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View Full Version : Turtling guide - the why, the how and the when

05-01-2020, 05:30 AM
So, uh, yeah. I've been meaning to write this for... uh, three months now? And I not only one day off, not two, but whopping four days off. So I can actually get shit done for a change!!!

First off. Please notice that I am not a huge fan of turtling myself, and only do it inside higher floors of Tower. Meanwhile, dreamlitz specializes in it, and wrote his version here. (https://harem-battle.club/kamihime-project/5022-tower-megatread-post152914.html#post152914) You may want to take his word over mine just because of sheer experience. Still, he didn't really go into WHY it works, so I'm writing this.

The basic setup
This is what you should bring in order to succeed in turtling: Equip a -20% or higher damage cut Eidolon as your main Eidolon. Here are your options: Against Fire: Fire SR Surtr (-25% each) Against Water: Water R Siren/Water R Naga (-20% each) Against Wind: Wind SR Gandharva (-25% each) Against Thunder: Thunder SR Aji-Dahaka (-25% each) Against Light: R Slime (-20% each) Against Dark: None available, so this tactic isn't possible against Dark. Sorry!A thing to note! As you can see, you use the same element Eidolon against the same element. This is usually not true in Kamihime - you usually use Water against Fire for example. Here, you fight Fire with Fire. Take a -20% or higher damage cut Eidolon as your Friend Eidolon, same list applies. Equip two MLB SR Kaisers (-20% 3/8 turns) and one 0-Star SSR Kaiser (-30% 2/8 turns) of elemental advantage. Soul should either be Joan or Andromeda, but more on that later. One or more Hime with team-wide damage cut or heal abilities, but more on that later.And that's the basics. For the passive Eidolons, all of these are available from Gem Gacha. The SRs are fairly rare, but you can find them. Use Eidolon Orbs to limit break them if you need to. The SR Kaisers are only available in Premium Gacha (either Jewels or Premium Tickets... or real money). Use Eidolons Orbs to limit break them if you need to. And lastly, the SSR Kaiser is extremely rare in Premium Gacha or available for a whopping 10k Eidolon Orbs per element (once each). Oh yeah, and notice that SSR Kaiser is -40% at 2-Stars and -50%(!) at 4-Stars - though most players don't need to worry about this.

Now then. First, let's talk about WHY this works.

The why - why does this work?
I'm not sure how to best explain this. So I'll try multiple ways of explaining the same thing. Maybe one of them will click with you?

Back in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, the developers did a little bit of an oopsie. Basically, the introduced extra tiers of gear into the expansion that they didn't plan for, which meant that the numbers... kinda broke the game. For example, until late, all four tanking classes were about equal when it came to tanking. But, later in the expansion, the two Shield wielding classes became far superior. Why? Because the numbers grew too large. Specifically, shit broke down when the values of Dodge+Parry+Shield Block hit 100%. Dodge and Parry meant zero damage, and this was about equal for all tanks. However, only Shield using classes could Shield Block, which was "just" a flat number of damage reduced. This doesn't seem a big deal... until it happened EVERY time. Suddenly, two tank types were literally guaranteed to take less damage than the two other types. This was my first introduction to the wonderful world of percentages, and why the numbers 50% and 100% are extremely dangerous in some situations.

Coming back to Kamihime damage reductions. Let's say you have -50% from your Eidolon passives, like double Surtr. Now, when you use -20% from SR Kaiser, how much less damage do you take? When you jump from -50% to -70%, you're actually reduced the incoming damage by 40%. Now how did that happen? It's because once you get past -50% reduction, any additional damage reduction gets far stronger.

