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  1. #1641
    Unregistered Guest
    interesting (sorry)

  2. #1642
    Unregistered Guest
    How the fuck do you deal with the rain of purple shit in this event? It obliterates artillery in one hit and everything else in two or three hits.

  3. Hope that the enemy comes down one of the sides, since most of the artillery lands in the center. If they are coming down the center you just have to make do with sturdy tanks until you get to the boss, and hope artillery doesn't land on the heads of your DPS before they get in range.
    Sacred Sword Princesses invite code for server 2: Ruu0006963

  4. #1644
    TreadNaught Guest
    I wouldn't stress over it. This is frankly one of the worst event tanks we've seen anyway. It's skill is interesting but it just doesn't work on the tank it's been put on. The Hedge is just too fast, ironically. You don't ever get to use the extra range of the skill, and even if you do she spends so much time rotating between shots that her DPS drops from bad to worse. The hedge would have worked ...okay?... if her skill boosted rotation speed along with range or if the base tank had anything going for it.

  5. #1645
    Unregistered Guest
    Don't use arty until you've cleared the center with other tanks, then time your arty's run to cross your half of the field right after the AOE shots land.

    I dunno, the time my medium deathball finally dies off my destroyers are usually well on their way to killing the boss and I don't even have to deploy artillery.

  6. Lieutenant upgrading is a thing now. I've maxed out my Rachel's ability power, health and armor since those seem like no brainers. What do you guys think the other 20 points should be spent on?

    Edit: something seems to have broken with crystal bosses and they now melt artillery in seconds.
    Last edited by DrunkMonkGar; 05-09-2018 at 05:13 PM.
    Sacred Sword Princesses invite code for server 2: Ruu0006963

  7. #1647
    Unregistered Guest
    he talks about a second part it will surely be skill specific to each lieutenant
    better wait for this second phase for the last 20 points

  8. #1648
    Unregistered Guest
    I hate the cross-eyed, mouth-agape, tongue-lolling, and drooling expressions they're putting on the new girls during their sex scenes. Iris and Aria are so fucking hot in their normal drawings, but slip a cock in them and they apparently turn into total retards. Passion is one thing...Nadia's scene shows her getting more than she bargained for, Catriona's shows her being overcome by the moment and even drooling a little bit...but their expressions look hot and sexy, not goofy.

    Good fucking grief, AB devs...tell your artists that sex isn't supposed to be a near-death experience. And depictions of sex for H-games aren't supposed to be a ridiculous turn-off.

  9. #1649
    TreadNaught Guest
    Yeah, I'm not feeling this event. All they've done is increase the number of high-casualty tiles you need to grind through immediately after a patch that makes casualties even more frequent. Repairs in events are already annoying enough, repairs in general are too expensive and the game just piles on too many concurrent levels of assdraggery and grind in these events.

  10. #1650
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by TreadNaught View Post
    Yeah, I'm not feeling this event. All they've done is increase the number of high-casualty tiles you need to grind through immediately after a patch that makes casualties even more frequent. Repairs in events are already annoying enough, repairs in general are too expensive and the game just piles on too many concurrent levels of assdraggery and grind in these events.
    The way I look at it is right after each reset and taking care of daily stuff like invasion tiles and burning your oil, you do your four wine/cheese missions first, then run the first four of each meat/baguette missions. Then you do tile five of either the meat/baguette line before going to bed (works for Americans, not sure how anyone else would time it). The next morning you do tile six of that line then go on about your day. When you sit down to game after the next day rolls over, take care of your dailies then do tile five of the remaining line, then after you get up the next morning finish tile six of the last line. Repair cost = zero. It's not even any more of a time commitment, it's just spread out over the two days of each event reset.

    Now I will admit that the rewards do seem tighter this time. Even with only needing 200K for both event tanks instead of 225K...the macaroons seem to not be as plentiful as the campaign map currencies of other events. It could be that I'm not investing the same effort as I did in other events, such as not being strict about running lights in scouting for oil, and devoting a larger percentage of the oil I do have to PoC, but I just get the nagging feeling that I may have to purchase some event currency this time, even considering that I don't care about the exchange items this time (I already have ARL44, and I'm sure I'll get the new emblems sooner or later).

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