Quote Originally Posted by soviras View Post
I'm done already, I'm one of the people with 4k fame.
Finally, at least some actual information that you know what you are talking about instead of just guessing with us based on the info that was provided in that short post and basic experience from the game itself.

How do we know Ashes completed the event? Because he has all the outfits, which was posted here as well as in the Discord, in addition to him getting a rounded Fame value, which only happens if you get all the Fame that the event has to offer.
He could have collected pictures from several other people and gathered them together or could have used several account like you. At the time of posting we didn't know that he had all girls, we knew that he somehow got the pictures together. Rounded fame value - how could we know how much fame event rewards unless we completed event ourselves? It could have been 500 for first 10 levels, then 250 for next 5.

The formula used to be included in the games javascript, it was removed for a while now, because it didn't really serve much of a purpose other than being part of something that emulated the fight on the client side using a seed it received from the server. Currently the game just receives all the info it needs from the server, rather than calculating it locally.
This is interesting info, indeed. Thanks for sharing that formula.

The reason whales wouldn't buy the fight renewal is also simple, there aren't a lot of people who would search through the games code every update and it was only in there during the first few days of the halloween event, and the discord is mostly inactive.
By the way you mentioned that formula and talked about stamina helping in fights I supposed that it is also common knowledge between people who are on discord. Based on formula and event length you don't even need to buy fight renewal, you have more than 300 potential fights during this period. 3 fights per hour means you only need 100 hours or 10 days (with 10 hour/day) of playtime to complete it if you already have 4k stamina.

Anyway, the way you look at this situation reminds me of Vogons in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (or the people who destroyed Dent's house, that were similar), where they say that you should have known that you planet is going to be demolished, because this thing was posted years ago in some galaxy right near yours, so it was a common knowledge. Not everyone uses discord, not everyone cares so much to look through the code, not everyone knows everything about this game. So I don't know why you think that something that you know should have been known by everyone else. When someone makes a post on a forum he does not have to learn the game by heart, that's what discussions are for. I found several things that are actually interesting for me from this discussion - how requirements behave at higher level of this event (at least 6 and 7), the formula, that event girls are shown in leaderboards if their stats are higher and that you are one of those people at the top of the leaderboards, so I get that you have a different view of the game because you can see it in full, not just part of it as I do. For example when you said that there are a lot of gems that you get from playing I was surprised - but now I see that you only get them if you invested, not if you are a free player. If you are a free player, you are lucky if you get 2 gems per week when you need 170 for next speed upgrade. Or when you said that new event is more accessible.

Quote Originally Posted by Hornypony View Post
And santa double only up to 100k. After that ~125k and then 157k.
Thanks a lot for actual values. It seems I will be able to continue for one more level after the one where I thought I would get stuck. I have only 1.2k stamina so trying to win based on stamina only will result in too many loses, but I have time to upgrade to 130k.