Let's have a look at some different scenarios. Let's say a boss hits you for 1000 damage normally.
At -0%, you take 1000 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 900 damage, which is a 10% damage reduction.
At -10%, you take 900 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 800 damage, which is a ~11% damage reduction.
At -20%, you take 800 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 700 damage, which is a ~13% damage reduction.
At -30%, you take 700 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 600 damage, which is a ~14% damage reduction.
At -40%, you take 600 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 500 damage, which is a ~17% damage reduction.
At -50%, you take 500 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 400 damage, which is a 20% damage reduction.
At -60%, you take 400 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 300 damage, which is a 25% damage reduction.
At -70%, you take 300 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 200 damage, which is a ~33% damage reduction.
At -80%, you take 200 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 100 damage, which is a 50% damage reduction.
At -90%, you take 100 damage. If you add a meager -10% on top of that, you take 0 damage, which is a 100% damage reduction.... huh. That same -10% sure behaves differently depending on how much you already had. Especially take note of how how quickly things escalate once you go past 50%.

If things still don't click, don't worry. I am bad at explaining it. The important bit for you to understand is, STACKING SHIT IS GOOD.

The how - how exactly to do this?
So, you have your Kaisers in your Grid and you have -40%/-50% passive reduction. In addition, you should have one or two Hime who have SOME kind of damage cut to the entire team. It doesn't need to be much, even -15% can be all you need! More and/or higher damage cuts is obviously better.

These are the forms of damage cuts, and whether or not they stack with their own type:
Eidolon passive Elemental resist, you should have -40% or -50% from this.
Elemental resist from burst effects or Eidolons. Does not stack. You should have -20% or more from this at all times once your Kaisers come online.
Elemental resist from Kamihime. Does not stack, but does stack with burst effects or Eidolons despite having the same icon!
"A frame" damage cuts, these are by far the most common types. For example, Joan has this. These stack as much as you want.
Reflect. Does not stack, and is rarely available team-wide. Still good to keep in mind, as for example Hercules has this for herself.Mix and match this list to reach up to -100% damage reduction! The goal is to have at least -85% up for every single Overdrive the boss does (this number can vary depending on boss). The further away you are from this goal, the more heals you will need. The further above you are of this goal, the less heals you need. After all, who needs heals if you don't take any damage after turn 8 thanks to your -100% damage reduction? Just make sure nobody can die during those first eight turns or things can go badly south though!

So yeah, the hardest part is surviving the first eight turns, since this is where you get your Kaisers online. You jump from -40%/-50% to -60%/-70% at all times. Which is a HUGE boost. And remember, when you use your SSR Kaiser, you have an additional -10% up. Until then... well, here is the thing.


I'm not saying you need to exactly math out how much damage reduction you need, but, it helps. If you can't bring a team that has -100% at all times, the better you estimate your enemy's damage output, the "weaker" of a team you can bring. For example, if a boss has 3 Orbs, chances are all you need is one Hime with a low damage cut ability. Because you just need to activate that during Overdrive turns and you'll be nigh-immune to everything thrown at you. Then just heal up the damage from the second one, and your can reduce the third one with that one Hime again. But if a boss has low orbs - especially 1! - you'll need multiple Hime to cover yourself for every single turn, to reach at least -85% for EVERY Overdrive. Higher is obviously better and allows you to heal up better.

There are two more reasons to know your enemy. One, damage reductions from #1, #2 and #3... are specific to only ONE element. If there is an off-element boss - or a on-element boss that deals damage outside of their own element! - these damage cuts don't do anything. And as you hopefully have realized by now, stacking stuff is what makes this work. So when you lose a huge chunk of your damage cuts... you can get pretty fucked. If these are the case, make sure you bring plenty of #4 types and stack them instead, but chances are you simply cannot reach enough of those. Secondly... enemy cast debuffs. Now, the good part about damage reduction #1, #2 and #3 is that they also give you higher chance to resist debuffs from that element mob, so you probably won't get hit by Dooms OR DoTs when you stack enough. BUT. They can go through, which can spell disaster as DoT damage is not reduced by damage cuts. If the enemy has debuffs, make sure to bring a plan for these IF they go through! That means either Cleanse or more heals. There also other very problematic debuffs such as Exhaustion or Ability Lock.

