Using combined fashion items instead of 70% costumes - which is better?

I've been wondering about this for a while, ever since the Valentine's items were released.

Obviously, the 70% outfits look better, but if you care about stats, this may help you, or it may not. It also depends on if your current girl matches the few girls that have potential greater bonuses, in all three stats, than the 70% outfits can give. Some are really close to 70%, as in the cases of Cherry, Pantress, Twins, and Maggie. They have 2 stats above 70%, but have 1 stat in the range of 65~68%. Close, but not quite to 70%.

For this to work, you need certain Valentine's items combined with the diamond accessories. Some girls had combinations where certain, differing stats could be over 70% bonus, but I chose a preference for Sex Appeal 1st and Commitment 2nd. Only then did I make a preference for Tricks, since its importance in challenges has been questioned on the forums. Even so, sometimes Tricks ended up being higher or even highest. That's just the way the numbers turned out. There were very few girls where the combination of fashion items were more than 70% bonus in all 3 stats.

Also bear in mind that 3 girls have diamond accessories that conflict, Ashley, Maggie, and Winona, so be careful if and when you decide to purchase for these girls. (For example, Maggie has 3 necklaces. One offers +10% in all 3 stats, but the other two only increase single stats. All 3 necklaces can only be worn, one at a time, so why even have the other two?)

Some girls may be listed more than once in each category because more than one combination may also exist for each category.

Also, the numbers listed below are in this order - Sex Appeal, Commitment, Tricks)

These girls have equal to and/or greater than 70% in all stats, using random fashion items:
Dora - 89,73,75
Frecly - 107,70,82
Frecly - 79,77,89
Maggie - 80,70,85

These girls have equal to and/or greater than 70% in two stats, using random fashion items:
Sanshi - 90,78,35
Geeky - 73,93,53
Pantress - 99,52,75
Pantress - 67,72,75
Victoria - 99,96,51
Victoria - 86,106,61
Cindy - 60,70,85
Emma - 80,80,40
Emma - 72,92,52
Zoe - 58,80,77
Twins - 90,75,68
Maggie - 95,65,100

These girls have equal to and/or greater than 70% in just one stat, using random fashion items:
Cherry - 65,105,65
Lola - 50,65,90
Ice - 63,103,40
Cindy - 65,60,75
Emma - 60,45,90
Indira - 88,61,51
Ashley - 73,49,57
Winona - 80,60,50
Anya - 30,20,80

Anya was a special case, since she had no Valentine's day items, so here potential combos were less than stellar to begin with. Assuming you are able to unlock her, I'd recommend that you use costumes with her at all cost and don't bother with her diamond accessories, unless more items are released that change this. With a preference in either Sex Appeal or Commitment, Anya's other two possible combos were: 50,35,40 and 40,40,50.

As a disclaimer, I make no guarantee to the accuracy to these numbers, but I did use a spreadsheet to help calculate these and keep the stats lined up during the process. I also double checked which fashion items were equipped, two different times for each combo, so made my best attempt at being accurate with this. Also feel free to modify the list, add to it, step on it, wad it up and throw it away, or whatever else you see fit to do with it! It was just something I mainly did for myself to satisfy my own curiosity and thought I'd share my results.