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You just run a girl several times and after each run it shows you if your guess was higher or lower. So if you start at 50/50/50 and follow auto algorithm (dividing the range in half), in worst case you only need 7 runs to guess correctly (50 is the largest gap for 1st run, then 25, then 13, then 7, then 4, then 2 and finally 1 if you are really unlucky). With two runs/day there is enough time to complete 10 girls (in worst case scenario and with only a single room). So if you have 3 rooms unlocked (and who doesn't?) you will have enough time to complete 30 girls (more than we have) just by following the basic tactics. If you try to use different approach (not dividing the range in half) you may need more tries in worst case.
I had a quest "play 10 battles" (girl was not specified and I didn't have to win). Got 10 usables that increase the second stat by 12% as a reward.