And finally, about your Soul. Both Andromeda and Joan can work. Joan brings Regen, which isn't usually much... but the stronger your damage cuts are, the more that Regen does work for you. Let's say your team reaches -90% damage cut every turn. This makes Joan's regen effectively 10 times more powerful, thus healing for 2500 per turn. Kind of. That kind of thinking can help you calculate how much healing you need to bring. And remember - Joan has a whopping 40% damage cut even without HP Soul weapon, which will make you immune to one Overdrive every six turns! That helps a lot as well. Meanwhile, Andromeda brings significantly stronger heals, but can't make you negate Overdrives. Which one you should bring depends on how well you know your enemy and what kind of a team you can field. Andromeda is probably the safer bet, due to the fact that you'll be fighting for a long, long, long time when turtling. And heals help you mitigate problems if you make a little mistake like forget to activate a Kaiser.

Oh, and a final note about Atk debuffs or Def Up buffs. Don't worry about them. -50% Atk doesn't really matter much when you're already taking -85% damage. Does it help? Of course it does. But literally ANY damage cut is stronger at this point, so bench those -Atk Hime. And Def Up... ... well, it helps, but the damage it saves is extremely insignificant. Don't bother with Joan's stacking MEX for example.

The when - when to do this?


Seriously, it's hardly ever worth it. Turtling is extremely slow and can take you even hours depending on content. It is far better to adopt strats where you kill your enemy before they kill you, which is faster and takes significantly less effort from you. However... there are times when you simply aren't strong enough to clear something without turtling down. In this case? Ask yourself the question: "Is it worth it?"

If your answer is "yes", then go ahead and turtle up. Something being "worth it" is always a personal preference, and if you really, REALLY want those 50 raid tickets for soloing an event raid Ragnarok, then go for it. Just be mindful of the one hour time limit, okay? For single player content, you can take ALL the time you need. You can even take breaks if you need to, Kamihime doesn't forget your progress even if you come back a few weeks later (notice: _some_ maintenances may wipe your single player progress). So just closing your client and going out for a few hours will still allow you to just pick up where you left.

... phew. Hopefully, that'll help somebody do something they couldn't do before. Is it going to be worth it for them? Eh, probably not. But at least they have the option to.
A huge thanks to dreamlitz for bringing this way of play up multiple times. I'm sure he didn't pioneer it - people on DMM probably did or maybe even GBF players long, long before that - but nonetheless, I wouldn't have thought about it without him.

Too bad these forums are dead now, and discussions like these are long gone now. For example, nobody has a posted a single word about the new Skill Checker-kun event despite that having run for over a week now. Which is a huge shame as forums are simply the best way to communicate ideas... not Discord.

05-01-2020, 12:10 PM
As much as this info is extremely useful for those who doesn't have a strong grid and/or 100% eids, there is a tiny, yet crucial problem. And it's about dmg cut eid from friend (well at least what you get from scrolling before going to challenge), it's still pretty rare to run across to find them. People would still equip their event / gacha (like MLB fafnir, etc) eids as main instead, even in phantom main (anzu/vlad/dia domination).

Well if this happens and your friend list equip their best eids then dying over and over at the same level starting from 15+, then it's better to use Joan with at least one healer per level here, only if you DO have like 5 healers/element, but the prob is gacha pool sucks and you have to wait for the CD to allow them to get back to battle.

With this situation, Joan along with her HP weapon is slightly better to use. (unless if have gigaton hp on your team thanks to gun build) 60% + 25% dmg cut is likely better opt to run along with 100% eids.

05-01-2020, 01:12 PM
As much as this info is extremely useful for those who doesn't have a strong grid and/or 100% eids, there is a tiny, yet crucial problem. And it's about dmg cut eid from friend (well at least what you get from scrolling before going to challenge), it's still pretty rare to run across to find them. People would still equip their event / gacha (like MLB fafnir, etc) eids as main instead, even in phantom main (anzu/vlad/dia domination). Ah, true. However, I don't really see this is as a problem.

Kamihime is a multiplayer game. Communication is key. Simply talk to your Union mates about you wanting to turtle something, befriend them, get them to show up in your list... and there, you're ready to go.
For the... self-sufficient players, you can always make an alt account just for these Eidolons. This is against Nutaku's ToS however, so I wouldn't recommend it.

