If you memory suck like me go download Auto-Clicker By Polar 2.0. It allow you to set multiple position saved as click so you just have to remember and actually only do the first round yourself. Let's say it ask you Left Boob, Right Boob, Hair. You do it, once done before starting the second round you set up the auto-clicker.

1: Number of repeat should be set at 1 so than it does each series of click once.

2: Time to sleep (.ms) shouldn't be lower than 200 (200 = 1 click every 0.2 sec) Set it too fast and it may cause skip. It's not a problem when you ask it to only click on one spot but when asking multiple position it can cause skip. Just to say i finished the 10 for cherry with 11 secondes to spare so yeah ... if you lag a little you got room to set it highter xD like 500.

3: Options, it's to see/choose what hotkey you want to start the auto-clicker. I personnally choose Spacebar, if you do like me make sure to close the clicker afterwards unless you want the auto-clicker to start his series of click everytime you press spacebar xD you can set it something you don't usually touch like F4, of the Numpad or whatever.

Now for my example of L Boob, R Boob, Hair, you do 'Pick' (to choose where you want the clicker to ... click ...)

So ... Pick -> click on L Boob -> Add position
Pick -> Click on R Boob -> Add positon
Pick -> Click on Hair -> Add position

So right now with your 1 repeat it will click once on L Boob, R Boob and hair (after you start the auto-click) You may want to start the clicker just to confirm everything go smoothly. Don't move up/down the window.

Now than it's done, you begin the next round, it show the 3 you already know and one more (Let's say left arm), when your timer start, you click on the hotkey to start the clicker once the 3 click are done you click on the left arm manualy.

So ... Pick -> L Arm -> Add position. (now it will click on those 4 spot)
Begin the round -> Start the auto-click after your timer start (obviously ...) click manually on the 5th once the clicker is done.
Add the thing 5 to the clicker -> start the round -> start the auto-clicker click on the 6th thing manualy and so on.

basically it mean as long you always set the last thing showed to click in the auto clicker then the next round you only have to click/rememer the last thing showed.

If it ask you to click on the same thing 2 times one after the other, Like Left Arm and again Left Arm you just do like usual, Pick -> Click on thing -> Add position. So add the same position twice.

I'm not english so by trying to explain correctly i may have over-explained which could actually backfire ... hahaha ... If someone want to make a cleaned version feel free to go xD