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View Full Version : Missed league enrollment?

10-17-2018, 10:15 PM
Okay, so it's been just over a month since the "League"-system was added to the game. Been playing it quite seriously but suddenly today, when reloading the game to start a new league week, I don't get a new league, only the message
"You missed the current leagues enrollment. You will be included in the next league starting: ..."
How is this possible? I wasn't in the lowest 15 and demoted (even if I was demoted, I should still be in a league).
Are their not enough players to create a league? That should also be impossible as the only way a league can't created is if there are less than 100 players in the world TOTAL in my bracket (Wanker III), and so few league players do I not think there are.
Because, say for example, there are 250 players in a bracket, the system should create 2 leagues of 125 players each and not 1 of 199 and kick the 51 rest.

Are there anyone else with this problem/bug? Because this ruins the game as I can't get the same amount of exp etc. anymore as activities and the like are still lowered as if I was in a league

10-17-2018, 10:19 PM
Are there anyone else with this problem/bug?

I guess you missed the other two threads?