually realized that you can't get anywhere with even manual clicking (at which I'm more patient than most...I cleared every achievement in Crush Crush totally manually), let alone idle.
It's poor design philosophy to make a game require third party software not just to dominate, but to even compete...but here we are. And while I'm not dominating since using the auto-clicker, playing the game has lost a lot of the engagement factor for me. Ayumi's sub-event was completed after the first tournament, so I just had to wait for the next phase to begin...and even now that we're into it we're still collecting yarn balls. Events have gone from 'set alarms for every two hours so I don't miss a chest collection' to 'meh, I just auto-click to my key limit and turn it off for the rest of the day.' Both extremes are annoying.
Yes, very true, manual clicking basically gets you nothing beyond a busted mouse. The developers are officially ok with auto-clickers, so long as they're dumb (no automated controls, just clicking brainlessly where you place the cursor). I do think that since they put a rate limit on clicks, it would be reasonable to have an official clicker baked in like I've seen in some other games.
Let's be honest, the built in play options are minimal, and not unique. There is no real competition, you can't interact with other players or influence what they receive in tournaments. Nothing special for first place, nothing for 1000th place, it's just you against an arbitrary score chart that rewards you with some stuff on Sunday night for participating. The "competition" of tournaments is you competing against the game itself, not against other players. Having a scoreboard with other names on it doesn't change that, unless you reallyreallyreally care about bragging rights.
You can, of course, make "playing" the game all about setting up automated tools to maximize your gains. For a certain kind of person, turning the whole thing into a puzzle for automation with occasional artwork as a reward can be fun. Doing such a thing is not officially sanctioned, but I'm absolutely certain that people have been doing it without any consequences. That could change without warning, there are no guarantees when you're doing something that's officially not allowed, so you're technically taking a risk if you head down the automation path.
I would never encourage anyone to go against a game's terms of service, especially if it's a game I play. That said, if you want to set up automated mouse/keyboard scripts for any legal purpose, I've had a good experience with the free tool Pulover's Macro Creator ( for several years.
08-08-2019, 12:31 PM
Just to be clear, I wasn't advocating automation, just a dumb autoclicker. Mine's only sophisticated aspects are that you can swap between 'click where I put the pointer' and 'click on X,Y coordinates,' and which mouse button to click, neither of which I ever use. It does allow as short as a 25ms delay between clicks without giving the game the vapors, but I'm sure mine isn't the only one. works.
I have no interest in any challenge of automating gameplay...just choose which to click, chests or my current highest income seat, then set and forget.
08-09-2019, 08:22 PM
Anyone else not getting puzzle pieces for the daily quest? Happened to me last event too.
08-10-2019, 03:53 AM
I got my puzzle pieces, but twice this week the daily roulette and key reset didn't happen for me.
08-10-2019, 05:37 PM
Are all Nutaku games down right now or something? Every one I load up freezes right when gameplay should begin.
08-10-2019, 09:23 PM
I got my puzzle pieces, but twice this week the daily roulette and key reset didn't happen for me.
There is an annoying bug in the game that happened to me many times in the past:
If I have the game open during the daily reset time, I sometimes don't get the daily stuff. It definitely affects the free spinning wheel and the daily key reset - not sure about other things like daily quest.
I complained to the devs a while back- they sent me a few extra rubies. But the bug kept happening every now and then, so now I just make sure to shut down the game right before the reset time, and start it after.
08-11-2019, 03:21 AM
There is an annoying bug in the game that happened to me many times in the past:
If I have the game open during the daily reset time, I sometimes don't get the daily stuff. It definitely affects the free spinning wheel and the daily key reset - not sure about other things like daily quest.
I complained to the devs a while back- they sent me a few extra rubies. But the bug kept happening every now and then, so now I just make sure to shut down the game right before the reset time, and start it after.
Yeah, t's happened to me before as well, though not twice in a week. Unfortunately, reset time is in the middle of the night for me, where I have an auto clicker collecting the daily keys while I'm sleeping.
08-14-2019, 07:18 PM
What are the recommended settings for an autoclicker?
08-15-2019, 05:59 AM
I run 1 click per 23 mS using OP Auto Clicker 3.0. The game now automatically limits your number of clicks, so if you set it lower, it stutters, which annoys me.
08-16-2019, 07:53 PM
Just discovered that store level is capped at level 50 (multiplier 17.76e33). This puts the end to further game progress beyond this point.
The chair levels are not capped so far - after reaching the upgrade time of 48 hours, they just stay at that. The costs increase each level, but so far are still very affordable. So this provides some further progress - no clue for how long.
