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12-09-2015, 06:50 PM
Whenever you have chance time or in Gambit, which box do you go for?

In gambit, I tend to go lower left. Otherwise, I'm more of a middle bottom myself. Which box do you favor?

12-09-2015, 07:12 PM
I always try to calculate the best probability so if there are 2 correct out of 6, I usually go for 3rd but no matter how you look at it, it's completely random. :P

12-10-2015, 03:46 PM
I mostly choose the middle bottom or middle upper. 1st - because it's closer to GO/Next button, and i have to travel less with my mouse, and 2nd - because it mostly contains R girls i like more of all R cards that i can get on Ngacha, like Suzuna Hanamiya, Mayumi Takasaki, Aya Kitagawa, Yumeho Suzumi, Ai Naruse, Fumi Annei and others. Also, the middle bottom more often contains SR cards for me (at least, i manage to complete the "get 1 SR card" daili mission much faster if i click only the bottom middle one, than if i try to "catch" the SRs that sometimes spawn on the corners) and middle upper is almost always have an R card for me.

12-17-2015, 11:17 AM
Upper Middle is the one i preffer but it seems like Bottom Middle might be the best choice since its usually the one with the "O" in the last areas ...
For the Gachas i just select randon boxes... even if i only get the Event N , its really frustrating to spend 50 tickets on 1 card ;-;

12-20-2015, 08:36 PM
I actually noticed that the middle bottom tended to be favored for the correct option. I used to go bottom right, but I switched to bottom middle.

It should be random, but some patterns appear more often than others. I wonder what the actual probabilities are.

12-20-2015, 09:19 PM
I wonder what the actual probabilities are.

Gacha: Chance rates are listed in the Gacha boxes if you check card list, then i'm guessing its 1/6 after that.

Gambit: 1/6, dude. don't try to make any more sense out of it than that.

12-21-2015, 08:20 AM
Gacha: Chance rates are listed in the Gacha boxes if you check card list, then i'm guessing its 1/6 after that.

Gambit: 1/6, dude. don't try to make any more sense out of it than that.

There's more to Gambit than you realize, and that was what I was asking. I'm actually getting at the actual patterns.


as opposed to


In both instances, the rate of any given box is 1/3, but if you had them as back-to-back patterns, you would find that the rates for my completely made up example are

Upper left 1/2
Upper middle 1/2
Upper Right 0/2
Lower Left 2/2
Lower Middle 0/2
Lower Right 0/2

In actuality, I felt like the lower middle or upper right were 'correct' more often than other boxes. So I'm wondering if anyone else noticed a similar trend.

I assume that each possible pattern has exactly one permutation in the rotation, and the patterns are picked randomly. But I never kept data. It would be interesting to actually record where they ended up just to see if one box had a statistical advantage over the others.