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View Full Version : Standard characters that never unlock? Glitch or my fault?

11-04-2018, 06:44 AM
I have been playing for almost a year now and I appear to be held back by some kind of glitch some standard characters that I am supposed to get from fighting the bosses never drop; Marina, Edna, Salem, and Noomye have eluded me despite thousands of tries over the past several months. Even if the drop rate was .01% I should have gotten them by now. Could I be doing something wrong or is this a glitch in the game?

11-04-2018, 09:17 AM
The droprate starting from Grunt and onwards is basically nothing. Ever since they removed pity timers, it has become nigh-impossible to actually find girls from those bosses.

11-04-2018, 05:34 PM
If this is such a well known issue why won't they just fix it?

11-04-2018, 10:21 PM
Why would they? Those girls are in the money-gacha, any girls that you don't get for free are girls that you pay money for.

11-06-2018, 10:27 PM
The droprate starting from Grunt and onwards is basically nothing. Ever since they removed pity timers, it has become nigh-impossible to actually find girls from those bosses.

Wait, wait. They removed pity timers? when?

11-06-2018, 11:34 PM
I once read that the probability of getting a drop increases each time you fight the same boss. Admittedly, this information is at least a year old, so it might have changed since then.

11-07-2018, 12:44 PM
I once read that the probability of getting a drop increases each time you fight the same boss. Admittedly, this information is at least a year old, so it might have changed since then.

that has been proven wrong or a lie by devs, by reports of people not getting 'legendary' girls no matter how many battle refill they paid.
all that is left is a lame ass, bitch ass low chance at drop. few get lucky, few get after many tries.
for me as example, ultimecia has long been max level and i still dont have rikku... :^|

11-07-2018, 04:20 PM
Only normal boss girls have an increased chance of dropping the more you play, but it is very, very small, almost non-existent. It also may be affected by Boss level, but can't be sure about this. I do know that Legendary and Even girls have static drop rates that do not change.

I also know that it has been said more than once, that the more girls you have, especially once your harem reaches 100 girls, that your drop chance becomes much, much more scarce.

11-08-2018, 12:18 AM
I have 144 girl at the moment and still have no problems getting both drops in standard events without paying a single koban. The only times I had to pay was during two of the 4-day events (Legendary/Epic days), but even then that was way cheaper than spending 900 kobans for epic pachinko.

Could I have been that lucky for almost two years now? Maybe, but I think some people are just too impatient and start paying up after the event is halfway through. Keep at it, wait for automatic refills and don't pay until the very last hour.

And, yes, drop rates for standard boss battles are terribly low. I waited 3-4 months for the last Roko drop.

11-08-2018, 01:03 PM
All I know is that I have been playing over and over and over and over again and still missing the same four characters from the standard roster, I am well into the thousands of times trying. Seems more then a little silly to have the drop rate THAT crazy low.