Quote Originally Posted by Drayvhen View Post
Might be because:

NUTAKU BETA USERS: Please avoid using a VPN to play, as it could cause data collision and server errors. Wait until full launch please!
Saw that about an hour after they posted it and I'm inclined to disagree that that's true. I've played several games with VPN that they've hosted and have never had a problem so I can't see why this suddenly would and it not just a problem with the faulty game. They probably want less players to deal with that already spending money on this game to find their cores they're spending on vanishing.

I'm sure it has to do with the game not updating after you do actions in the game and despite while trying to initiate something else, it does so but doesn't change on screen. Like say you're using the spinning wheel, and you roll once. The game doesn't update and you think you can roll again but in reality you actually just spent 100 cores to roll again and every time you rolled again but the game doesn't update until you restart and see you used all your cores.