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View Full Version : Comix Heroes. What about making a wiki for it?

11-26-2021, 05:09 AM
As simple as the title.
There are a lot of girls im not being able to get in the events, and i hate not being able to take a look to its art.
The wiki for HH its awesome, so... why we dont start a CH one?

04-24-2022, 12:04 PM
As simple as the title.
There are a lot of girls im not being able to get in the events, and i hate not being able to take a look to its art.
The wiki for HH its awesome, so... why we dont start a CH one?

As simple as the title.
There are a lot of girls im not being able to get in the events, and i hate not being able to take a look to its art.
The wiki for HH its awesome, so... why we dont start a CH one?

Ich würde es versuchen, ist dann aber nur auf Deutsch möglich, da ich Englisch immer nur mit Googleübersetzer bearbeiten muß

05-07-2022, 03:30 AM
That thing has been asked a lot already, especially on Discord, but when asked by an admin on who will manage it consistently, no one really answered, and that's why there's no wiki for it yet. Unless someone is up to the job of maintaining it, then I doubt the wiki will be made.

07-11-2023, 08:36 AM
Well, I have seen someone just start up a comix harem wiki. However, 1) it's pretty clear that they need a whole lot more help as many pages aren't done and 2) It's in French. I'm sure anyone willing to volunteer to help out would be greatly appreciated.
http colon slash slash comixharem dot wikidot dot com slash start replace colon with :, slash with / and dot with .