Quote Originally Posted by WolfyBaby View Post
I have Ice already, so that's someone to use over Lola in terms of easier leveling. Though it takes me some 2-3 hours to unlock her upon resetting for the time being.
I am talking about completing Ice. I think one gets to Geeky without completing any girls. But this might be dependent on your skill levels or completion of scenes. Lola gives as much bonus as Cherry, the problem is, you have to complete her. If it did not get changed, she only gives anything if completed.

If you do not want to look into a table to compare values' worth of scenes, the distribution is very, very roughly like this: Each girl is worth 1.0 more than the previous and the scenes grow like 1 2 ... 9 10. So scene 10 is worth 5 times that of scene 2 of the same girl. But only a little more than scene 9. Scene 1 of girl 8 is worth 8/7 times scene 1 of girl 7.

So the highest scene of the highest girl is always preferrable, but not if you have to wait hours for the money or skill or even fake its.
She has already gotten me to rank 15 in challenges. All just small-fry up to this point, some have staminas going as high as 50
That is fantastic. It means, the matching got a lot better.

I too agree on keeping all 3 stats worked on. Just have always been that way in games where you control stats, keep it all as equal as possible.
Yes. And no. I did a calculation once under the false assumption, the combat here was like in a typical rpg, with speed, strenght and crits with double damage. If it were like this, crit would be useless. Since all stats cost the same. But it is not like this, so .. no clue. Speed and Strength (if they really do work that way) are typically multiplicative. Meaning you have to have a 100% 100% balance to get the most out of your ressource allocation to raise those stats. For "dps" it does not matter if you hit harder or more often, but in the extreme if you hit very often but not hard or hard but seldom, you loose effectifnes. The geometric explantion is the rectangle that has the most area with the least edge length: equal edges or a square.

So, the question is, how does Tricks really value into this? I did not see the formula that apparantly was visible for optics quite a while ago on client side, but as I understood it, they mangle all into a single roll, decide the winner and play a "combat" animation that fits.

Maybe combat will get more intersting, once they release those cards, that are coming soon since the game was released.

Lola will remain my main though out of favoritism haha.
I wonder if it is possible with Cherry too. The game mechanics say, if you choose Cherry, you will have half the combat stats of other girls that train equally long than your girl. With Lola this is true too and with Sanshi, at leat for quite a while, but they are easier to get to 200+ stamina, where the difference between girls shrink.

None of my girls has a position stat of over 100. Highest might be 88 or so. The problem is, the devs have an arbitrary table for the girls exp for postions. So I and probably most players do not know, how much exp is needed after 100. If it is linear after 100 you can train Cherry to 200. If it is exponentially from 90 to 100, you will have a very hard time to bump Lola over 200.

Also Ice's freaking wardrobe is too flipping expensive
Get event outfits. They cost nothin. And if you do not have the valentines lingerie they are the best you can dress your girl in anyways - including diamond bought accessoires. (Maybe there are better combinations without valentines lingerie, but I did not pay attention. Scroll up, there was a discussion about that).

Hope I won't have to do that for very long as it'd mean I can't focus on challenges and films.
You can reset as much as you want, it will give you bonus. But math says, you will reach a point where you will need a certain amount of time to double your current reset bonus value. If that time is too long for your patience you hit your reset limit. My arbitrary limit is a month and that gives a reset bonus value of ~3000 to aim for. The rest of game bonus has to come from warp.

And if you choose your main girl from page 1 (or maybe 2), you can rather easily reset and complete her and do filming, practising and challenges.

If your game bonus is decent, you can reset and have Ice/Sanshi compete in a challenge in under the 20 minutes it takes to do the next challenge. Extend that to 4 hours if you want to do 2x 10 hour filming and 2x8 and 1x4 hour practise and you can have late page 2, early page 3 girls as your main girl. Provided your game bonus is high enough.