My trick for beating the invasions is avoiding the head on battle in the first place. If you can get a hold of a sherman crocodile, there often available in the blueprint store and equip some emblem on them that increases speed but not range, you can use it to flank the other defences and tanks, combine that with the commander ability which boost attack you'll have a much easier time at it. Well that works for me with the tanks I currently have at my disposal. Doesn't always work, however, with enough practice it gets pretty reliable. Mind you this won't work with levels that have destroyers as bosses. Additionally, levelling up won't help any with invasions, better tanks, Grinding certain tanks using dupes, or Finding and levelling up emblems are the way to go.

More than anything what this games really need is a strategy guide that talks about battle strategies. The games dynamic don't follow the usual mold for these types of game, I've been at it for 6 weeks now and I'm only now starting to wrap my mind around it.