08-16-2019, 09:04 PM
Chair levels max at 99
08-18-2019, 09:35 PM
Huh, I was kind of hoping the tournament rewards were a bug resulting from them forgetting to update them, since the outfit you could win was the same as last week. Tournament's done now though and I did end up getting the displayed rewards, so I guess we're not getting any tournament reward event tokens this time. Unless I've messed up my count, the next tournament and the event both end simultaneously, so we wouldn't be able to use rewards from that one.
08-19-2019, 08:35 AM
Huh, I was kind of hoping the tournament rewards were a bug resulting from them forgetting to update them, since the outfit you could win was the same as last week. Tournament's done now though and I did end up getting the displayed rewards, so I guess we're not getting any tournament reward event tokens this time. Unless I've messed up my count, the next tournament and the event both end simultaneously, so we wouldn't be able to use rewards from that one.
You'll probably know this by the time you read it, but they changed the tourney reward to give out a different summertime outfit (Nova instead of Dita). But still no more golden bangles. Not a huge deal if you run an autoclicker and keep it on the chest all night...I just finished 80K this morning and there's still nearly a week to go.
08-24-2019, 07:42 AM
People are talking about a store you can level but where do i find this so said store? I found the empower chairs but the store is nowhere to be seen in my game.
08-24-2019, 09:58 AM
People are talking about a store you can level but where do i find this so said store? I found the empower chairs but the store is nowhere to be seen in my game.
It's called "shop" and has a shopping cart icon. You can buy Multipliers in the shop, and as you buy more of those, they increase in level.
08-25-2019, 10:55 PM
Well, I learned today that if you're about to increase your key cap, be sure to already be at (or maybe just near) the key cap because an increase resets your daily key progress to zero. And if everyone already knew this, it's because I haven't the patience to read through almost 200 pages of posts, so...apologies.
Also cool: the new option to use ten gains week tickets at a time. I already had a growing suspicion that what you got was predetermined and it didn't matter which square on the grid you chose. This confirms it, and is really convenient. Well, it's convenient for tournament rewards, anyway...I'm going to have to decide if I want to wait till I accumulate ten tickets the ponderous way before spending them. Maybe I'll run them manually only if I'm close to the E in PRIZE but if it's further away I can just wait till I get ten.
08-26-2019, 03:10 AM
Well, I learned today that if you're about to increase your key cap, be sure to already be at (or maybe just near) the key cap because an increase resets your daily key progress to zero. And if everyone already knew this, it's because I haven't the patience to read through almost 200 pages of posts, so...apologies.
I think that's new. When I got key cap increases, I'm pretty sure it just extended, not reset.
Also cool: the new option to use ten gains week tickets at a time. I already had a growing suspicion that what you got was predetermined and it didn't matter which square on the grid you chose. This confirms it, and is really convenient. Well, it's convenient for tournament rewards, anyway...I'm going to have to decide if I want to wait till I accumulate ten tickets the ponderous way before spending them. Maybe I'll run them manually only if I'm close to the E in PRIZE but if it's further away I can just wait till I get ten.
Very convenient when you already have all the CEO items and just want the new milestone rewards. On the other hand, you miss out on the opportunity to make extra draws on boards with several good rewards (if that's still a thing?).
08-26-2019, 09:02 AM
On the other hand, you miss out on the opportunity to make extra draws on boards with several good rewards (if that's still a thing?).
I think it is, but just as with extra spins on the wheel, my rubies are more importantly spent in the shop on multipliers at this point...rather than merely a chance at a multiplier or whatever other reward is good. I did notice a lack of extra gains tickets in any of my 10X draws, though...assuming THAT is still a thing.
08-26-2019, 10:28 AM
I think it is, but just as with extra spins on the wheel, my rubies are more importantly spent in the shop on multipliers at this point...rather than merely a chance at a multiplier or whatever other reward is good. I did notice a lack of extra gains tickets in any of my 10X draws, though...assuming THAT is still a thing.
I got some gains tickets when I did 100 draws, or however much it was to clear the new milestones.
08-26-2019, 04:19 PM
Yeah, the ten ticket rolls can give you bonus tickets. I had one roll that gave me eight (one five ticket panel + one three ticket panel) and one or two rolls that gave me a few tickets. Ten rolls can also give multiple PRIZE letters so it might be possible to get an E as well as a P.
08-26-2019, 06:59 PM
Yeah, I got the multiple letters in a 10X draw once. Obviously if you have the ten, you're going to spend the ten. I was just saying that if I was going to bother with individual tickets it would have to be when I already have Z and I'm looking for E. In other words, try for the item prize as soon as I can instead of waiting for ten tickets to build up again.
08-26-2019, 07:43 PM
Really sucks that the daily puzzle piece reward is a different one from the last time so you can't go back and complete the previous event if you missed more than two days.
