New research cycle.

Panther II - definite pass on this one.

And I'm not just saying that because I got her as my login reward this month. She's a four star tank masquerading as a five star tank. Well okay, the M10 is a four star tank masquerading as a five star tank (we know about colored contacts, Petra) but the Panther II doesn't boast the element of surprise! ... or a three gear deployment cost. The M26 Pershing is very nearly the same unit and levels up faster. A Sherman Crocodile is easily the better tank after emblems due to it's higher re-fire rate and flame thrower passive. Probably the least remarkable five star medium.

Also she has less armor than the Panther I despite the fact that the Panther II was expressly to be an up engine / armor Panther I. So... yeah, I dunno.

On the other hand her turret is a kitty tail, and that's adorbs.