Right now, Maggie's favorite "stats" are bugged and nothing is even displayed when you finish her. They're all blank.

Forgot how many total hours were in event, but got Maggie to level 10 yesterday morning and event timer was a little over 24 hours left.

I haven't been recording level requirements, as I mostly just play the game, but will most likely reset again after the event is over. I'l try to keep track of the requirements the next time I play through them, unless (hopefully) somebody beats me to it.

Maybe I'll also be able to get both of the Mardi Gras outfits for Maggie and Winona. Working on Maggie's now. Currently on her 3rd film.

I have been seeing skill level 57 and 58 so far, as I think Maggie needed level 57/58 in two different skills, but don't remember which ones. (Might have also been 56/57 skill level.) Maggie is maxed out, but currently building up 13.8qd currency for Winona to reach level 8. At one point, Winona needed 26qd to reach level 7 and Maggie needed 40qd to reach, I think it was, level 10. Right now, Winona needs level 57 in Artistry just to reach level 8. Even at my cash rate, it took about 3.5 days just to build up 40qd, and that time didn't include skill or filming time.

All my skills were max level 50 before patch, and the last 4 still haven't reached level 60 yet. Body Building, Acting, Artistry still at level 59, and Tricks are still at level 58. Artistry just hit level 59 and will take almost 2.5 days to reach level 60. Tricks still has almost 1 day left until level 59 and will probably take over 3 days to reach level 60.

Maybe some of that info made sense and helps to let you know how much time is involved.