05-01-2020, 02:52 PM
As much as this info is extremely useful for those who doesn't have a strong grid and/or 100% eids, there is a tiny, yet crucial problem. And it's about dmg cut eid from friend (well at least what you get from scrolling before going to challenge), it's still pretty rare to run across to find them. People would still equip their event / gacha (like MLB fafnir, etc) eids as main instead, even in phantom main (anzu/vlad/dia domination).

Well if this happens and your friend list equip their best eids then dying over and over at the same level starting from 15+, then it's better to use Joan with at least one healer per level here, only if you DO have like 5 healers/element, but the prob is gacha pool sucks and you have to wait for the CD to allow them to get back to battle.

With this situation, Joan along with her HP weapon is slightly better to use. (unless if have gigaton hp on your team thanks to gun build) 60% + 25% dmg cut is likely better opt to run along with 100% eids.

The best time to turtle is obviously during Tower (as you only get one try and on element clears of higher floors are totally worth it close to 600 possible bricks) that you really want to employ it at that time. Putting your DR Eido into your element or phantom slot (as with other union members) helps getting that second DR Eido.

Or you can be like Dream, and just AAB every rag/guardian raid with a DR Eido. Open to all (and I mean all!) and still pretty much guarantee never dying and clearing the raid easily! This is best used when you are doing something else at the same time (like during work) and you can just leave the AAB on for like 30-40 minutes for the raid to clear!


P.S. Andro tends to win out over Joan with high ascension grids since defense/exceed is useless and assault is marginally useful.

Monkey Boy
05-02-2020, 12:37 PM
As for friend-list folks equipping useful Eidolons, don't the choices you get go off of the Support Eidolons they put in the element tabs in their Profile, and not the ones they actually have equipped?

I noticed a spike in my daily "you've been chosen for support" summary after I equipped a Loot Drop Eidolon into the support tab for its element, but I don't actually use that Eidolon in my main party setups.

05-02-2020, 01:41 PM
As for friend-list folks equipping useful Eidolons, don't the choices you get go off of the Support Eidolons they put in the element tabs in their Profile, and not the ones they actually have equipped?Yes. Which is why communication is key, you need to tell your friends to put those into their profiles.

Or, if you have good friends, they'll put whatever is the correct one for the ongoing event in Phantom slot during turtling days.

05-04-2020, 04:24 AM
Thing is, those sr dragons also a pain in the ass to get hands on. I'm here for a some time, and have zero flb dragons yet.

05-04-2020, 08:22 AM
Thing is, those sr dragons also a pain in the ass to get hands on. I'm here for a some time, and have zero flb dragons yet.MLB. FLB is for some weapons only, the limit break that costs Ori.

And yes, because the SR Dragoons are not in Gem Gacha, they're much rarer than the other SR Eidolons now. Still, you only need to two copies and the rest you can limit break with Eidolon Orbs if needed.

05-04-2020, 01:53 PM
Ye, thanks for the correction. And also, for a reminder about limit breaking with orbs, i've totally forgot about such a possibility.

05-13-2020, 02:11 PM
To be noted is that Dejnov found this guide controversial. He refused to post his version here, but you can instead find it here (https://harem-battle.club/kamihime-project/2974-kamihime-discussion-post153877.html#post153877) as it will soon be buried within the sands of time.

05-13-2020, 08:26 PM
Slashley has graciously asked me to post my thoughts here for others as a second take on a guide to Damage Cut. I'll be posting them here for people to also think about. Thank you Slashley.

