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View Full Version : 5th Anniversary Voting Poll

01-20-2020, 10:27 AM
Hi guys. It's time to have some serious talk. And a separated thread to do it.

I make this thread to speak about and decide what to do for this 5th voting event and to combine our efforts and tickets and vote for a girl not as a single commander but as a united community.
We are not here to get other's people vote for our favorite waifu. We are here to push a girl in the top all together, even if she is not our waifu. Solo voting is useless and worthless for us. So, let's try to make something with our power.
If you still want to vote for the girl(s) you like, do as you want. Nobody force you. Just, don't speak about your pesonnal choices here if you don't want to join the common vote.

There is just some few rules to follow (please):

* Don't spam "don't vote Anemone / vote Anemone". If we are here it's mainly to kick her out of her eternal throne. Not because we don't like her. Just because other girls deserve a bit more attention.

* Don't argue with others because they don't support your waifu. We are not here to waste time with this

* You are free to not join us and do solo vote for your waifu. But please, don't post here if you don't want to join the common vote. Don't try to convince everyone to not join.

This thread is a common project, not an obligation. Just enjoy the event, no matter who or why you are voting for.

01-20-2020, 10:46 AM
I'm all for the initiative, though I need to read up if we have any categories this time around.
If we have, we may have a better chance to single out our target depending on the criteria. :p

I have no proposals as to who to vote for right now.

01-20-2020, 10:48 AM
For proposal, I think we should just wait until the firsts results. Just to pick a girl high in the list.

01-20-2020, 11:09 AM
It seems we have two types of tickets - one for the general poll and one for three thema polls ("the flower knight I want to become a mother", "favorite 2* - 4*", "favorite flower knight from those introduced after February 2019").
We would probably need to decide on one of the categories to throw all tickets there.

01-20-2020, 11:35 AM
I've posted it before in the main thread, but I have a spreadsheet that I could use to calculate what sort of effort it would take to change last year's results. I'll dust it off when I get home and let you guys know some of the stats I cooked up. While not exactly promising from what I remember, it isn't a hopeless effort.

As for my plans, I would love to vote Lily R for main poll, but if efforts here show some real promise (and don't include voting for someone that already has an alt version), I could be convinced to change. However, ALL of my topic tickets will go towards Canola in the 2-4* poll under the "Resurrect Moritan" initiative. Canola has been top 4* multiple times in main poll (so she has an okay shot), and her artist (Moritan) has not drawn a new knight for FKG in ages. I will not be deviating from that plan.

01-20-2020, 11:46 AM
Canola is a respectable choice, i'm willing to support it even tho she is my second favourite "starter" after Silver Orchid aka Cepha.

01-20-2020, 12:12 PM
I remember you've posted that spreadsheet before, good effort on your part. :p
As far as I remember we would need quite a lot of people to pull that off.

Out of the "main heroine 4" of the story, the one I like the most might be Di Yu (the first I got on Nutaku), though I'd be up to vote for Canola (the first I got on DMM :p) too if we choose the 2*-4* category. I do have other girls I like in this range, but one step at a time I guess. :)

01-20-2020, 12:18 PM
Canola seems a good choice for the 2*-4* category but that category will give us a low* as new 5* anyway. Should we pick one from 2019 girls? There is some good 5* event girls in 2019.

01-20-2020, 04:34 PM
Alright, stats time. First some disclaimers: all numbers are based on what it would have taken to get a knight a new version based on last year's main poll results. That means they at least had to beat the third place in main poll. Obviously these numbers mean nothing for this year's result; these are only intended to show what sort of effort may be required to actually make a difference in the rankings. Also, when I say that "X people are required using Y potions per day" I'm assuming an average of 200 stamina per potion. Most of the time I just go with 20 stamina potions (4000 stamina) because I consider that a reasonable number.

First, the most hopeful-looking: getting 4th place Snowdrop to 3rd would have taken just 14 more people doing 20 stamina potions per day. Now how about Saffron, who placed in sixth? At 20 stamina potions per day, that would take 426 people (the difference between 4th and 6th was over 30 million votes). To get the number of people under 100, each person would need to use 94 stamina potions per day (or 48oo FG per day). Now, because this is me, I have to see how we could have uplifted Lily R to her rightful throne. Again, at 20 stamina potions per day, that would have required 836 people. To get the number of people under 100, each person would need to use at least 174 stamina potions per day. I did some analysis on the topic polls, and they come up with similar-ish numbers.

So yeah, it's far from an easy feat to make a difference. Not impossible, but we need to choose a target very carefully.

01-20-2020, 04:43 PM
I'd support Canola or Cepha in the 2-4* category since they're the two 'heroic' 4* Knights without a 5* version at the moment.

01-20-2020, 06:08 PM
I'm for supporting Cepha, not just because she was my starter way back when on Nutaku but because I think her overall design is very nice (very Samus like). Aside from my usual frustration of yet another event with no dark-skinned beauty in sight, I have always been surprised at how long its been without her getting a alt version of higher rarity.

On the flipside, have they said anything about excluding last year's winners to give other girls a chance. Yes, this is in part because of Anemone because you have to admit getting yet another version because she wins again would be beyond ridiculous. But also think it would be fair that the other winners also be excluded, which encourages more variety in the game.

01-27-2020, 11:05 AM
So... what a twist, eh?
Anemone no longer in the lead. :p

With half of the event over, we need to decide - do we continue our experiment?
If so, who do we pick?

Canola seems to be doing all right in the first place of the 2*-4* category, so I'm not even sure we need to back her up more - unless this is already the effect of our work. :p
The 3rd category is right out with all that popularity our sleeping princess gained.
As for the first category or the overall rating, it seems unclear if backing anyone will make a difference.

