Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
I want to buff Range, Attack Speed, Damage and Penetration, right? Some Critical Chance and Multiplier too
Really depends on your play style. I can think of a few possibilities. I wouldn't really recommend range since her base is simply just too low. Even if you raise it, if her skill isn't up she's gonna be in front no matter what.

1. You equip her like a heavy with splash since she's always in front.

2. 5* Emblems with Damage reduction, Crit Chance, Crit Multiplier, % Damage bonus. Accuracy, Penetration, Attack speed are also good.

3. Similar to #2, except replace damage reduction with evasion.

4. Forget all defenses and aim for 5* emblems with full offensive sub stats. She can last a bit, but she can also be taken down pretty quickly like this. It's also hard to get someone to tank for her since she's so close to the enemies.

Comparing between 2 and 3. Damage reduction should mitigate all damage, including 100% armor pen. Whereas evasion mitigates damage by not getting hit and is more luck reliant. Depends on your personal preference, but evasion is useless vs tanks with 100% accuracy skills. In the end all of it depends on your preference though.