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View Full Version : [Event 75] Raid Event vs Monoceros

02-07-2019, 10:21 AM
Official Event Banner https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/noagqn2ckAcu71qqxPZvbyXLLch-4DDxfsdsPjyfoNk/https/images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/MIZGrF4B7Nd1PFr3qBf4KyHQ6scxhuOGJMIU9-alcCk/https/cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/312439586339160064/540792305821679626/Z.png

Expert/Rag -

Normal Overdrive - deals large damage twice to random allies and applies Confused. (new debuff which may cause your allies to attack each other on their turn.)
Raging Overdrive - deals damage to all allies and applies Confused + applies ATK buff to self.

Ragnarok video >


Eido/Wep -
all in all a very good eidolon. nice stats, nice summon and nice as a main eido. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/314411010301755392/543116611821764619/unknown.png
not the best SSR wep, not worth replacing any SR/SSR for imo. nice for beginners I suppose.
*thanks to JStar as usual.

Rewards -
22 Premium Tickets
3000 Magic Jewels
x2 Draconic Eye Shards
x5 Monoceros
x4 SSR wep

Event Mission -

Clear Ragnarok solo with WIND soul and kamihime only - 50x raid tickets
Clear Expert solo with R kamihime only - 30x raid tickets

More info here about the event - http://xn--hckqz0e9cygq471ahu9b.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/index.php?%E7%94%98%E5%91%B3%E3%81%8C%E7%A7%98%E3% 82%81%E3%81%97%E7%90%86%E6%83%B3%E3%81%B8%E3%81%AE %E6%84%8F%E5%BF%97

New Kamihime/Eidolon

SSR Wind 120% Eidolon - Hanuman

SSR Thunder - Iustitia/Justitia

SR Thunder - Luna

SR Wind (Raid) - Sytry

R Thunder - Liber

Good luck everyone! Have fun! Happy Valentines!

02-07-2019, 01:23 PM
Eh, Assault (M)/Ascension (S) can still beat out SRs.
At any rate, for the newer players working on water, take into account the future available SSRs after this...
April: Vritra reprint (Defender (L) sword that FLBs to gain Assault (S) and a Elaborate (M)/Assault (S) arcane)
May: Sloth (Pride (L) glaive that FLBs to gain Barrage (S) and a Assault (L) bow that FLBs to gain Exceed (S))
September: Kyuuei/Jiuying advent (Assault (M)/Defender (S) gun and a Defender (M)/Vigoras (S) axe)
November: Haruhi collab (Defender (L) staff)
January: Patience (Assault (L) staff that FLBs to XL and a Defender (L) hammer that FLBs to XL)
And all the water SRs in those future events are single skills, I think?

And speaking of SRs...
Sitri's release weapon is a wind Assault (S)/Defender (S) gun. For people looking to add some HP to their wind teams without hindering their offense too much, guess how many options you'll have coming up.

02-07-2019, 01:29 PM
Oh, and Hanuman now brings the (passive gets stronger depending on # of sub eidolons being the same element) idea over to the 4 cyclical elements. Except their base power's higher than Managarmr/Anubis by starting at 100% instead of 80%. Scaling's 4% per matching sub eidolon, but it gets buffed to 8% per in late December.
If you're lucky enough to pull one of these high powered scaling eidolons over the year, I hope that you have not pulled a MagicSpice and gotten rid of some eidolons that you didn't expect to see use :P

02-09-2019, 11:34 AM
Good luck everyone! Have fun! Happy Valentines!


02-11-2019, 06:04 AM
・Game Features Update.I assume this means that the first part of Nutaku Second Anniversary update is coming up. As to how much of it are we getting now and how much in two months... well, we'll see tomorrow.


02-11-2019, 06:32 AM


02-11-2019, 06:46 AM
I assume this means that the first part of Nutaku Second Anniversary update is coming up. As to how much of it are we getting now and how much in two months... well, we'll see tomorrow.


I want hrags.

I want to burn early.

02-11-2019, 11:01 AM
I think there's a small chance that we get one (1) true Rag fight. Either Fire or Water. The reason being, they haven't liked us having two new toys two play with before. They even avoid putting things like Tower up during other events. But I'd assume that Accessory slots 4 and 5 won't get unlocked until the actual Second Anniversary patch hits, as that might cause conflicts in code that isn't expecting stuff like that.

