Had the crabs now show up on the last stage three times. Other than that the game doesn't seem that hard.
Had the crabs now show up on the last stage three times. Other than that the game doesn't seem that hard.
this crab game event is too hard for me![]()
you can't win alone it's very imposible , you need a 2 person tell me your discord and i will add you to help you with the event
... or just join the FakeLay chat on discord and ask if anyone is online.
i try but nobody repond there , are you on the discord server ? can you pls help me
Yeah I gotta admit, I cant win at this crab event either
Why would you need a second person in solo event? Does it involve some cheating or what? The event seems impossible (worse than poker and blackjack, at least there I could get to 5 costumes in blackjack, can't complete even 1 here) so I am skipping it, but I don't see how second person can help.
Most folks here are saying the last few stages where you need to watch two crabs is too difficult to do alone. So a second person can watch the second crab. Naturally, the quickest way is to ask someone IRL to watch the second crab. Some folks here would be embarrassed to admit they play this game to anyone in their real life, so you can anonymously use Discord.
Discord has ScreenSharing with audio. For example, you find someone online to share your screen. You share your screen and say, "I will watch the Top/Left crab, you watch the one bottom/right."
"ok", says the other person.
>>crabs run about<<
You simply click the crab you watched. You could also exclaim "Got It!"
Second person states the location of the crab they kept an eye on, for example, "Bottom row, second crab from teh left."
You click the other crab and move on to the next level. At this point, you can express your appreciation as well by saying, "Thanks, Fake Lay buddy!"
Last edited by 420gamer; 07-18-2019 at 03:31 AM. Reason: added link to Discord Screen sharing instructions.