Sorry if this has been covered, I couldn't find it if it has, but is there an ideal percentage to reset at? I've been resetting when my bonus gets between 30 and 50% but its gotten to be a real wait now.
Sorry if this has been covered, I couldn't find it if it has, but is there an ideal percentage to reset at? I've been resetting when my bonus gets between 30 and 50% but its gotten to be a real wait now.
I suck at wiki formatting and would order some information differently. For events I would have used only one page and wrote a short summary of the event and what was special about the event, like event clothing or that mini game for valentines.
Reasoning, subpages would have to be created and filled with information and that is not really happening. The event pages right now are ... mostly filled with non-information. I suspect the tables with the girls might be intended to be filled in with pictures of the special outfits or such. As could be done with the normal outfits as well. But ... as long as there are not a much higher number of wiki-contributors, this is not happening anytime soon.
Of course, this is a wiki, and instead of creating a page, you can just reference a non-existent page and wait for someone else to create itThis is how the Films and Shop page came into existence. They were referenced and I took pity and wrote a base information page in the hopes that someday someone will style it up. But if not, that is okay too, some relevant information is there. Personally I do not care much about nice wiki icons and graphics. I created a stub for daily quests and rewards too, but I am not sure where to link to them. I like the style of the front page with the ingame icons, but since I suck at formatting and graphic content, I am reluctant to include it there.
But to answer the question: If we do pages on events, of course, that is where people would look for information - while the event is ongoing. And even if the event is changing midway, it's a wiki, one can change the page according to new information.
Since I just added the page ... two of the events are created with the wrong options it seems. They are sub-categorys instead of pages inside the category event. But on the other side, I have only slightly more knowledge about wikiing than about graphics and needed 5 minutes to find the button to create the new page as page inside the category.
Your percentage is always relative to your current total bonus. The jumps in bonus from scenes and what ressources (skills, money) are needed are not nicely distributed. I actually included a table with the boni and how long the fake it timers are, in my Spreadsheet I uploaded to the wiki. You find it under Skills at the bottom of the page.
Reset if you have to wait too long for the next scene. Too long is subjective, but you will want to include training sessions for the girls anyway. So you just reset between these training sessions and that's it. I did an estimate based on fake it timers. And the gain of bonus per hour is increasing slowly if you go as deep as you can. But this is only true if your filming time for scenes is max about an hour. Should you have several hours of filming time for a scene, you are past any sweet spot for resetting.
You are doing better than me. I tried a couple times to make a page before and kept hitting cancel as it wasn't what I wanted. I used to code html ages ago. I like some automation, and I'm sure that the system they have here makes it easier to keep the look consistent. You have to get used to it though, and I'm clearly not.
Last edited by JustMe; 03-21-2018 at 08:06 AM.
What’s the best way to get the later girls? My skills at 30 and above takes weeks and resetting doesn’t seem to even dent the time. I just reset for 250% tho and I’m still getting back up. Also how come the fake it’s doesn’t lower in time? The ten minute ones are still ten minutes and so on
Resetting daily. If you are very active, twice a day. Unlocking girls as far as you can go between resets, filming the unlocked girls between the resets.
Saving your diamonds for warp bonus.
You can do longer reset cycles, but with Pantress/Victoria the relative bonus gain slows down.
If you reset for 250% you are nowhere near the point where resetting becomes ineffective. 10% faster means you can unlock the last girl in 90 days instead of 100 days. So if you can make 1% per day... (and if you do not spend humunguous amounts of diamonds even with maximum warp you will need that magnitude of time to complete the last girls)
Fake it times are short, medium and long and they do not lower below 20 secons, 10 minutes, 30 minutes.
So when should I reset? Someone asked earlier but I wanted to make sure. You said pantress victoria is not as good so does that mean you just do quick resets after you finish freckly? After my 250% reset I noticed the percentages are down quite a bit. I am close to finishing freckly again and my percentage for resetting is only 9 or something like that. I had x64 warp bonus before the 250% reset
Between filming and training your girls.
Bonus grows like 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 4 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 15 for complete girls. Bonus distribution with scenes of the same girl roughly grows like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.
Now you can do the math, how long you can spend time farming money and skill for scenes before your bonus/day ratio drops off again.
Or you just go as far as you can in between filming sessions.
The slowing down somewhere around Viccy just means, that the gains per additional girl start to get a constant. The time needed to gain those levels does not. The last 4 girls all give the same bonus of 15 completely unlocked. As long as your time needed to complete the scenes stays constant, go as far as you can. But even with a Total Bonus of 10M you will slow down after Cindy to minutes and hours of filming time.
No. Just go as far as you can in between filming sessions. If your filming session is 1 10-hour block or 14 does not matter much, but if you start to have scene completion times of several hours you met your personal wall. Reset as soon as is just do quick resets after you finish freckly?
As a side note, if you want to see real growth in numbers, play Clicker Heroes or Cookie Clicker or such like. The growth here is child's play. But fake lay is more of a hybrid idle game. To unlock the girls you have to do the idle/reset mechanic which is (of course) tilted towards needing ingame currency to max warp bonus. And the clicking is reduced to collecting hearts.
Anyone have thoughts on images uploaded to the wiki? I put some up that were about half the resolution I took them in and converted to jpg. Is this fine, or should I put up full res?
Dunno. Clothing is usually displayed by combining the naked girl with the clothing item(s) and the blinking eyes ingame. And items that are not a full suit are displayed in the wardrobe with their own icon. So there are many options to show that stuff in the wiki, with and without the girl.
As for format, this is comic colors, maybe saving screenshots as png is better than jpg, but difference will be marginal. The resolution of the girls tiles is 390x700, so any caps should not have a higher resolution than that.