08-28-2019, 04:16 AM
I really hoped that, with this being an anniversary event and all, obtaining the summertime costumes for Grace and Kelly would unlock them if you missed on the event (I hadn't started playing at the time) but it seems not, it's a bit of a bummer. That or the rewards displayed for the completion of the first mail topic are wrong.
08-28-2019, 07:51 PM
I really hoped that, with this being an anniversary event and all, obtaining the summertime costumes for Grace and Kelly would unlock them if you missed on the event (I hadn't started playing at the time) but it seems not, it's a bit of a bummer. That or the rewards displayed for the completion of the first mail topic are wrong.
They should have had the girls as the prize and if you already had the girls the summertime outfits would replace them.
Bruh murderer
09-10-2019, 03:28 PM
Hey, i just unlocked Kelly, and it won't let me hire her. Why?
09-12-2019, 08:13 AM
Hey, i just unlocked Kelly, and it won't let me hire her. Why?
If you've already hired Grace, you can't hire Kelly at the same time. They do their twin substitution gimmick and don't ever work at the same time. This is indicated by both of them being covered by the same place in the girl list.
09-12-2019, 10:05 AM
Hey, i just unlocked Kelly, and it won't let me hire her. Why?
You can only have one of them hired at a time, so if Grace is already on the floor you can't hire Kelly. Selling your company resolves that.
You must have an open seat to hire a girl, even though the menu makes it look like you can hire someone after filling all 11 seats.
If Grace is shown in your hire menu click the arrows on her portrait to get to Kelly. They share a slot.
Bruh murder
09-12-2019, 06:19 PM
You can only have one of them hired at a time, so if Grace is already on the floor you can't hire Kelly. Selling your company resolves that.
You must have an open seat to hire a girl, even though the menu makes it look like you can hire someone after filling all 11 seats.
If Grace is shown in your hire menu click the arrows on her portrait to get to Kelly. They share a slot.
But that's the thing, i unlocked Kelly before grace, and she isn't appearing in my hire menu. I haven't unlocked Grace yet.
09-12-2019, 10:37 PM
Soooo I guess they aren't extending the twins event an extra day like they usually do to use up whatever you have leftover? That sucks. Especially considering you can still buy gemini charms at the store...
09-29-2019, 08:26 AM
Anyone know why Summertime Tasha keeps her bikini bottom on in active private chat? It's not so much that you could see anything, but everyone else gets completely naked for it...why shouldn't she? Even if she is a spoiled rich brat, she still has a job to do.
09-29-2019, 10:28 AM
A few different characters, especially in alternate costumes, keep varying amounts of clothing on for private chats. So, aesthetic choice?
09-29-2019, 02:16 PM
I remember having a similiar issue with Tasha, I think it fixed once I got the second/third email thread from Gains Week event.
10-04-2019, 02:40 PM
Hmm, how to get beer in current event?
10-04-2019, 04:02 PM
Hmm, how to get beer in current event?
Finish the daily mission.
10-09-2019, 09:51 PM do we play these new missions?
10-10-2019, 11:20 AM
Looks like i lost first threads from Halloween character stories.
(For example about witch crash-landing through studio window).
Can someone who has this characters confirm ?
10-10-2019, 11:29 AM
Just started the game to check out the event timers and the slots had somehow reset. The two slots I bought with gems were locked and no timers were active. The ~400 event currency I gained earlier was still there.
10-10-2019, 12:35 PM
I lost all three slots I had unlocked with rubies. Put in a ticket, but haven't heard anything yet. If I miss out due to buggy event, I'm done.
10-10-2019, 04:20 PM
They put in a fix. And from my perspective I think it's a generous one. If you haven't gotten it yet, they're working on it via submitted tickets, so just let them work it out.
10-10-2019, 05:57 PM
I got my lost slots back, just to let you know.
10-21-2019, 05:21 AM
What's the best strategy for gains week once you get all the items?stockpiling tickets for the next one or using them for a chance on multipliers?
10-21-2019, 08:52 AM
It depends on where you at in general income, I guess? I prefer to stockpile. Last time I think they put out eight CEO items at once, which was a bit much without having a reserve of tickets. Also, just in case I don't have time to farm tickets when the next gains week comes around, it's good to have a buffer.
If you fell you need more multiplier, I'd go for it though. Someone said the max multiplier level was 50, and I'm pretty close to that, so I'm not in a hurry to get there and lose future multipliers. However, if you think raising your multiplier will really help get you to the max prize in the weekend tournament, that's probably more value for your tickets than waiting for the next gains week.
10-21-2019, 09:02 AM
Oh man, I hope someone archived Sara's original pics because I didn't think to do it myself. I like the new ones, but I didn't see anything wrong with the old ones would be nice if they'd just keep all of them available.
