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10-18-2018, 02:37 PM
Hey there, simple question - wasn't the winner of league in case of the same amount of points player that is considered a veteran?
I came in 2nd regardless of my account being created in September 2016 and having higher level than the guy who was 1st.
Is it bug or the guy had 3 wins against me and it somehow worked for his favour? If so then we should be able to see what the other player score is against us - so we don't waste kobans on the finish of the league.
Below two pictures to prove my point, can post third with my account creation date and stats but that's easily checkable as my nickname is same in here and in the game.


Cheers and I am hoping for an answer.

10-18-2018, 08:07 PM
Quoting the patch notes from 12/09/18:
"In case of ties in the number of points, the player that was the first one to arrive at that total of points will be on top and if a tie persists, the highest level will the winner of the tie."

10-18-2018, 11:24 PM
Thank you my unregistered friend! Guess I missed that point of information or my brain tried to force it out :bgrin: