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01-31-2016, 10:53 AM
So I have a White Witch Cloris that I want to CC, it says that a 3 star witch is required, so when I try to select one of my Calliope Witch for the CCing it doesn't let me. And Calliope IS a 3 star witch. I don't understand this.

Also, when you CC an unit the affection also resets?


01-31-2016, 10:57 AM
the affection doesn't reset , seeing as u can only reach 50% pre-cc. To reach max aff , u actually need to cc a unit.
As for the calliope , i'm assuming that she's either locked or in a team. Try unlocking her or getting her out of active duty :p

I'm assuming you know this , but i'm going to say it anyway , just to be on the safe side : never cc a unit at lvl 30 , because you lose stats from the lost levels.

01-31-2016, 12:10 PM
Oh haha, I didn't know because I've only reached 42% aff max. I know now tho. Also yeah, it was because she was part of a team. Worked now. And yes, I know I have to CC at level 50, thanks tho.

PS. I almost forgot, what's the server time for MWA? I mean, when does the day resets?

01-31-2016, 12:13 PM
Day resets at 11AM GMT+1, feel free to google it to your own time format :P