10-21-2019, 03:32 PM
Oh man, I hope someone archived Sara's original pics because I didn't think to do it myself. I like the new ones, but I didn't see anything wrong with the old ones would be nice if they'd just keep all of them available.
Thankfully I've got screenshots of 'em. Took them as I got them.
That said, uuuuuhhhh... When looking from the messages screens, or from the big pic gallery, it shows the small square tab with the new updated images -- however, when I actually press the images and enter them fullscreen, they're the same old images as they have been.
Anybody else experiencing this issue? I'm on Android mobile app, if it may matter due to platform.
10-24-2019, 05:24 AM
What's the best strategy for gains week once you get all the items?stockpiling tickets for the next one or using them for a chance on multipliers?
To maximize your benefit from spending gems, I recommend that you save most of them for purchasing store upgrades.
Buying GainsWeek tickets is sometimes necessary, I always keep 700 gems available for that because the items are worth the investment. Continuing to play GW after getting all currently available prizes/emails won't help you nearly as much as upgrading your shop. Save any unused tickets for the next GW, when they'll provide value for you again.
10-24-2019, 12:46 PM
Did. . . Did they just end Gains Week even though it has 6H14M left on its clock?
Do they always do that when an events near ending and another beginning??
I've not noticed them doing that before now. I mean what the heck. I could've done 1-2 more 10-draws if they'd have let the clock run out.
10-24-2019, 01:16 PM
Thankfully I've got screenshots of 'em. Took them as I got them.
That said, uuuuuhhhh... When looking from the messages screens, or from the big pic gallery, it shows the small square tab with the new updated images -- however, when I actually press the images and enter them fullscreen, they're the same old images as they have been.
Anybody else experiencing this issue? I'm on Android mobile app, if it may matter due to platform.
This is me, just when I made that comment I wasn't logged in.
Images do work correctly now, so when I press them and go fullscreen they appear as the new updated images.
So something good came with this game update, even if I'm steamed about the abrupt end to Gains Week.
I do like the rooftop image more with this updated look, and the first couple since the artworks she had before seemed like a altogether different style than everyone else's artworks, kinda.
The one where she's under your desk though, that one makes no sense now. The old image showed her and showed translucent/faded walls on your desk, as to show her on the inside of it and not let the walls block our view of her. Now however, the desk just has no walls, and it looks like a freaking ordinary school desk. No Sara, it's not that the person I was meeting with "could've" seen you, it's now that they WOULD see you, because you're right in the wide open view now..... So yeah, they'd have seen you right when entering the room, and every moment afterwards.
10-24-2019, 07:09 PM
New event completly new. Does smb count already, possible to get all rewards with f2p or how many gems it would cost?
10-24-2019, 11:05 PM
New event completly new. Does smb count already, possible to get all rewards with f2p or how many gems it would cost?
6H40M = full 400 energy, or 20 event currency
24H = 1440 energy, or 62.4 event currency
8D = 11520 energy, or 499.2 event currency
Assuming you're magically able to get it to be recharging every moment of the day, not enough to get everything f2p.
Need 560 event currency to get all rewards.
IF you're not getting a good sleep, and making sure you only sleep for 6H40M(take off a few minutes to be able to wake up and get on the game), then you would still need to spend 400 gems for 4 energy refreshes. In order to get enough energy to equal 1D(62.4 event currency) and add that to your 499.2 at events end. Just barely enough to get all rewards.
Needless to say iiii don't think I'll be doing that. I'll be okay without the gal(she doesn't fit in with my CEO skills anywho, rewarding girls who are Large/Large/Large in category, and at least try to meet 2 of those - got 5 with all 3 though), and I guess I'll just start with the best rewards and work my way up to the worst, so that I get the biggest multipliers at least.
10-25-2019, 02:03 AM
I guess they'll patch a fix of some kind along the way, as they've done every time they realize they didn't figure out the math before launching the event.
10-25-2019, 06:24 AM
so, i completed the "Hello, sexy!" part,
correct answers are:
1.) "I saw how beautiful you are and I wanted to get to know you."
2.) "Why don't we take it slowly first? What's your favorite color?"
3.) "How about I get you something nice?"
4.) "It's all part of the seduction, isn't it?"
5.) "I'm a fan of lace myself but, I don't think it's a must."
6.) "How did you figure that?"
7.) "Why don't you start with something you like?"
8.) "Who am I to refuse that kind of offer?"
9.) "You look so cute when you're turned on. I want to see you cum."
...someone got other threads already?
10-25-2019, 06:33 AM
...also, dont worry about whether it is possible to complete the event f2p or not...
All other events so far could be done in about half the time given. All of them (Maybe the sexpedition type a bit less, however also easy to complete, also no AC needed for those).
