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View Full Version : Server speeds

01-18-2016, 03:09 PM
Is it just me or is anyone else experiencing EXTREMELY slow servers?
I play both PeroPero and AS and normally you could log in quickly and have a couple battles or whatever and then go do something else. Nowdays, it litterally takes minutes (in the double digits sometimes) to actually get either page up.
It doesn't seem to be my connection, as other sites load up just fine, and it doesn't seem to be a browser thing either as it does that on Firefox and Chrome.
Anyone else having issues?

01-20-2016, 07:14 PM
Every once in a while, I have some slowness.

01-21-2016, 02:29 PM
Some ISP has bad behavior with Nutaku, DMM (Dragon Providence until i used at last time was handled by DMM servers) or Cloudfront... or the three at the same time.

Usually are DNS issues at first or third case (solution, change it (http://pcsupport.about.com/od/tipstricks/a/free-public-dns-servers.htm)), or sometimes, traffic shaping over flash content (old tests like Glasnost has this option).

Sometimes i used a VPN due to bad handling of my ISP over Osawari file loading. Fortunately Nutaku is VPN friendly.