A How-to Damage Cut Guide for Kamihime:

What Is It:
Damage Cut is one of the most powerful abilities in Kamihime. It works as a percentage and basically does one thing: reduces all damage taken by the percentage amount. If you achieve 100% damage cut you reduce all damage to your Himes (floating damage numbers will be zero when hit). One sub-source of damage cut, elemental resist, also reduces by the percentage amount your chance of being afflicted with a resistable debuff. If you achieve 100% elemental resist any resistable debuff (floating indicator stating miss on an applied debuff). Damage cut as an explicit ability is fairly limited and so most players assume that it's not easy to gain high levels of damage cut. This isn't actually true in Kamihime. There are 3 basic sources for damage cut (with two of them that have two different frames) that are additive, one source that is multiplicative, and one 'hidden' source that is super multiplicative. All told there are 7 unique types of damage cut that you can stack to help get you to that zero damage taken. We'll talk about all of these sources below. Usually for a power that is as powerful as damage cut there is an explicit disadvantage with using it. For a 'defensive' ability the simple idea is that teams that stack damage cut to become super defensive give up offensive capability. This, yet again, in Kamihime is not true. There is a single skill that gives damage cut teams additional damage output over and above basic additive offensive abilities that more than makeup for any perceived loss in damage output. You can have a super tanky super strong team in Kamihime, if you build it right.

Sources of Damage Cut:
The three basic sources of damage cut are damage cut, reflection, and elemental resist. Within basic damage cut there are two frames that stack: A-frame and Stacking Frame. Within Elemental Resist there are also two frames that stack: A-frame and Summon Frame. All of these sources stack with each other additively. For example if you have an ability with 10% damage cut, another ability with 20% reflection and the third ability with elemental resist 20% you would have a total damage cut of 50%. Also note that Stacking Frame damage cut also stacks with other sources of Stacking Frame damage cut. Damage cut and Reflect are applicable to all sources of damage, while elemental resist is only applicable to a single element (i.e. fire elemental resist only affects damage from fire sources/monsters). This covers the basic additive sources. Defense is another source of damage cut, but, unlike the others listed here, is multiplicative in nature (and also affects the amount of damage cut given by its reciprocal). If you had 20% defense, you would have an additional 17% damage cut (reduce damage by 1/1.2 or 0.83 damage taken) that would multiply with your other sources of damage cuts. As an example if you had 20% defense up and 20% damage cut from other sources your final damage would be reduced by 1-(0.83 * 0.8) = 1 - 0.66 = 0.34 or 34%. The defense attribute drops off fairly dramatically (it's reciprocal stacks and then it's multiplicative), but it is a source of damage cut and, more importantly, it's applied prior to the super multiplicative damage cut source. So don't intentionally dismiss it or ignore it. Always check to see if it helps and if it's freely available. You can usually find this ability on a Hime/Soul with damage cut; it's there for a reason! It's another source of damage cut (usually constant as opposed to a set number of turns) and is mostly used to help the super multiplicative source of damage cut.
The last source of damage cut (the super multiplicative source) is just basic healing! You always want strong sources of healing with any damage cut team. Damage Cut multiplies all sources of healing making it an effective 'final' source of damage cut. Consider the following example: You have 10k hit points and are taking 4k in damage per round. If you had nothing else you'd die on turn 3 (first turn of damage your down to 6k hp, second 2k hp, and third turn dead). If you had 50% damage cut you'd be taking 2k damage per round and could survive 5 turns (8k, 6k, 4k, 2k and then zero). If you had 500 hitpoints of healing and no damage cut, you'd also only live for three rounds (6.5k, 3k, zero) and the healing makes no difference. But if you had both the 50% damage cut AND 500 hitpoints of healing, you'd live for 7 turns (8.5k, 7k, 5.5k, 4k, 2.5k, 1k, zero). In essence, your healing is multiplied by the prior damage cut. The 50% damage cut changes your 10% damage cut from healing to 20% damage cut from healing. It's like you have 70% damage cut with both abilities (50% from damage cut and 20% from healing). If you also had an additional 25% defense ability (for 20% damage cut) you would then have an overall damage cut of 1- (0.8 * 0.3) of 76% damage cut. This doesn't seem like a lot more, but as you get to higher amounts of damage cut it stops scaling linearly and starts scaling exponentially. That extra 6% in overall damage cut was basically 25% extra survivability. Stacking as many sources of damage cut and healing is how you make a truly damage resistant team. (As an aside, this is usually the reason our union recommends Andromeda as the go-to soul for a damage cut team versus Joan even though Joan sports damage cut. You really want the healing that Andro has due to its super multiplicative nature with other sources of damage cut. Joan's damage cut isn't constant enough to make it a great source of damage cut. Himes and Eidolons just do it better.)

