I personally wouldn't look to increase damage on the tiger 1 as it costs too much on the durability side. I'd rather she be able to survive against multiple tanks long enough for the DPS units to take them down as the push goes.
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^ This. Tabby's skill DOES increase Attack Speed by a rather large %, but without a lot of investment in offensive emblems, her DPS will still be lacking. She's a heavy tank, eating damage is her primary purpose (and she's not one of the quirky tanks like Jagdtiger (TD) giving up DPS for durability) and this is what you want to gear her for. I put one offensive emblem on her for the sake of not having utterly crappy damage, but she's still my primary damage eater (at least until my 5* heavies catch up)
holy smokes rank 30 and its not 0 percentile lol looks like a lot more people have stopped doing PoC
It's been getting pretty boring lately so not a surprise to see less people bothering or playing.
I suppose so I mean its super grindy to get candy for non animanted non voiced H scenes and it takes forever to level up a tank making it grindy there as well. Not much to do either in terms of content
Grindy isn't necessarily bad...as long as you can accomplish things appropriate to your level and make appreciable progress while you're doing it. For example, if you've played FKG, how long was it before your team was exclusively full of lvl 70s? It didn't matter if you had some girls that weren't top level, because you were able to complete everything available at the time without them. By the time they released the newer content we were ready for it. You hardly noticed the grind because it wasn't holding you back.
AB's XP grind is quite a bit more evident, though. Lack of levels is holding everyone back, and they shouldn't have released PoC until most of the first players were finished with the map tiles and wanting something to do with their oil. AB's grind isn't keeping people interested, it's deterring them from playing.
Also, I don't know why they're being so stingy with the candies when that's the whole point of playing the Nutaku version vs. the Android version.
Well said.
This and This. Pretty much. The game is content light, the grind feels pointless and less rewarding than in other games, and the fact that they put the Character short stories and Scene behind a resource that is extremely limited just feels like a stupid thing altogather.
We are supposed to get events eventually, but I wonder how many people will still be playing that game at that point, seeing as good amount of people dropped from the PoC might suggest a drop in overall player base as well.
To be honest im stuck in tiles now at lvl 44 because I see the same bullshit I see in PoC. How the fuck are you going to win when they keep spitting out Su-51s? its like okay you survive through the initial nuke but get curbstomped because they keep spitting out MORE Su-51s and lots of Maus and T-62 making it impossible to push. Of course there are dark artillery and scarabs and mines. They also push opposite lanes top and bottom making it dam near impossible to defend. When you do get through the boss is so fucking god tier tanky they shrug it off and spawn more Su-51s completely obliterating your units attacking the boss.
You just dont have enough gear cost to keep up. I can see why people are dropping this as fast as they are, its not hard its just bullshit.
Who knows maybe I should throw out every unit and make it nothing but heavy tanks and artillery. Seems to be working for them.
I suppose I could calculate the odds of the wheel spin landing on the exact same spot (candy slot right before the 5* tank slot) every time for the last seven days, but I've been assured that the wheel is working properly.
its just a visual thing i highly doubt the wheel works properly as it looks visually. I do get quite often blue prints, metal and currency as much as I do get candy.