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View Full Version : Legendary event ending one day earlier than announced! Annoying!

08-21-2018, 02:51 PM
The legendary event was announced to go from 17th to 21st. In usual English language this means including the last day.

Also, it was emphasized in the event calendar for August to CLEARLY include 21st.

This is highly annoying. I had saved up kobans to burn on the last evening if I hadn't gotten the girl earlier. Now that's gone.
If you want players in the game, make sure the rules are clear and consistent. Or there is no game.

08-24-2018, 04:51 PM
The day ends when the activities refresh.

08-25-2018, 12:55 PM
The legendary event was announced to go from 17th to 21st. In usual English language this means including the last day.

Also, it was emphasized in the event calendar for August to CLEARLY include 21st.

This is highly annoying. I had saved up kobans to burn on the last evening if I hadn't gotten the girl earlier. Now that's gone.
If you want players in the game, make sure the rules are clear and consistent. Or there is no game.

I think none the less, the dates were not respected. And I think the rules apply to both players and programmers.:cursing::angry:

10-28-2018, 09:25 PM
Amigo lo que pasa es que si tú lees en los mensajes de los nuevos eventos dice hora Francia, por eso es que los eventos inician y finalizan un día antes de lo habitual por qué allá ya es ese día. Espero haberme dado a entender

11-05-2018, 10:40 AM
The sad thing is that is is to the 21th. aka from 00:00 AM to 05:00 AM. And the game follows GMT +1 Paris time. The developers have started adding that information in the event anouncements.