Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
Swapped Panther 2 for Type 59. Would rather not remove T-44 'cuz that's quite a waste of investment.
T-34 can be swapped, either for Sturmtiger (1) or Jagdtiger (25). As you can see Jagd would be quicker to get up to par by a long shot, but Sturm's AOE is awfully tempting...

Don't have Maus and E-100 is level 11 and would take a lot of investment, which I don't really want given I'm already leveling Type 59 and either Sturm or Jagd on top of T-100, M3 and Panzer so I think I'll leave my heavies.

AMX-40 is level 30ish atm (she's scouting atm so I can't tell for sure) so I could swap her in... who do you think I should cut?

All in all, I've got enough strong units to deal with invasions/PoC so I can afford to swap in some lowbies to level
If you're gonna cut, since you're not really willing to drop T-44, your most likely choice would be Satan, or one of your heavies. I would still recommend dropping T-44 over either though even if she's elite already. As for Sturmtiger, she could technically replace one of the heavies if you decide to use her since she's naturally tanky even without defensive emblems, you'd need some pretty good emblems for her though.