Once they introduced a new type of event, it sometimes seemed impossible (like this time), but that just means some guys freak out, rage and then spend some rubies and then the devs relax the timing. they could give more tokens instead of 5, or speed the battery recharging or whatever.. calm down, there will be a patch soon and you will be able to complete easily...
If not, that would be the first time, well, then spend some rubies, get over it, there are hundreds of free rubies each week :)
As a long term player you already know (or learn it now), you should always have 1000 rubies left for things like that...
10-25-2019, 07:03 AM
well, i posted those on the wiki, and it got advertised on the discord pretty quickly.
Shortly after that someone added the second thread.
Then the mods of the discord turned up and thought rules from the discord also have to be enforced on the wiki and deleted the answers again... lol
however, the first two threads:
htt p s : // fapceo . miraheze . org / w/index.php?title=Saya%27s_Private_Show&oldid=4261
(i am not allowed to post link, just remove some spaces...)
I dont know if the stupid discord mods know how to remove old versions... so i copy the second thread as well here:
Oh, hey there!
1.) "I just wanted to see you."
2.) "I'm glad. It's pleasure seeing your work."
3.) "I'd be glad to see whatever you decided to show me."
4.) "Who doesn't enjoy it when things get hot?"
5.) "I'd like to see that."
6.) "I like that too"
7.) "I'm good seeing it on you."
8.) "I want you to show me where it feels best."
9.) "I wish I could keep that image of you."
10-25-2019, 07:03 AM
correct answers for another thread
10-25-2019, 04:28 PM
3rd and 4th threads answers? Anyone
10-25-2019, 06:10 PM
I think, the theme is, kiss her butt (tell her that she is right in gentlemanly manner)
10-26-2019, 01:46 AM
Yeah, basically always pick the non-aggressive beta cuck answer (polite and respectful if you prefer).
10-26-2019, 01:49 AM
so, i completed the "Hello, sexy!" part,
correct answers are:
1.) "I saw how beautiful you are and I wanted to get to know you."
2.) "Why don't we take it slowly first? What's your favorite color?"
3.) "How about I get you something nice?"
4.) "It's all part of the seduction, isn't it?"
5.) "I'm a fan of lace myself but, I don't think it's a must."
6.) "How did you figure that?"
7.) "Why don't you start with something you like?"
8.) "Who am I to refuse that kind of offer?"
9.) "You look so cute when you're turned on. I want to see you cum."
...someone got other threads already?
I've completed first 2 threads and began the 3rd. Key is do NOT be hasty. Do NOT pick the "I wanna get in your pants"/"I wanna see you get in your pants" option. Choose the considerate answer, every single time thus far. Like "I want you to show me where you like it best.", or "I doubt I wouldn't like something you do."
Those are correct.
Respectively, "I want to see you mastur****."
That's gonna be wrong and make you start over.
Correct answer will be "I wish I could see how you pleasure yourself."
[This example is my next choice, 2nd answer in 3rd thread("Today I'm...")]
10-26-2019, 01:54 AM
Aaaaand I see that people have already responded with this finding, lol.
Forgot to manually refresh the page to make it update :P
10-26-2019, 02:07 AM
...also, dont worry about whether it is possible to complete the event f2p or not...
All other events so far could be done in about half the time given. All of them (Maybe the sexpedition type a bit less, however also easy to complete, also no AC needed for those).
Once they introduced a new type of event, it sometimes seemed impossible (like this time), but that just means some guys freak out, rage and then spend some rubies and then the devs relax the timing. they could give more tokens instead of 5, or speed the battery recharging or whatever.. calm down, there will be a patch soon and you will be able to complete easily...
If not, that would be the first time, well, then spend some rubies, get over it, there are hundreds of free rubies each week :)
As a long term player you already know (or learn it now), you should always have 1000 rubies left for things like that...
Well I still gotta worry about it, not being a long time player whatsoever. This is day 34 for me I think. Capping out at around total levels 12500 in the weekly tournament without blowing a ton of speedups. Company lvl59, will be lvl64 after selling it 5 times for daily today. Not making as many gems as someone further along that's been at it for a long time.
Still, ain't too hard I guess.
When I did that original calculation, I didn't think about the event currency we would get from the tourney. At the 12500 levels bracket, that's essentially like 400 gems worth of the event currency. That'll help for sure. May be able to get all rewards from the event, if I wanna spend 100-200 gems at the end.
10-26-2019, 05:45 AM
Well I still gotta worry about it, not being a long time player whatsoever.
No ya don't, you received golden advice to stop doing that. :bgrin:
As others have correctly pointed out, almost every time a new TYPE of event is introduced its balance is fucked up. The developers have a 100% track record of modifying details of new events so that free players can easily earn all rewards if they actually play.
