Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I think they tweak how high the requirements are for each individual rank
If you are on a reset cycle and have a reachable hitgirl in under an hour, you can change opponents more often. From what I can tell from that experience and what I see now, they do not tweak much, they pool you with players that have a higher and maybe equal rank than you. I scrolled through the players in front of me in the ranking. About 80% of them I have no chance against. And about 20% of them I might win or could win with booster Items. With maybe 5 rerolls before the end of the ranking, naah, won't advance further this time.

Maybe they will make the challenge more interesting with the ... let's call them battle cards, that are coming soon, since the game was released. Right now the player who has played for longer wins. More stamina, more girl stats. Diamonds have a little effect on this, but skipping training time is horrible costly, so it boils down to time. Each day you can train the stats of your hit girl for ~40k+70%, so about 70k a day or 1M stats in 15 days. Having Indira or higher might give ~20% more. Stamina is rather important, but even with only three studios, you will reach the point, where you need multiple training sessions to get 1 point of stamina. You will reach that wall no matter how many studios you have. Having more girls helps there a lot.

So we are speaking of 2-2.5M stats per month. And unless you spend the 30 diamonds per day for time travel, making this 900 diamonds per month, you need that long for that amount of battle stats. Longer, if you reset a lot and have a high hit girl.

Having 4.5M on Indira, I guess you have her for a little longer than two month. Someone having her for four month will have 9M stats on her (3M on each or any other combination).