Quote Originally Posted by Hornypony View Post

You can buy booster packs for diamonds now and get a free card every week.

Next thing I would expect is some kind of ladder overhaul where you loose points if you loose on the defence.

I thought that was new (in regards to a free card every week)

I got three questions about the "cards":

1. How do i level them up? i bet you its getting duplicate cards, which because i wont spend a cent on this game, will be a while.

2. I read that if you max out a card, you get overflow powder, which is then used to buy new cards. SO i guess this pertains to question one.

3. I was on freackles when i redeemed in my free booster card pack. So it seems being on the girl you want the card for is a thing. What i want to know is are there any cards that are shared among all girls? I also saw a few cards that had negative effects when i fought randoms. Has anyone else seen these attack cards from the opponent, slowing your progress?

Sorry bad english