I've been playing FapCEO for 367 days. The only event I've ever been forced to spend gems on is GainsWeek. I've never been forced to pay money for gems in order to complete an event.
10-26-2019, 04:00 PM
Yeah, basically always pick the non-aggressive beta cuck answer (polite and respectful if you prefer).
Yes, I would prefer.
I would also like some nuance in our dialogue choices. Open Hand and Closed Fist answers were already passe when they were introduced video game world.
10-27-2019, 07:02 AM
RIP our browser histories after researching answers for this quiz. Can't wait to see what kind of ads I'm going to get now. Thanks, Nutaku.
10-27-2019, 07:41 AM
Has anyone finshed all the topics?If yes, how do we gain "currency" once done with them?
10-27-2019, 10:14 AM
Ok, so nobody wants to share info:frown:
10-27-2019, 10:17 AM
Ok, so nobody wants to share info:frown:
check back in half an hour or so, ill post them after lunch, but tbf, they are quite easy :-)
10-27-2019, 10:20 AM
check back in half an hour or so, ill post them after lunch, but tbf, they are quite easy :-)
Oh, nice! I`ll be waiting
10-27-2019, 10:58 AM
Hello, sexy!
1.) "I saw how beautiful you are and I wanted to get to know you."
2.) "Why don't we take it slowly first? What's your favorite color?"
3.) "How about I get you something nice?"
4.) "It's all part of the seduction, isn't it?"
5.) "I'm a fan of lace myself but, I don't think it's a must."
6.) "How did you figure that?"
7.) "Why don't you start with something you like?"
8.) "Who am I to refuse that kind of offer?"
9.) "You look so cute when you're turned on. I want to see you cum."
Oh, hey there!
1.) "I just wanted to see you."
2.) "I'm glad. It's a pleasure seeing you work."
3.) "I'd be glad to see whatever you decide to show me."
4.) "Who doesn't enjoy it when things get hot?"
5.) "I'd like to see that."
6.) "I like that too."
7.) "I'm good seeing it on you."
8.) "I want you to show me where it feels best."
9.) "I wish I could keep that image of you."
Today I'll
1.) "I doubt I wouldn't like something you do."
2.) "I wish I could see how you pleasure yourself."
3.) "Take all the time you need."
4.) "Surprise me."
5.) "Most things are better when they're wet."
6.) "Now I wish I could see that."
7.) "I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this."
8.) "I'm glad you think so."
9.) "Iwould love to see that up close."
Let's do something fun…
1.) "I'd be happy to keep you company."
2.) "Take your time. I don't want to rush you."
3.) "I could watch your streams for a long time and not get bored. Ever."
4.) "Yeah. I'd be glad to."
5.) "Didn't know you were into that."
6.) "I'd take anything you'd give me."
7.) "I'm already rock hard."
8.) "I wish I could be the one to tease you."
9.) "I wish I could pleasure you until you can't take it anymore."
Have fun! :-)
10-27-2019, 11:06 AM
Has anyone finshed all the topics?If yes, how do we gain "currency" once done with them?
There's a quiz section that opens up after you finish the chats. The patch notes say answers give 5 lube, but they're only giving 2 lube (for 40 energy vs. 100 energy for the chats). Also, wrong answers on the quiz give 2 lube too, so apparently I was freaking out over nothing about searching the web for sex statistics.
10-27-2019, 11:19 AM
I also edited the wiki and added the answers there:
...and removed it again, so stupid mods wont actually delete it :-)
Regarding the quiz: there is a mistake in the patch notes, Quiz answers only give 2, not 5. Regardless whether the answer was right or wrong.
Which makes sense, you need 40 Minutes for a quiz answer, which gives 2 drops (or whatever that is...) and within the threads you get 5 drops, but you need 100 minutes for each.
...100/5 == 20 == 40/2.
10-27-2019, 12:40 PM
There's a quiz section that opens up after you finish the chats. The patch notes say answers give 5 lube, but they're only giving 2 lube (for 40 energy vs. 100 energy for the chats). Also, wrong answers on the quiz give 2 lube too, so apparently I was freaking out over nothing about searching the web for sex statistics.
Good to know, I was starting to think I had to answer wrong on purpose to keep gaining them. I don't know why but I still don't have the last patch notes :(
10-30-2019, 02:33 AM
I wrote a ticket two days ago regarding the wrong amount of Lube Beads in the quiz.
So far no answer.
I did the math: I will work in time, but it'll be close.
10-31-2019, 06:31 AM
I thought it was weird why wrong and right answers gave the same amount of beads? really weird and seems they still didnt fix it.
10-31-2019, 09:53 AM
I wonder if all those questions and answers are just 'What we have heard about.' and not necessarily about truths.
