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View Full Version : Dancer AW Skills

02-10-2016, 11:48 AM
Soul Step: 50% Range increase for 18s| 100% of stats passed on instead of 10%| WT: 20; CT: 40
Escalate Step: 50% Range increase for 18s| 100%(2nd: 120%; 3rd+: 130%) of stats passed on instead of 10%| WT: 20; CT: 40

Passion Step: 40% Range increase for 25s| 100% of stats passed on instead of 10%: WT: 30; CT: 60
Endless Waltz: 40% Range increase| 30% of stats passed on instead of 10%| Activates automatically| Last Forever| WT: 20; CT: 40

Soul Step: 50% Range increase for 18s| 100% of stats passed on instead of 10%| WT: 20; CT: 40
Healing Dance: 50% Range increase fo 18s| 100% of stats passed on instead of 10%| Instantly heals all allies for ???| WT: 20; CT: 40

02-10-2016, 11:55 AM
marnie is better on for short stronger enemies then , while the second one just becomes a second price , yes ? dunno...

02-10-2016, 11:57 AM
The prince increases stats based on the units individual stats. Dancers do it based on their own.


Personally would have been nice to get so I'd have all three, but if I had to pick 2. It would be Waltz and Hana.

02-10-2016, 11:57 AM
Interesting. So out of the two event dancers one gets a permanent 30% and the other gains a heal on top of the normal stuff. Marnie is interesting too with the increased stats over each usage.

Seems like they'll all fill a nice role, but the last one will be able to heal a bit in the start, possibly delaying the need for a healer on some maps. All in all, gotta catch 'em all~~

02-10-2016, 06:11 PM
personally, I'm still going with marnie and waltz. marnie's AW ability just blasts away the competition.
waltz is good because permanent skill up means increased range permanently, so she can cover greater area the entire time. while marnie would suffice for the burst. I believe I can survive without the burst healing.

and I see that this AW skill is meant to give all 3 of them reasons to be used, unlike before where it was almost dominated by Marnie.

02-10-2016, 06:52 PM
I wouldn't say it was dominated by Marnie since there are no data that proves it. There is also the fact that she's a Premium unit so there isn't widespread use and the whales will whale with their Black units. Waltz is actually a popular Dancer, contrary to some beliefs, since she's offensively oriented and the duration of her skill allows other units within her range get as much damage out as possible with their skills. Waltz is also an event unit, which meant that anyone who was around for her event, is able to use her.

Dancers are good as long as the team lineup works around them. Hana and Marnie are often used for their repeated use while Waltz is used for the higher burst (melting bosses).

02-10-2016, 07:05 PM
I wouldn't say it was dominated by Marnie since there are no data that proves it. There is also the fact that she's a Premium unit so there isn't widespread use and the whales will whale with their Black units. Waltz is actually a popular Dancer, contrary to some beliefs, since she's offensively oriented and the duration of her skill allows other units within her range get as much damage out as possible with their skills. Waltz is also an event unit, which meant that anyone who was around for her event, is able to use her.

Dancers are good as long as the team lineup works around them. Hana and Marnie are often used for their repeated use while Waltz is used for the higher burst (melting bosses).

hmm I suppose. but frankly speaking, AW ability-wise I don't see why one would use another dancer instead of Marnie if they had the choice between all 3. although, because marnie is a premium unit, it'd be harder to get her for free players.
Marnie: atk 333 def 458
Waltz: atk 374 def 334
Hana: atk 284 def 291 (but with bonus 12 range x1.5 during skill)

02-10-2016, 07:17 PM
Actually, if you had Marnie and Waltz, then you would use both. Marnie is superior because she provides the greatest overall boost, while Waltz can provide a general boost (30% of her stats) for multiple purposes such as farming runs. With her Skill AW, it's still a flat +100 ATK/DEF for units in her range and that's a huge boost for a lot of units that can make full use of it like Vampire Hunters.

I still do plan on raising Waltz since I'll have many uses for her despite having Marnie with her Skill AW. She'll provide the damage some units need to meet higher damage thresholds because an AW Thief makes it harder for some units to kill an enemy in one hit. Waltz is a fix for this issue at a low cost of 4 points and one ranged spot.

Waltz is also a Super Saiyan.

02-10-2016, 07:41 PM
Actually, if you had Marnie and Waltz, then you would use both. Marnie is superior because she provides the greatest overall boost, while Waltz can provide a general boost (30% of her stats) for multiple purposes such as farming runs. With her Skill AW, it's still a flat +100 ATK/DEF for units in her range and that's a huge boost for a lot of units that can make full use of it like Vampire Hunters.

I still do plan on raising Waltz since I'll have many uses for her despite having Marnie with her Skill AW. She'll provide the damage some units need to meet higher damage thresholds because an AW Thief makes it harder for some units to kill an enemy in one hit. Waltz is a fix for this issue at a low cost of 4 points and one ranged spot.

Waltz is also a Super Saiyan.

pretty much what I was thinking, excluding the AW thief part.
just saying that my ranking for the 3 would be Marnie > Waltz > Hana just because Marnie has that -1 cost to all melee units. and Marnie is better to me due to overall boost, regardless of AW skill or not. waltz might have better atk boost before skill AW, and a consistent/weaker large area buff after, which would be a good supporting 2nd dancer.

also just realized marnie's AW ability works regardless of whether she's deployed or not. so regardless or which dancer I'll put down, Marnie's most likely getting a slot in the team. if I ever get her.

02-10-2016, 07:52 PM
Marnie needs to be deployed for melee units to have their cost reduced by 1. It is similar to Front Tacticians.

02-10-2016, 07:57 PM
Marnie needs to be deployed for melee units to have their cost reduced by 1. It is similar to Front Tacticians.

eh, was it? guess I'll need to deploy her then. looks like I misunderstood "配置中、近接ユニットのコスト-1"

02-11-2016, 12:38 AM
During the deployment, the cost of the proximity unit -1 (marie) vs just being in sortie members
rise all of the defense force is 2% (katie)