I am expecting the Gem Gacha changes, as well as increased inventory space for sale. Maybe that one Rag. Either way, tomorrow should be a good day for maintenance to be delayed for hours for Nutaku Kamihime.

02-11-2019, 12:13 PM
Which Kamihimes, Eidolons and Weapons should I use for my thunder team?

I will make a list of these:


- SSR: Brahma, Marduk.
- SR: Ramiel, Hermod, Tezcatlipoca, Krishna, Astraea, Gryla, Baal, Psyche, Cyclops, Noel.
- R: Indra, Perun, Skuld, Verethragna, Cherubim, Tlaloc, Rhea, Ariel, Beach Thunder Ignis, Nannar, Lightning Quick Hunder Neith.


- SSR: Thunderbird lvl 55, Takemikazuchi lvl 40, Ixion lvl 100, Mastema lvl 85, Meng Hou lvl 100, Amaru lvl 100, Tartarus lvl 100, Medjed lvl 100, Lilim Gula lvl 100.


- SSR: Glue Samus Turner lvl 125 Skill lvl 12, Mydriatic Gun Tron Slider lvl 125 Skill lvl 6, Lightning Cell Dainamos Gear lvl 125 Skill lvl 5, Blitz Bow Stinger lvl 125 Skill lvl 12, Gluttony Lance Bolt Punisher lvl 75 Skill lvl 2, Treasure Sword Crusos lvl 125 Skill lvl 13, Thunder Gun of Guilty Gluttony lvl 125 Skill lvl 9, Mansemant Staff lvl 125 Skill lvl 10, Ixid Blade lvl 125 Skill lvl 20, Amar Utu Crusher lvl 50 Skill lvl 5, Trimurti Riffle lvl 50 Skill lvl 1.

Any Suggestions about best options for Thunder Team will be apreciated.

02-11-2019, 12:15 PM
Which Kamihimes, Eidolons and Weapons should I use for my thunder team?

I will make a list of these:


- SSR: Brahma, Marduk.
- SR: Ramiel, Hermod, Tezcatlipoca, Krishna, Astraea, Gryla, Baal, Psyche, Cyclops, Noel.
- R: Indra, Perun, Skuld, Verethragna, Cherubim, Tlaloc, Rhea, Ariel, Beach Thunder Ignis, Nannar, Lightning Quick Hunder Neith.


- SSR: Thunderbird lvl 55, Takemikazuchi lvl 40, Ixion lvl 100, Mastema lvl 85, Meng Hou lvl 100, Amaru lvl 100, Tartarus lvl 100, Medjed lvl 100, Lilim Gula lvl 100.


- SSR: Glue Samus Turner lvl 125 Skill lvl 12, Mydriatic Gun Tron Slider lvl 125 Skill lvl 6, Lightning Cell Dainamos Gear lvl 125 Skill lvl 5, Blitz Bow Stinger lvl 125 Skill lvl 12, Gluttony Lance Bolt Punisher lvl 75 Skill lvl 2, Treasure Sword Crusos lvl 125 Skill lvl 13, Thunder Gun of Guilty Gluttony lvl 125 Skill lvl 9, Mansemant Staff lvl 125 Skill lvl 10, Ixid Blade lvl 125 Skill lvl 20, Amar Utu Crusher lvl 50 Skill lvl 5, Trimurti Riffle lvl 50 Skill lvl 1.

Any Suggestions about best options for Thunder Team will be apreciated.

This isnt the thread for that so i wont bother.

02-11-2019, 12:26 PM
You should not bother to make a reply at all if your tone is going to be like that. Talking about non-constructive post. Added to my ignore/block list btw.

Is a good thread to ask about best Thunder Team because we are going to get an event based on water element and even if Thunder is the element strong against it one can get many options based on the enemies mechanics.

I wonder why guys like you are on every game's thread spamming non-sense.

02-11-2019, 12:51 PM
this is not reddit, so the "non-constructive post" shit doesnt work here, yknow? and no one cares for your block list either.

brahma marduk cyclops gryla ramiel noel

02-11-2019, 12:58 PM
Added to my ignore/block list btw.--There's an ignore/block list?! That would've been helpful with... ... ... ah, nevermind.