10-31-2019, 10:44 AM
Well, I DO think that furries are nice people. xD
Aside from that, there's some... questionable stuff in there, sure. Vibrators can't be addictive, right? Bullsh*t. Everything can be addictive.
But I'm not playing this game to be educated and I haven't seen anything questionable enough to warrant a ticket. I don't want to instantly shoot down their new idea.
10-31-2019, 03:09 PM
Ambiguitys unfortunate effect means that there can be reasonably yes and no answers to some questions.
Blue balls as an example, does it have actual medical description or is it just sex vernacular slang or something. And which is it more likely that players know about.
10-31-2019, 04:01 PM
I'm mostly miffed at them presenting studies with small sample sizes as number facts. In any case, just don't use any of that info in place of, you know, actual sex ed.
11-13-2019, 02:20 PM
Well, I guess now we're all starting over from scratch...unless you come here before going to the game, you should all know about ascension. My initial thoughts are that if your company level is close to reaching a multiple of 50, run a few company sales to get to that next 50 before pulling the trigger on your first ascension so you can collect more cosmic shares.
Might also be a good time to spend the rubies to double your first batch of cosmic shares when you ascend the first time.
11-13-2019, 02:39 PM
Sooo... yeah, that happened.
I don't have any release notes. (Yet?) So there's absolutely no information about... anything. What it does, how it works, why I should do that...
I read through the options 'ascend' presented. They... sound ridiculous? I just don't know if that's in a good or bad way, yet...
I think, for the time being, I'm more confused than anything else...
11-13-2019, 03:41 PM
I'm rushing my company to lv500 and ascending to see what it's all about. Wish me luck in these untested waters!
11-13-2019, 05:07 PM
Before ascending, I had all chairs at lv99 and shop multiplier at lv47. I ascended at company lv500 and used 100 rubies to get x2 or 40 Cosmic Shares (CS).
I used CS to raise shares to +9x and reduce decoration price cut -5%. That turned out to be overkill. At company lv5 I had unlocked all decorations and maxed out most of them.
The important things to raise are Skip-o-rama and Level-Skip. While Skip-o-rama starts at 25%, it only goes up 3% per level, and the cost increases with each level. When Skip triggers, your company rises Level-Skip number of levels instead of 1, allowing you to not only quickly reach high levels to ascend again, but also to get skill points quickly again. Super important if you want to grind ascension.
It's going to cost time to get anywhere, and you need to invest that if you want to be ready for the weekly tournament, because you will gimp yourself for some hours after ascending.
Oh, and an auto clicker absolutely needed to level up those girls over and over and over and over...
11-13-2019, 06:29 PM
I just mentioned this on the reddit, but I really feel like the way they implemented this is fundamentally flawed. Because your cosmic shares are based purely on company level, the skips are the only thing you can get with them to make future ascensions more rewarding. Instead it really should have been based on total shares earned in the current ascension, or maybe some combination of that and the company level system it has now.
11-13-2019, 06:53 PM
Completely agree. Aside from a few optional boosts to your overall income, it's all about skips, skips, skips.
11-14-2019, 02:45 AM
I would strongly recommend investing heavily into the skip levels % chance and skipped amount. When you sell the company and it skips, you get that amount of shares for each level.
Example, I just sold at company level 83 for 220B shares, it skipped to level 122 and I got close to 9T shares.
So not only will you get your decos maxed out way faster, but you'll get the levels for repeat ascension quickly as well.
11-14-2019, 06:25 AM
It took me approximately 4 hours to get back to company lv500 (my first ascension) with +11 skip at 31%. Aiming for 1K next.
11-14-2019, 07:04 AM
So is it good to ascend in your guys opinions?
11-14-2019, 09:00 AM
If you're in the end game, do it and keep doing it for as long as your brain can handle it. If you're not, do it once or twice to get base skips and some +x prestige and +x shares to reach end game quicker.
11-15-2019, 08:24 PM
Anyone wanna be brave and Ascend while participating in a tournament-in-progress?
Curious if the tourney stats get reset as well or if your high score gets stored on the back end after one has Ascended.
11-16-2019, 02:24 AM
I did that. So far my tournament progress stayed the same.
11-16-2019, 02:29 PM
I did that. So far my tournament progress stayed the same.
Thanks, buddy.
11-16-2019, 07:54 PM
You know, "sell stock 10 times" was already an annoying quest...but now that progress comes from just selling as fast as possible it has managed to become even worse.
11-18-2019, 10:55 AM
Anyone wanna be brave and Ascend while participating in a tournament-in-progress?
Curious if the tourney stats get reset as well or if your high score gets stored on the back end after one has Ascended.
