Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
someone please correct me if I'm wrong or add anything I've left out.
I think you covered it all.

But maybe I should spell something out: this game is a hybrid of an incremental idle game and some mild pvp. And in such idle games you are supposed to "increment" your power. This can be explained with ingame story (Time Portal, moving to another city, etc.) or just be yer plain old "reset" button.

So reset away, you will be faster next time and gain even more power by resetting. And so on. Of course in this game you will hit a wall with the incrementing, and after that you can focus entirely on the other parts of the game.

The "wall" is somewhere around the number of reset bonus you are willing to spend in time to double that number. What I want to say, if it takes you 30 days of active play to double that number, you can do that. But after that it will take you almost two month. And after that almost four month. The next double will cost you eight month of active play and so on. The theoretically (but not practicably) reachable upper bound is currently 145 reset bonus in less than 10 hours. More realistic is 50+. So if you had reset bonus of 3000 you could either do very active play for 30 days and double your bonus. Or start farming (hint: idle game) money and skills as you see fit.

The needed money to complete a girl is known, just look at your current income per day and compare. If this would take you two month to farm and it would take you one month to double your reset bonus, you can double your reset bonus the first month and farm the other month. But after that you are probably beyond the point where it is reasonable to reset.