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View Full Version : If all card images are available already why continue playing?

01-08-2016, 11:55 PM
It seems like all of the cards are readily available to view all of their stages of undress and I've even found some of the animated scenes online. I'm wondering what is keeping people coming back to this game since there isn't really any kind of compelling gameplay when compared to something like millennium war.

01-09-2016, 12:16 AM
some people like the collection aspect

01-09-2016, 07:16 AM
Or the competition aspect.

01-11-2016, 06:09 PM
Well, for me it's still mostly the "Movies" that come in with new Story Areas and Elite Guards (since you can't get the gifs with text and sound on different ~booru galleries), the Gambit Story episodes (though, they kinda sucks, but i still hope that some might be interesting in the future)... and, maybe, the fact of social interactions i can make during Elite Guard Events, the chance to meet new people with similiar interests and chat with online, and, probably, the fact that i play such browser games to fill the free time when i don't know what to occupy myself with (and not feeling like doing something serious) / some daily activity to do, to wake up for (since my life is pretty much pointless overall). The fact that i must do something on a daily basis kinda helps me keep going, and brings a bit of self-discipline in my daily life, i guess...