Can now confirm that ascending during tournament won't affect your tournament prize or progress. You should still make sure you've reached the position you're aiming for before ascending, since your decorations and skills will be reset, so making additional progress could be harder.
12-04-2019, 05:04 PM
I just mentioned this on the reddit, but I really feel like the way they implemented this is fundamentally flawed. Because your cosmic shares are based purely on company level, the skips are the only thing you can get with them to make future ascensions more rewarding. Instead it really should have been based on total shares earned in the current ascension, or maybe some combination of that and the company level system it has now.
Unless the balance changes drastically, when you unlock girls' upgrades to level 200, the shares seem meaningless now, and could as well be removed (as well as Shares-are-Queen upgrades).
Anyway, the game would be much more interesting for me, if the ascensions were based on total shares. As it is, getting a few times to lvl 1000, I seem to tinker with skills and upgrades after each of the first 3-4 skips, and after level 300 I just mindlessly beef up girl #13, and then just 1-click add max levels to as many girls, as needed to be able to sell shares. Thinking and planning seems to have been mostly removed from the game, especially that after next ascension even the skills can be changed for free.
12-10-2019, 05:07 PM
Don't know what they changed in this last update, but the game's crashing a lot. I guess this is that 'better service' we get from having the daily rollover moved to coincide with their work hours.
Also, did anyone else get a false Victoria event a few days ago? I was able to unlock a couple of outfits with the bat hairpins I had leftover, but didn't get any emails/pictures. Then the whole thing disappeared.
12-22-2019, 09:36 AM
Did I get that right that the six outfits currently on sale in the shop are otherwise unobtainable?
12-23-2019, 08:56 AM
Did I get that right that the six outfits currently on sale in the shop are otherwise unobtainable?
Correct. The outfits you can buy are not given as prizes, and the ones you can earn/win are not available for purchase.
12-23-2019, 09:40 AM
So, I tried installing the app and after some back and forth, got it to run. Everything seemed fine until I loaded the game up. It gets stuck at 'loading progress'. All the time. Anyone any experience with that? Advise? Actual solutions? Anything would be appreciated. ^^
01-18-2020, 04:50 AM
Hey guys (& gals), I need some advice. I've been looking into this 'ascend'-thing as much as I could, but... I don't actually want to start all over again. I don't want to waste all my progress. So I guess my questions is: Is ascension worth it? Do I 'need' to do it?
01-18-2020, 03:12 PM
Hey guys (& gals), I need some advice. I've been looking into this 'ascend'-thing as much as I could, but... I don't actually want to start all over again. I don't want to waste all my progress. So I guess my questions is: Is ascension worth it? Do I 'need' to do it?
You don't NEED to do it, but if you've made enough progress to gain a lot* of cosmic shares, you can catch up to where you were in a few hours or less. I'm currently gaining 108 company levels every time I sell my company and ascending when I have 10,000 company levels. The only thing is, apart from the new girl and a couple of pics, all I'm using ascension for is making it faster to get to the next ascension.
However, if you don't currently gain the top prize at the weekly tourney, you should absolutely ascend to get a few levels of +x prestige and shares, to boost your overall income and help you top out quicker. Just don't forget to also get level skips so you can get back to where you were quickly.
*My first ascension was at company level 500, second time I went for 1,000. That was time consuming (6 hours or so), but after that it started snowballing.
02-20-2020, 05:23 PM
Any up to date CG rips for the lazy wankers out there?
02-24-2020, 04:29 AM
what would you suggest upgrading if one hasn't ascended yet?
04-14-2020, 10:48 PM
how does mega golden time work? is there a hotkey to use the skill or do i have to wait 10 minutes after log-in before it activates?
Thanks in advance
04-15-2020, 12:45 AM
It activates on its own.
04-18-2020, 11:22 AM
My daily stuff reset worked just fine - got my rubies, got the sell stock-order... my key cap just didn't reset. Still at 701/700. O_o Anyone else encountered that?
04-18-2020, 11:35 AM
Is it possible that the game doesn't allow you to have more than 100k keys?
04-18-2020, 03:39 PM
Daily resets are notoriously wonky, especially if you're signed in while they occur.
I don't know about any key limits, I spend mine when I have 10K.
05-08-2020, 01:22 PM
So...a bottle of prosecco gets you 30 seconds with a girl. The devs have definitely been to the champagne room before.
10-19-2021, 10:03 PM
Alguien sabe cómo hacer para seguir hablando con dita? Simplemente me dice que mejore la silla y no entiendo a que se refiere ;_;
01-22-2022, 05:33 AM
Me too. I need a healthcare software developer. Need a person who can work in a company whose scope only increases in scale, bring substantial benefits to all the parties in the healthcare sector. What do you think about that service? Can I trust this company? Your advice, please.
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