01-27-2020, 11:18 AM
Don't assume Canola has this. Supposedly the biggest whales of Hinoki and Cycla cults haven't dropped their tickets yet (based on chat in Discord server). I mean, you all are welcome to do what you want, but I'm still dropping all my topic tickets into resurrecting Moritan.

01-27-2020, 11:53 AM
Ok, then I'd say we should back up Canola.

Should we try going maybe for Cycla in the overall category on the off chance she gets into the top 3?

01-27-2020, 12:23 PM
I'm okay for Canola and Cycla.
Ijust wonder if Cepha has chance to win someting. For the 2*-4* category, only the 1st place get a new version or the girls in the top 3? If the top 3 girls get a new form, could we kick Cycla from it and support Cepha? Cycla has already a 5* version after all.

01-27-2020, 01:01 PM
Honestly, I'm also reluctant to vote for Cycla, since as you mentioned she already has a 2nd form.

However seeing that the first girl to not have a 2nd form in this lineup is Verbena at 9th, you can only sigh and support the one with no 6* forms.

01-27-2020, 03:07 PM
Based on the current results I was thinking either Cycla or Red Spider Lily / Lycoris for the main poll. I doubt Silk Tree or Anemone are going to get knocked out of the top 3 so the only chance might be to back someone close to the third spot in the hopes they can get Pinkladies down to fourth. Cycla and Licorice may already have alternate versions but they at least only have two versions each plus they're currently #4 and #6 respectively.

As for the other polls I'm all for focusing on Canola in the 2-4* poll. If Hinoki and Cycla really do have big groups waiting to pour in votes then backing Cepha (currently #4) might get her into the top three at the expense of Canola.

01-27-2020, 04:16 PM
My personal opinion is that if these guys are so obsessed with Anemone to give use the 100th version of her, I will fight for another alt of Red Spider Lily dammit! I also think Cepha is really deserving of finally getting an alt after nothing for 5 years. So I'm feeling good about supporting her.

01-27-2020, 04:35 PM
Ya know, I'm actually okay with supporting Lycoris in main poll, if only to see who they'd get to replace Moneti as artist.

01-27-2020, 10:00 PM
Ok, so it comes down to Cycla or Lycoris in the main category.
I'm fine with either of them.

01-28-2020, 12:56 AM
Do we have an agreement on Lycoris then? Because i've farmed up A LOT of tickets, i used about 200-300 potions everyday.

01-28-2020, 12:57 AM
Wow, that's impressive. Just to throw my own two cents in, I also support Lycoris for the main.

01-28-2020, 01:23 AM
Not that impressive once you find out i'm dead sick and literally can't leave home so i had to occupy myself with something.

01-28-2020, 01:32 AM
I threw my pathetic 4K tickets on Cepha due to joining late on this event, both in game in in here in the FKG thread.

01-28-2020, 09:31 AM
I'm okay for Cepha and Lycoris.I'm curious too about Moneti replacement.

01-28-2020, 10:10 AM
Ok, I'm supporting Lycoris then.

01-28-2020, 08:27 PM
Did someone say Lycoris? I'm in. one hundred thousand percent.

01-29-2020, 05:19 AM
Guess i'll join the party and throw my tickets at Lycoris too!

01-29-2020, 04:37 PM
Question: Are positions updated daily or just once? Wondering if we should strategize the day to drop all these tickets and catch the Anemone fanboys off-guard when they think they're safe (wishful thinking, I know).

02-01-2020, 05:09 AM
So, what's about the special categories votes? Who should we vote for? Still Canola? Cepha? Another girl in another special categorie?

02-01-2020, 05:19 AM
I'm going all in on Canola.

02-01-2020, 07:53 AM
Canola might be the safest bet since she was #1 at the halfway point compared to Cepha who was #4.

02-02-2020, 12:49 PM
I guess Lycoris will be sitting this one out at 7th. :/

02-02-2020, 01:12 PM
Yeah, sure looks that way. Cepha and Canola are in the top five for their poll though so unless Canola stopped getting support after the first half vote it looks like at least one of the two is getting a new version.

02-02-2020, 01:53 PM
That's sad for Lycoris. No Moneti replacement for this year.

32600 tickets used for Lycoris and 30981 used for Canola.
It's not that much and it will not change anything but it was good to do this common voting. We can't compete with these crazy whales anyway.

02-04-2020, 10:39 AM
So do we know who won yet ?

02-04-2020, 10:53 AM
The announcement is on 10.02.


02-04-2020, 12:48 PM
I'm going to guess that Silk Tree got first place in the main and 2019 polls, Plumeria won the Motherly poll and (hopefully) Canola won the 2-4* poll. My ideal outcome would have Cepha and Canola in the top three of their poll along with Hinoki; three Knights getting their first new version.

02-05-2020, 12:05 PM
If that happens, I'd still consider it a win.

02-10-2020, 11:17 AM
We did it guys, Canola won! Not that she needed our help apparently, unless someone here farmed several million topic poll tickets. I may gave misjudged how close that poll would be... To be fair though, that one Hinoki worshipper that was being mentioned on Discord had farmed over 800k topic poll tickets early in week 2.

In any case, I'm very pleased with this result. Now we just have to wait and see if Moritan will come back to FKG.

02-10-2020, 11:30 AM
Though I'm not really sure how much of an impact we had on the whole. :p
We didn't manage to pull Lycoris up in the ranking, so we'd probably need a lot more people to make a successfull turnabout.