Thanks for all the info.

I have Ice already, so that's someone to use over Lola in terms of easier leveling. Though it takes me some 2-3 hours to unlock her upon resetting for the time being.
I don't think my Lola will be too hard to work past for now haha, not much to say good of at just lvl14 with her highest stat(commitment) at 2.8k. But hey, I won't hate on her at all. She has already gotten me to rank 15 in challenges. All just small-fry up to this point, some have staminas going as high as 50, but their fighters stats are just basic 100-300's -- a couple now I've seen in these higher ranks having 1 or 2 stats at about 900, but still no contest as I'm winning all my fights 10x(sometimes) or 20x(most of the time) faster.

I too agree on keeping all 3 stats worked on. Just have always been that way in games where you control stats, keep it all as equal as possible. I raise them as Commitment>Sex Appeal>Tricks in that order, but that's just my preference.

And I am active and plan to continue being so, so I will just pick up working on someone better(like my Ice) on top of Lola, should the need for them ever arise. Lola will remain my main though out of favoritism haha. Also Ice's freaking wardrobe is too flipping expensive for me at this point in-game. I only have the 150M on me now thanks to all these nonstop ranked matches I'm winning, but I'd need around 10x that just get her whole wardrobe without going broke, so... Not happening yet lol.

And huh... Thanks for the reset advice. I will follow that and see how it pans out once I get what I want done on this playthrough. Hope I won't have to do that for very long as it'd mean I can't focus on challenges and films.