I'm thinking that resetting is the only way to earn extra money per hour. I at 5T/hr for the last level in Porn Market, and getting ~2.4T/hr for TV Network in the 40's. Porn Expo is just now giving 1T/hr at lvl 25. I'm thinking once you film the girls enough to raise the level of the 4 major jobs to around 40~45, you should probably go ahead and reset anyway. From 45~50 slows down considerably and doesn't add much more per level. But the only way to add more T/hr is to reset the game IF you've hit 50 in your jobs.

I will say this, too. You level jobs over twice as fast using the diamond filming rooms than the regular ones. Add to it that these rooms stay after reset, gives that much more of a reason to save up in-game diamonds to purchase them, or buy enough diamonds to get them. Once you get girls to around 400~450, the jobs level up much faster using these rooms, plus you get to lvl up 6 girls at a time instead of just 3. It's one of the things in the game that just makes sense to spend diamonds on, if you're going to spend them on anything. Well, that and warp bonus

From level 22 to 24, Porn Expo leveled up an entire level from 22 to 23 and 23 to 24 using room 2 and 3 on the bottom row. It almost gained a complete lvl from room 1 on bottom row. Room 3 on the top row added what looked to be 25% or even less.

Example: Porn Expo
~Level 20.9 - gained up to ~22.1 using diamond room 3.
~Level 22.1 - gained up to ~23.1 using diamond room 2.
~Level 23.1 - gained up to ~23.9 using diamond room 1.
~Level 23.9 - gained up to ~24.4 using all 3 cash rooms combined.

Net gain from Diamond rooms for 10 hours ~3T/hr. Net gain from Cash rooms for the same time 0T/hr. It would take around 70~80 hours (maybe more) using the cash rooms to get the same net gain as it would using the Diamond rooms for 10 hours.

As another example, it took 3 diamond room filming sessions to reach level 50 on Porn Market for an extra 5T/hr. It might've taken a whole week or more using the top rooms.

What is all this getting at? The higher level girls start wanting qd's for gifts and for filming and fakes. If you're making B/hr or even low T/hr (50 or less maybe), it will take weeks/months (maybe years) to even reach the twin's requirements, much less Maggie or Winona. Talk about exponential growth... geesh.