Anyway, to copypaste what I said in Q&A thread:

Making a team is rarely an exact science. Just follow these steps:
1. Add debuffs
2. Put in whatever you want after (damage, healing, it's all good)So for your Thunder, that's Astraea and Noel. You'll rely on your Soul with Sniper Shot (either Herc with Soul weapon or Dartagnan with HP Soul weapon) for -50% Def. After that, just put in whatever you like.

Also, it's a raid. If you don't want to rely on yourself, you can always just put in whatever and ask for aid. That works too.

02-11-2019, 01:08 PM
...wait, we really do have block list? that wasnt a metaphor?

02-11-2019, 01:21 PM

no drama plz, but yes anyone is free to discuss their teams as long as it relates to the event (thunder/wind)

02-11-2019, 01:55 PM
Ty Kitty (10)

02-11-2019, 02:14 PM
no drama plz, but yes anyone is free to discuss their teams as long as it relates to the event (thunder/wind)
I wouldn't narrow this to only thunder/wind, one can very well may want to use other element (maybe one has 100% eido), but it should relate to event...
Speaking of which, let me remind you people, that Unicorn has trigger on using yellow ability, which is damage against all + one (two on ragnarok) buff dispel + random status (ATK down, dizzy, berserk). Priority for overdrive is higher than for trigger.

02-11-2019, 04:09 PM
this is not reddit, so the "non-constructive post" shit doesnt work here, yknow? and no one cares for your block list either.

brahma marduk cyclops gryla ramiel noel

Even tho you started with something rude, at the end you made a team as a suggestion for my thunder team. Ty I guess.

There's an ignore/block list?! That would've been helpful with... ... ... ah, nevermind.

Anyway, to copypaste what I said in Q&A thread:
So for your Thunder, that's Astraea and Noel. You'll rely on your Soul with Sniper Shot (either Herc with Soul weapon or Dartagnan with HP Soul weapon) for -50% Def. After that, just put in whatever you like.

Also, it's a raid. If you don't want to rely on yourself, you can always just put in whatever and ask for aid. That works too.

Ty for the advise.

02-11-2019, 05:00 PM
Unicorn has trigger on using yellow ability

Wait, what? Yellow as in hime buffs?

02-11-2019, 06:30 PM
I wouldn't narrow this to only thunder/wind, one can very well may want to use other element (maybe one has 100% eido), but it should relate to event...
Speaking of which, let me remind you people, that Unicorn has trigger on using yellow ability, which is damage against all + one (two on ragnarok) buff dispel + random status (ATK down, dizzy, berserk). Priority for overdrive is higher than for trigger.

So any self buff triggers her special... interesting. I'm assuming debuffs (blue abilities) don't trigger her ability and we're fine to do damage (red abilities) also.

I'm thinking my dark team (Samael, Chernobog, Osiris, and Hades) should do fine on this one. Sound about right?


02-11-2019, 06:54 PM
So any self buff triggers her special... interesting. I'm assuming debuffs (blue abilities) don't trigger her ability and we're fine to do damage (red abilities) also.

I'm thinking my dark team (Samael, Chernobog, Osiris, and Hades) should do fine on this one. Sound about right?


It’s raid event so you don’t need to do anything tbh, just run double vlad come and poke and out

02-11-2019, 08:43 PM
It’s raid event so you don’t need to do anything tbh, just run double vlad come and poke and out

Agreed. Honestly, I'm just happy we're doing this an not the Tower Event. I've been working feverishly for the last week to try and get my thunder grid into shape (finally have all assault), but they're not all leveled and the average skill level is 3. Lots of work for the next week if I want that grid to function for the tower (assuming it's coming next week and not the Typhon event).


02-11-2019, 10:22 PM
(assuming it's coming next week and not the Typhon event).

Typhon is coming regardless, tower is a standalone event.

02-12-2019, 12:49 AM
We got everything. EVERYTHING.


02-12-2019, 03:01 AM
It cost an arm to improve souls, and I was to fast and used the remove point option, big mistake, it only free up the slot, it doesn't refund any point T-T

02-12-2019, 04:18 AM
I believed Friend limit was changed too. I can't find how to do it, or I was wrong?

After doing the Event Ragnarok, it shows a message that the epilogue story is avalaible...but it's not there. A bug?