Follow On Thoughts:

Most people define a damage cut team as a team that can reliably achieve 70-80+% damage cut constantly. I believe that the amount of assault and element attack you give up to do this makes those types of teams useless for most normal play. I don't really build teams like that as they're only truly needed in forced solo content (i.e. tower and that's it). I tend to favor strong utilization of damage cut in teams that, while they could solo content, are actually built to have fun and play in a raid. This will lead to having much lower levels of damage cut (typically 20-40% constant damage cut). Most players can do this and not sacrifice any combat ability (other than having a Hime or two which might not have strong offensive abilities). I am a strong proponent of Dark players to utilize damage cut builds in their teams. They are one of the few elements that have too many sources of damage cut (Nefertem, Pluto, Cernunnos) and their teams can be some of the most durable teams hands down. Having a top tier SR damage cut Hime (Cernunnos) means that every Dark team can be a damage cut team without spending large amounts of money. If you happen to get Pluto or Nefertem, then you're typically golden and your dark teams durability shoots up dramatically. With utilizing Idun (a free just log in Hime also), there is nothing stopping a Dark player from making a viable team that can clear all content (might need help, but won't be completely useless). The only other thing that you need to add is one or two On-Element Resist Eidolons (Kaiser preferred, Dragoon if nothing else) into your 5 sub slots to give an additional source of damage cut for those incredibly dangerous ODs or to give a staggering level of resistance. You might lose up to 1000 attack and like 8% element attack, but that is really very little for the added protection of getting 20% to 30% for 3 or 2 rounds to help reduce an overdrive. This is a viable source that is free for all players (Dragoons come through gacha and everyone can buy a Kaiser for 10k Eido Orbs per element that is needed) in the store. Once you're stronger you can drop this from your builds if you find you don't need it. As an example: I had six thunder teams with Raiko, 1 On Element Kaiser, and Andromeda to fight each Guardian. That was enough damage cut to safely make it through most guardian raids solo or near solo. I have since dropped all of those teams except the Thunder team for Phul (which is now Raiko, Wind Kaiser, Joan with a random spear/Shingen spear, and Dian) as that one is a guardian I try and run daily (and it's usually hard to find tons of players that want to run it).

Can you AAB with a Damage Cut Team?
I do not initially AAB with a damage cut team as none of my teams are constant damage cut teams. You will have to manual a damage cut team in a raid if participation stays low. If players pop in (and some other Andros), you can usually then defer to AABing. Low level of participation forces the AABing. With Trags, I usually have to manual, but once the raid hits 10 or more players, it's safe to move to AABing and you can watch the raid proceed. The point of utilizing a damage cut team in raid content is to enable survivability until you reach critical mass for the raid. While this seems more effort, the added advantage is that your teams are usually very close to your raiding team. As an example: I don't change my grid for my racing team, I usually drop the On Element Kaiser, switch out Dian for Samael, and I switch my soul to Shingen. That's usually it.

What is a Great Grid for Damage Cut?

I build all my weapons grids like everyone else; I build them with whatever I've got. All grids need 100% Exceed (or near if you can break the 2M damage cap on a burst per Hime). After that I'd try and stack to 100% Ascension if you utilize a ton of healing. If not, get as much Vigor as possible. Defense is usually not needed as, by definition, your team reduces damage coming in by large amounts that the need for stacking this ability is basically removed from gameplay. You build defense more efficiently through damage cutting anyway. Pride is also less valuable as you're only getting it when you're giving up on high hitpoints. A strong ascension grid should not need this either.
If this is theoretical, then
a) 3 Sources of Assault/Exceed
b) 3 or 4 Sources of Assault/Vigor/Ascension (to 100% ascension)
c) 2 Sources of Assault/Vigor (M or L)
My current grid is nowhere near this though.
