Quote Originally Posted by Hornypony View Post
The coaching stats are without clothing items. As all practise stats are. And all girls have 20% bonus, that counts as clothing bonus.

The plan is, to do 15+ wins with your best girl. And then get one after the other to her level and get 15+ wins with them.

All the while hoping, there will be enough diversity or a game change, so you will encounter enough different girls. Right now you only do challenge against the best girl of your opponent.

It is unknown, how the event girls will be treatet, when their event comes again.
Yea that’s what I was thinking. Do you know if this is considered an actual event or a permanent part of the game to build towards? I don’t see a time limit on the challenge screen. If it’s permanent, it could give the game more girl diversity since you can get them all to the same stats. People could then use their favorite instead of just the one they leveled the most when they first started playing. And thanks for the bit about the clothes. I forgot about those stats lol